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Christians - if a baby dies at birth due to a lack of oxygen do they go to heaven or hell?

They certainly haven't accepted Jesus Christ as their savior right? So which is it, special pleading or God thinks babies deserve to be tortured forever in Hell?


Candy and Antie Pantie - the Bible states all who don't accept Jesus are sent to Hell.

20 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    Many believe that the wicked will go to a fiery hell and be tormented forever. Is this logical? The human life span is limited to 70 or 80 years. Even if someone perpetrated extreme wickedness for his whole lifetime, would everlasting torment be a just punishment? No. It would be grossly unjust to torment a man forever for the limited number of sins that he can commit in a lifetime.

    Only God can reveal this information, and he has done so in his written Word, the Bible. Here is what the Bible says: “As the [beast] dies, so the [man] dies; and they all have but one spirit . . . All are going to one place. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust.” (Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20) There is no mention here of a fiery hell. Humans return to dust—to nonexistence—when they die.

    In order to be tormented, an individual has to be conscious. Are the dead conscious? No. “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) It is impossible for the dead, “conscious of nothing at all,” to experience the agonies of hellfire.

    Some maintain that the teaching of hellfire is useful, true or not. Why? They say it serves as a deterrent to wrongdoing. Is that true? Well, is the crime rate in regions where people believe in hellfire lower than in other places? Hardly! In fact, the doctrine of hellfire is very harmful. Will a person who believes that God torments people view torture as something abhorrent? Why should he? Those believing in a cruel god often become cruel like their god.

    In whatever way a reasonable person may look at the matter, he cannot accept the existence of a hell of torment. Logic rebels against it. Human nature is repelled by it. More important, God’s Word does not say that such a place exists. When a person dies, “he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.”—Psalm 146:4.

  • 9 years ago

    Our English translation does have the word hell in it, but this is an obvious translation error. Jesus never mentioned hell, although we see it this way in our bible. Jesus spoke of Gehenna, which was a literal place in Jerusalem. Translators replaced this word with hell to fit thier theology. God's word from start to finish gives two options, either we perish or we recieve eternal life. John 3:16 is perhaps the most well known accounts of this.

    Greek mythology made the claim that all men had immortal souls, which is why they developed Hades and tartarus...we seem to have adopted this as Christianity mixed with the Roman empire. Being a believer in Christ isn't the only way into God's kingdom, there is also the possibility of being judged according to the law...and as a child being born yet dying durring the birth process, they would be without sin. If you want to see more on how this doctrine became a part of christianity go to my site

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Babies, or anyone under the age of accountability or not competent to understand the concept of sin goes to heaven at death. There is a scripture verse that says, "it is not the will of God that anyone should perish but for ALL to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. God does not take delight in seeing people miss out on heaven. Hell was meant for satan and fallen angels, NOT for God's creation.

  • 9 years ago

    Heaven. A baby never got the chance to make the choice. This is also implied in 2 Samuel chapter 12:22.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    That is the classic question which was asked of the theologians.

    Their reply was "The answer is in limbo." Latin for margins.

    In other words, only GOD knows who goes to Heaven or Hell.

    But people can only be judged on the basis of what they know.

    That is not a direct quote of the Bible, look it up.

    Source(s): Catholic Deacon
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago


    Then God said to me, “There will be times that I will speak to you in

    the Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek languages.” God began to speak to

    me in the Hebrew and Greek languages. He said to me, “There are

    four words that I am going to use that are throughout the Bible to

    describe Hell. The first is a Hebrew word, Sheol [sheh-ole’], which

    is the world of the dead or the grave. This place is where the souls of

    the ungodly and the godly men and women came when they died

    centuries ago. The second is Greek—Hades [hah’-dace], which is

    the place of departed souls and spirits, or where a sinner goes after

    death. However, before my crucifixion and resurrection, Hades was

    divided into two sections that were separated by a large impassable

    gulf, which I created. The upper right side of Hades was called both

    Abraham’s Bosom and Paradise. The Room of the Cursed is a portion

    of what once was Abraham’s Bosom in Hades. I will allow you to see

    the Room of the Cursed before your tour comes to an end in the

    Outer Darkness of Hell. In the cursed Paradise of the Outer Darkness

    of Hell, it was very pleasant. It had streams of water running through

    it, and green trees. It looked much like a beautiful well-maintained

    park. It contained the souls of all of those persons who had died and

    put their trust in me as God during the Old Testament period, up until

    the time of the death and resurrection of your Lord and Savior Jesus

    Christ. All those human spirits that were in the Paradise of Hades

    [Hell] were very much conscious. They were not soul-sleeping. They

    were quite alive. After the crucifixion, I spent three days in Hades,

    preaching to the spirits that were there.”

    The third word to describe Hell is also a Greek word, which is

    Tartaros [Tar-tar-os’]. Tartaros is this portion of Hell that I want

    you to see specifically. This is the reason why I brought you here to

    Hell: so you can be a witness to all back on Earth, testifying that

    there is a place of severe punishments and judgment for those who

    disobey my Holy Word, which is called the Holy Bible. This place is

    called the Outer Darkness of Hell. Tartaros has many jail cells. I

    spoke of Tartaros in my Holy Word. This portion of Hell contains the

    angels who sexually sinned with the women of the Earth before

    Noah’s flood. I only mentioned Tartaros one time throughout the

    entire Bible: in the book of 2nd Peter, the second chapter, verse four.”

    “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down

    to Hell [Tataros], and delivered them into chains of darkness,

    to be reserved unto judgment;” - 2 Peter 2:4 KJV

    “These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a

    tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever.”

    2 Peter 2:17 KJV

    While Out of My Body, I Saw God, Hell and the Living Dead

    Jesus is the only way.

  • 9 years ago

    Heaven 100%

  • 9 years ago

    Matthew 19:14

    New International Version (NIV)

    14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

  • 9 years ago

    As much as I'm sorry to hear that that happens, there is no heaven or hell. The child will simply be in the same place as it was before it was born.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    At the age of understanding right from wrong, they become ultimately responsible for the destination of their soul. If they die before they know right from wrong they go to Heaven because they didn't have a choice in choosing to believe or not.

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