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How can I deactivate my Facebook account?

I have been trying for YEARS to activate my FACEBOOK account. I finally was able to have them stop forwarding emails for me. Then in a few months they would start again.

I was told to go to MY account on the home page. I don't see account anywhere on my homepage.

*As I have said before Facebook is like the MAFIA once your are in they never let you go. ..and I can't even shoot facebook! LOL!


I just changed the language on the account to a very very foreign one!. I will keep trying to deactivate.. IT IS ASHAME THAT ONE CANNOT DELETE FACEBOOK!

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    For deactivate account go to

  • 9 years ago

    I Dont Think you can Delete your Facebook Account,but You can However De-Activate it and Let Nobody See your account again...To Do So,You Must Go to Account Settings>Security>De-Activate your Account(The Last Option Under "Active Sessions")

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