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Christians, if God told you to go rape a 6 year old girl would you do it?

Simple question. If your God told you to rape a 6 year old girl would you do it? Would that be morally correct? If not, then God is not your source of morality. If so, I think it's safe to say you're morally bankrupt.

Also, please don't just say "God would never order that." I am very aware that you think your God would never do that. If all you have to say is "God would never do that, so this is a bad question," don't answer. It's called a hypothetical.


stormbloom - are you illiterate? Or just stupid?

Update 2:

shahidameem - congratulations for finding another way to not answer the question. You know what I meant.

Update 3:

Best to Make it So - you're going to whine that it's an unfair question just because you can't answer it?

Update 4:

Alicia - again, I understand that it's hard for you to answer this question. But no matter how "unfair" or "bad" this question is, it's an extremely simple question. Your refusal to answer this stems from the fact that you know child rape is wrong, regardless of what your God would HYPOTHETICALLY say.

Update 5:

Best to Make it So - your question is invalid because of your false assumption that atheists have no source of morality. I suggest you educate yourself on the opposing side's positions.

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Scw, If a god said to me to rape 6, or 9 years old girl then certainly this the false god. There is true and loving God and there is a false and hateful god who is full of killing

    Source(s): Gospel
  • But since God would never order that, because He would never violate His own principles and that is clearly outside His principles, this is an unfair hypothetical.

    It would be like me asking, "Atheists, since you have no source for morality, would you rape a some guy's wife just because he is weaker than you?"

    Technically speaking, as far as evolution is concerned, the only real morality is that you are supposed to try to ensure that your genes make it to the next generation, and so does everyone else, and only the ones who succeed are strong and fit enough...therefore they make the next generation better. If you are stronger than one guy, then for the purpose of making the human race stronger you MUST kill him and take his wife and rape her so that she will have YOUR child, thus making the human race stronger.

    But you know this is an unfair application of the "survival of the fittest" principle, and that no Atheist should have to defend such a stupid application of the principle because no Atheist would apply it this way. So if you should not have to defend a stupid application of the principles of your beliefs, why should I have to defend a stupid application of the principles of my belief?


    Thus far you have been unable to answer my I to assume then that you are completely cool with killing a husband and raping his wife because you won't answer the question?


    Are you serious? Do you not in the least get the irony of this situation? You cannot possibly be this foolish.

  • Alicia
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    James 1:13-14 KJV

    "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

    But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed."

    God is Holy, there is no unrighteousness found in Him. Rape is a sin, the rape of children is obviously an abomination so I know that God would not entice me to do such a thing.

    I realize that this is a hypothetical question but it's not a good hypothetical question because you're trying to get me to say that I would do something evil if God told me to do it but this is absurd in that God would not tell me to do something evil.

    You're trying to base my moral character off of a foolish hypothetical like that but fail to realize that God is holy so if He told me to do something it would be a righteous thing and if I got the thought to sexually assault anyone I'd know that I left some sinful door open for Satan to attack me with such vile thoughts and I need to cry out to God.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm afraid, Christians, he's right. It doesn't matter whether the situation will happen or not. If you can determine that you shouldn't rape a 6-year-old *against* the instruction of God, no matter how preposterous this situation is, then fundamentally you are not taking the word of God as the definition of morality, and instead you are, most likely, merely aligning your subjective morality with God's by choice.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1. The Bible is full of Old Testament laws on sexual immorality, see the Wikipedia article on "Religion and Sexuality" (I chose Wikipedia becuase it is neutral, neither religious or irreligious). I think if I cite an OT law verse I will just get passed off as "justifying" sexual perversion especially since you seem to asserrt that the OT and the whole bible is immoral (I'm not offended, i'm just pointing it out).

    2. Sexual Immoral Acts are completely condemned in the New Testament as well as the Old Testament (1 Corinth 6:18, Ephesians 5:5. The Bible says that we are a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corin 6:19) and says we are made in the image of God (Gen 1:27).

    3. Now think of what you are saying. In order for God to have me to rape someone else would be also telling me to rape God's temple and his image. Even if you think that God is megolomaniacal, a selfish God would probably never want to attack his OWN IMAGE and his OWN TEMPLE because of just that, a "big ego".

    4. However, I don;t think God is selfish. But I still don't think we would tell me to rape someone else because doing that God would be in a sense "attacking himself". After all, if you are going to assert that the God of the Bible would ask me to do something immoral using the story of Abraham and Isaac then I can also use the Bible to challenge that. Now why would a just and loving God or (as you percieve him) an immoral monster want to ever attack himself?

    5. In conculsion, I have no reason to see why God would ask me to rape someone because it would violate God as well. God does not want people sinning against him and hurting other humans he made.

    6. Also, although your question was hypothetical, it seems to have been pulled out of thin air. I fopund it a tad challenging to answer because you gave me no premises (or a why) to as what situation might the God of the Bible would ask me to rape someone. If you want to get an answer from me to "What I would do", it is on you to give me a reasonable set of conditions and a premise as to why. If I think the conditions are reasonable then I will answer. SO far I see no reason to see why God would tell me to rape someone. Using the same logic I might as well ask "WOuld God tell me to blow up the universe?" or "Would God ask me to burn Bibles".

    7. But just for the sake of answering if God did ask me (he never would) then I would get on my knees, respectfully tell him no and tell him why with all due reverance. God is a God who listens.

  • I'm aware it's a hypothetical question, but still the Lord would never ask me to sin. That being said, I would do His will no matter what it is, even if I had to change my current state of mind to do it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm not christian, therefore I don't rape.

    In the same tone, in the US, 600 mothers each year, kill their children. In the majority of publicized cases, the mother said, god told her to do it. Christians scare me.

    There's nothing hypothetical about the death of a child.

  • 9 years ago

    According to the Bible God ordered someone to kill his brother/son to test his "loyalty" to him. Rape doesn't seem so far fetched.

    Edit: For all those saying God would never order something like that...what the hell was up with that whole Abraham story then? Religion is full of contradiction and excuses....

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Lol the good ol days in the bible belt. Christians are gonna say the clssic phrase..." The lord/ god works in mysterious ways"

    Lol hes not real.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Their god did want Abraham to sacrifice his own child, before "only joking!"

    And since he doesn't seem to have much of a problem with rape, who knows what he's capable of asking of his flock?

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