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  • Rate my Pokemon White team?

    Having finished the game, this is a team I plan to use for mostly competitive battling. Here is the team I thought about using:

    Sawk - Ability: Sturdy, Adamant nature

    Moveset: Brick Break, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Close Combat

    Dragonite - Ability: Inner Focus, Jolly nature

    Moveset: Dragon Claw, Fly, Fire Punch, Thunderpunch

    Weavile - Ability: Pressure, Adamant nature

    Moveset: Ice Punch, Night Slash, Iron Tail, Shadow Claw

    Magnezone - Ability: Sturdy, Timid nature

    Moveset: Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam, Thunder

    Gardevoir - Ability: Synchronize, Timid nature

    Moveset: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Psyshock

    Excadrill - Ability: Sand Rush, Jolly nature

    Moveset: Earthquake, Rock Slide, X-Scissor, Iron Head

    Also note that I have/will be EV training all of these pokemon with a full 252 EV's for speed and their respective attacking stats (Attack for Sawk, Dragonite, Weavile, and Excadrill, Special Attack for Gardevoir and Magnezone). Is this a good team for post-main game purposes? Critiques or comments are welcomed.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Why do Christians always say to atheists "evidence is everywhere, you just REFUSE to accept it"?

    And NEVER, EVER, actually provide this evidence? Literally I've never seen a Christian actually provide evidence after making this very claim.

    So what's this evidence you speak of? "Look all around, a God must have done all this/Something can't come from nothing?" = argument from ignorance.

    "There's historical evidence of Jesus" = we have a small collection of highly ambiguous documents that, at best, prove the existence of a peace-preaching Jewish rabbi, but not that he had magical powers.

    So what is this evidence?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why is it that Christians always say to atheists "evidence is abounds, you just won't accept it"?

    And NEVER, EVER, actually provide this evidence? Literally I've never seen them provide it after making this claim.

    So what's this evidence you speak of? "Look all around, a God must have done all this/Something can't come from nothing?" = argument from ignorance.

    "There's historical evidence of Jesus" = we have a small collection of highly ambiguous documents that, at best, prove the existence of a peace-preaching Jewish rabbi, but not that he had magical powers.

    So what is this evidence?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, can you account for the problem of evil given this pre-rebuttal?

    When I ask Christians about the problem of evil (and I don't mean things related to human free will, like wars. I mean things like cancer, and people who pray to God to heal it but die anyway, hunger, etc.) they always say stuff like "God had a bigger plan for them in the afterlife."

    This argument, however, makes human life valueless in a Christian worldview. It should be, obviously, because Christianity teaches that there is an afterlife and if you were a good Christian you will be in paradise forever. If this were the case, however, murder wouldn't be a bad thing (what if you were just killing someone so they could go to heaven?) and human life would be valueless, which is something that Christians usually don't say.

    So now, sticking with the cancer example, what is God doing when a cancer patient prays for his cancer to be healed and dies anyway?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • To all the theists who ask atheists how they think the universe began?

    More often than not, when I see a theist who tries to pull this card, they're trying to stump the atheist, and say "well, you don't know and I do, therefore God!"

    I'm sorry to burst your bubble of non-reality, but you don't know either, using a scientific definition of knowledge. You have to actually prove your God exists before thinking that you have a better answer than atheists, otherwise you haven't accounted for anything at all. Science could just as easily make up an answer and assert it to be true without any evidence, just as you have, the difference is simply dishonesty on your part.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do Christians refuse to accept their burden of proof?

    One of the stupidest things I see is when theists (they tend to be Christians) say "well, you can't prove God doesn't exist."

    Now, it's not true that you can't prove a negative, but YOU have the burden of proof. You are making a positive claim about reality, atheists are rejecting it. Atheists are NOT necessarily asserting that there is no God - there's a difference. In a similar sense, if I claimed to have an invisible dragon in my garage, it wouldn't be up to you to disprove it, it would be up to me to prove it.

    This is not meant to be a rant, it's a question. Because we bring this up all the time and you never actually listen or understand. Is it a hard concept?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians - if a baby dies at birth due to a lack of oxygen do they go to heaven or hell?

    They certainly haven't accepted Jesus Christ as their savior right? So which is it, special pleading or God thinks babies deserve to be tortured forever in Hell?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, do you really believe in a loving God?

    ...who will burn us FOREVER for a FINITE crime?

    I know the knee-jerk reaction to this is "we're all fallen sinners, we all deserve it unless we repent." You don't seriously think anyone deserves eternal punishment for a finite crime, do you? There's NO possible finite crime, of any magnitude, that deserves eternal punishment. That's absolutely ridiculous.

    Do you really think this is a loving God?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, why is it that you claim God answers prayer when it's convenient?

    But when it's inconvenient, claim that God won't intervene with our free will?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, why do you believe what you believe?

    Note: I'll be keeping a tally for arguments from ignorance (ie. "how else could everything have got here?")

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, how do you know slavery is wrong?

    Anyone who has read their Bible knows that it blatantly, explicitly advocated slavery. And even if you were to use the Old Testament cop-out, the Bible certainly never says slavery is wrong. So how do you know that it is, if you get your morals from the Bible?

