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Why are so many screen writers uneducated?

If I got $100 every time a screen writer referred to a "safe deposit box" as a "safety deposit box", I would be a rich man. I have heard the term misused at least three times in the past few days. What I want to know, is how do they deposit "safety" in a lockable metal box?


@imgeminirising—my ears are fine. I have a DVR and I play the dialog back several times to hear clearly that the actors are saying "safety deposit box" (6 syllables compared to 5). Now I suppose it may not always be the screen writer's fault, and I was wrong to insist that it was. It could be the actors say the line incorrectly (or possibly stutter on "de-deposit") while the director and crew fail to notice the difference. Still it's one of my pet peeves.

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check your ears...safeDeposit sounds the same as Safe Deposit.

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