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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetInternetFacebook · 5 days ago

Why do i get the most views on my stories when i post a photo of me but not so much views when i post random things and not my photo?

3 Answers

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Stop Posting this Question you have Posted this over a Gazillion times Nobody is going to give you a Different Answer 

  • 5 days ago

    Still asking the same inane question, clown?  I sincerely pity your lack of intelligence.

  • 5 days ago

    How many times are you going to post this question?  

    It's a strange effect that people are more drawn to photos than to articles. the old "a picture is worth a thousand words" means a lot here, as many times people will get a lot from the photo, or at least enough to want to read more. When i created my blog, I noticed the same, even though a lot of the "pros" told me not to. By putting a photo at the top, it garnered more interest than those posts with none. I'm sure a psychologist could explain it better, but I recommend putting a photo in every post. use a photo which garners interest, or curiosity. This will make them want to read the article. 

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