    And if you're honest enough to admit you know that slavery is wrong via some other reasoning mechanism (it causes harm, treating people the way you want to be treated, etc.), you really don't get your morals from the Bible at all do you?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, how do you know slavery is wrong?

    A simple question. Note that using the Old Testament cop-out won't work, as I'm just asking you what you personally think. While you may want to pick and choose from the Bible whatever it is you want, the Bible never remotely denounces slavery (quite the opposite, in fact), so how do you know it's wrong? Do you really get your morals from the Bible?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, if God told you to go rape a 6 year old girl would you do it?

    Simple question. If your God told you to rape a 6 year old girl would you do it? Would that be morally correct? If not, then God is not your source of morality. If so, I think it's safe to say you're morally bankrupt.

    Also, please don't just say "God would never order that." I am very aware that you think your God would never do that. If all you have to say is "God would never do that, so this is a bad question," don't answer. It's called a hypothetical.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, why does your moral God support slavery?

    We've all seen the Bible quotes about slavery:

    "Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves." (Leviticus 25:44)

    "Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property." (Exodus 21:20)

    Is this the same being from which you claim to get your source of morality? If so, that's a bit frightening. This God is clearly advocating slavery (and NOT peaceful servitude, as I've heard some Christians claim, it explicitly allows you to beat your slave with a rod, and you won't even be punished if it takes the slave more than 2 days to die).

    Also, you can't use the "it's the Old Testament" argument. Jesus says specifically in the New Testament that none of the old testament law will be changed. And in any case, aren't the 10 Commandments in the Old Testament? Why aren't you tossing those out?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Trumpet big problem with air escaping from my embouchure?

    I'm a lead trumpet player in my high school band. Recently I developed an excessive pressure problem because some of the notes I have to hit are at the very top of my range. To fix this, I started practicing with a minimum amount of pressure. My range was a good full octave lower while doing this, but it gave my corners a huge workout. After a few days of doing this, I noticed my lead sound and range had improved.

    Now, just randomly, after doing this for not even a week, one day all my lip strength is completely gone. I experience the classic leak in my embouchure where air escapes from the SECOND I begin to play, regardless of fatigue, and my endurance has quite literally gone down to almost nothing. This is clearly a lip strength problem. Is this due to the playing without pressure overworking my muscles? If so, what do I do?? This is extremely stressing, as I need to be able to play.

    Also, I've heard people suggest it's a mouthpiece problem, but I can't change mouthpieces at the moment. I'm currently using a Bobby Shew Lead, and it's the only mouthpiece that allows me to hit all the notes I need to. I'm planning on going deeper, maybe to Monette or something, when my lips get stronger but obviously they aren't now.

    3 AnswersJazz9 years ago
  • Trumpet big problem with air escaping from my embouchure?

    I'm a lead trumpet player in my high school band. Recently I developed an excessive pressure problem because some of the notes I have to hit are at the very top of my range. To fix this, I started practicing with a minimum amount of pressure. My range was a good full octave lower while doing this, but it gave my corners a huge workout. After a few days of doing this, I noticed my lead sound and range had improved.

    Now, just randomly, after doing this for not even a week, one day all my lip strength is completely gone. I experience the classic leak in my embouchure where air escapes from the SECOND I begin to play, regardless of fatigue, and my endurance has quite literally gone down to almost nothing. This is clearly a lip strength problem. Is this due to the playing without pressure overworking my muscles? If so, what do I do?? This is extremely stressing, as I need to be able to play.

    Also, I've heard people suggest it's a mouthpiece problem, but I can't change mouthpieces at the moment. I'm currently using a Bobby Shew Lead, and it's the only mouthpiece that allows me to hit all the notes I need to. I'm planning on going deeper, maybe to Monette or something, when my lips get stronger but obviously they aren't now.

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • Trumpet big problem with air escaping from my embouchure!?

    I'm a lead trumpet player in my high school band. Recently I developed an excessive pressure problem because some of the notes I have to hit are at the very top of my range. To fix this, I started practicing with a minimum amount of pressure. My range was a good full octave lower while doing this, but it gave my corners a huge workout. After a few days of doing this, I noticed my lead sound and range had improved.

    Now, just randomly, after doing this for not even a week, one day all my lip strength is completely gone. I experience the classic leak in my embouchure where air escapes from the SECOND I begin to play, regardless of fatigue, and my endurance has quite literally gone down to almost nothing. This is clearly a lip strength problem. Is this due to the playing without pressure overworking my muscles? If so, what do I do?? This is extremely stressing, as I need to be able to play.

    2 AnswersJazz9 years ago
  • Christians, why hasn't God given us any evidence that he exists?

    If God is loving and wants us all to be saved, wouldn't he want us to know he even exists?

    Before you answer, don't attempt the "free will" argument. This is debunked by the fact that according to your Bible, Satan knew God exists and still chose to rebel against him. Knowledge that he exists would not breach our free will into automatically believing in him.

    Also, if you use the "look all around you, there's evidence everywhere" argument, be aware that there are proven, scientific, completely secular explanations for all of this natural beauty,

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago