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Lv 7
CJ asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Why is an idiot like Todd Akin on the House Science Committee?

He now believes that breast milk cures homosexuality.

What's next??? Jesus had a pet dinosaur????

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes indeed it's quite frightening. I wish he would drop out of the Senate race in Missouri. If he doesn't, I hope the voters vote against him in droves so we never have to hear him speak again.

  • 9 years ago

    Look at it this way: if a mother gives her son cholestrum in her milk, and holds him and nurses him, she might not be the sort of mother a son will hate enough to be turned off to all women.

    Furthermore, theoretically it seems likely that something in the cholestrum not only bolsters the immune system but could also bolster the hormonal system. and right now its only theoretical and unproven, but in the future it might become a recognized fact.

    It could be that Todd Akin is smarter than the average bear only this bear got it backwards. Its not that a woman's body naturally rejects a rapist's sperm, Its a woman's husband's sperm her body becomes allergic to and rejects.

    One of the antigens that is rejected by body is polysaccharide contained in sperms. Thus, sperm allergic reactions occurr when the body immune system is exposed to sperm antigen. This antigen automatically causes the body to produce an antibody against the sperms.

    That is why women who are faithful for years but can't get pregnant cheat once and poof, they swell.

    This condition causes the sperms to be considered as foreign materials and rejected to impregnate ovum. This process disables fertilization to happen.

    The most famous example is in the Bible. If you read the Bible, you may recall what happened to Sarah in Genesis. She was barren until she was 90 years old. She couldn't get pregnant from Abraham. Then the two of them went to Gerar. There she was taken into Abimelech's harem where he admitted to God that he never touched her but she laughs to learn she is pregnant. Was it in vitro fertilization or was he exactly what his name translated into English means... Abimelech litterally means "King of Fathers". He was so virile he could impregnate a 90 year old woman with out even having intercourse with her! Those little polywogs have been known to swim upstream, you know.

    Of course once he was born Abraham wanted to take the child up to the top of the mountain and slice his throat.... he knew it wasn't his! God told him to do it... yet he ended up adopting his nephew as his son and only in the next generation did the covenant with G-d return to the Aramean familial line when Jacob and Leah tricked Isaac when he was old and blind into giving Jacob the Aramean (of the seed of Bethuel the step father of Rebecca) the blessing of the covenant instead of his own son through superfundication... Esau (Edom) .

    Philistinians came from the Greek Islands in the Aegean Sea. Esau, like a Greek, was covered with red hair as the grandson of Abimelech would probably be. And not like an Aramean as Abraham and Sarah both were.

    We are fools to laugh at people the way the drowned majority laughed at Noah when he started building a boat on dry land before there was a cloud in the sky.

    Everyone including the pope laughed at Copernicus for stating the earth goes around the sun when of course everyone can see the sun crossing over our heads and clearly the sun goes around the earth.


    Todd Akin is no idiot. In fact he is on the right track except he got his foot caught in the track and in his mouth.... women's bodies can reject sperms alright, but not rapist's sperms. They reject their husband's sperms and are more likely to get pregnant from sperm their body does not recognize!

    People laughed at Leevanhoek when he told them tiny beasties in water molecules cause meat to rot and sickness to spread throughout our blood. Everyone thought he was a nut like you think this guy Akin is.

    Yet, lo and behold, today everyone knows that bacteria and viruses too small to see are indeed responsible for food rotting and disease.

    Source(s): Genesis 21 >> New American Standard Bible -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6Sarah said, “God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me.” 7And she said, “Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.”
  • 9 years ago

    Why should he be any different from any other politician?

    Source(s): z
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