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Could second hand smoke cause me to fail my oral drug test?

I was at a concert last night (Def Leppard and Poison) so needless to say there was a lot of pot smoking going on. There was a person in front of me and someone to the side of me smoking but not constantly, just once in a while. I moved every time I could smell the weed to not breath it in. I have an oral swab drug test on monday at 2:30 so it's 60 hours away. Will me being around pot smoke hurt my drug test? I didnt take a hit or anything just may have inhaled a tiny bit.

2 Answers

  • Keith
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take your concert ticket to the testing and ask them that question. That way you have preempted any negative results.

  • 5 years ago

    hahahah no, don't sweat it. Unless they were hardcore hotboxing the room, you're fine. If you were only tehre two minutes, and they were not hotboxing, you'd have just got enough to maybe fog you over a bit for a littel while that night, but you probs didn't notice it. My brother sat in on a hotbox sesh once and he was in with us like 10 minutes there were 6 of us and a small room and we were hotboxing, he barely got glazed enough for me to notice it was in his system. It is kinda sketch that you took the test 48 hours later, but my hunch is your fine. It also depends on what kind of test. If it was a mouth swab test, i doubt it becuase you have to smoke legitly less than three days from teh test for it to show up. Even if it was a bonafide hardcore UA, then still i doubt it for several reasons: 1)The test measures THC breakdown byproducts in your urine, and 48 hours would not be enough to show up these byproducts from fat breakdown by your metabolism 2) The amount in your system was negligible. Two minutes in a normal sized room, even if you were in the toking circle, since you didn't partake directly, would probably get you the equivalent of less than a third of a legit hit on the pipe. The percent of that smoek that's actually THC, since it's already been in someone elses lungs, is also lower than normally it would be if you were actually smoking. IN the end, the low amount of exposure and low concentratiton and body absorption over 48 hours pretty much = negligible traces. 3) All together, i would almsot BET that you're completely fine. and even fi you aren't, as long as you don't smoke in the next week or so, if the results come in as you DO have thc in your system, just contest the resuslts. Most people do a secondary screening, and in that second one you'll DEFINTIELY be clear of it, as long as you don't do anything dumb in the meantime. Best of luck, but i doubt you'll need it =]

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