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Lv 6

Christians: How is your god both all merciful and all just?

Not all of you make the claim that your deity matches those attributes, but a lot of you do.

Justice: The administering of deserved punishment or reward.

Mercy: The discretionary power of a judge to pardon someone or to mitigate punishment, especially to send to prison rather than invoke the death penalty.

So, how can any one entity be both of these things given that they are contradictory to one another? Either your deity deals out reward and punishment in a completely just manner or he is merciful and will not deal out punishment as deserved but will "go light" on those who "deserve punishment".

Which is it?


@Hope: How does torturing someone for eternity teach them anything?

Update 2:

@Hope: How does torturing someone for eternity teach them anything?

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    definite. the explanation He can is as a results of the fact He would not dispense justice and mercy from a human attitude. the way we glance at issues is often going to be clouded by using our ‘judgment’ and our delight. We declare to be ethical and in basic terms, yet we walk in sin daily. God would not and can't sin and is exterior our view. He has the entire photograph and we don't. definite God may well be thoroughly merciful and punctiliously in basic terms.

  • wgr88
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    God Matthew 1:23 Jesus is God with us John 1:1-3 Jesus was the member of The Godhead that created this planet and universe to start with, John 8:58 Jesus is The I AM same wording as in

    Exodus 3:14 has the same exact words I AM God that is why in verse 59 that Jesus was attacked for what He said,

    Now The Lord could not excuse sin so He Himself took the sin and the death of our sin [Isaiah 53] and if we are but willing to live up to the conditions on which it is given we will have His Life, Live forever On that cross Justice and Mercy kissed each other that way He can Justify those who come to Him for forgiveness of sin [1 John 1:9] Only those who refuse The Lord's gift of Life die forever

    [Revelation 20:14, 21:8 speak of the second death in hell, the "effects" of hell forever not the fire] so give The Lord His chance. = bible lessons, = bible.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible
  • 9 years ago

    Since God’s standard is one of perfect righteousness, he cannot countenance, or view with favor, sin, which is the violation of his express will. He is “gracious and merciful” and “rich in mercy” (Ps 145:8, 9; Eph 2:4); but he does not disregard justice in order to display mercy. As correctly observed in M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia (1894, Vol. VIII, p. 958), the relation between God and sinful man is thus “a legal one, as that of a sovereign, in his judicial capacity, and a criminal who has violated his laws and risen up against his authority, and who is therefore treated as an enemy.” This is the situation into which mankind was brought because of the inheritance of sin from their first father, Adam.

    The basis for reconciliation. It is only by and through the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus that full reconciliation to God is possible; he is “the way,” and no one comes to the Father except through him. (Joh 14:6) His death served as “a propitiatory sacrifice [Gr., hi·la·smon′] for our sins.” (1Jo 2:2; 4:10) The word hi·la·smos′ signifies a “means of appeasing,” an “atonement.” Clearly, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was not a “means of appeasing” in the sense of soothing hurt feelings on the part of God, mollifying him, for the death of his beloved Son certainly would produce no such effect. Rather, that sacrifice appeased, or satisfied, the demands of God’s perfect justice by providing the just and righteous basis for pardoning sin, so that God “might be righteous even when declaring righteous the man [the hereditarily sinful man] that has faith in Jesus.” (Ro 3:24-26) By supplying the means for expiating (making complete satisfaction for) man’s sins and unlawful acts, Christ’s sacrifice made it propitious (favorable) for man’s seeking and receiving a restoration to right relations with the Sovereign God.—Eph 1:7; Heb 2:17; see RANSOM.

  • 9 years ago

    Tha answer is in you of course (as Jesus always said ) You take God's Mercy or you get God's Justice. It really couldn't be any other way. People on here say, I will stand before God and show Him I am a great person ! -- Fine, and so Jesus replies "By your own words you will be condemned"

    So there's justice...the mercy is still on the table.

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  • 9 years ago

    That's why we have grace. It's not justice we ask for, it's mercy.

    It's like the story of Napoleon and mercy vs justice.

    Ah! Sire, mercy, mercy! ... For my father!

    Then, turning abruptly, Napoleon examined the suppliant with more attention, and said in a curt tone:

    —What is the name of your father? Who are you?

    —Sire, I am Mademoiselle Lajolais; my father will die.

    —Ah! Yes, I know, but Mademoiselle it is the second time that your father is guilty of an attack against the State. I cannot give him anything!

    —Alas! Sire, I know replied the poor child in her ingenuity; but the first time, Papa was innocent, and today, Sire, it is not justice that I ask you: it is mercy. Mercy for him!

    With these words, the Emperor, deeply touched,

    —Ah well! Yes, my child, I will grant mercy because of you

  • 9 years ago

    Awesome Question!

    God IS both merciful and just! He is just because He enforces a punishment for sin. The same punishment for all humans, death and hell. He is merciful because He loves us so much that He made a way to forgive our sins. He offers this forgiveness to all humans. God is just because He doesn't over look our sin, He made the way to remove our sin. The sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross took the place of our punishment for sin. He is the only perfect sacrifice for our sin because He is sinless. All we must do if accept His sacrifice and His mercy.

    Source(s): The Bible
  • J
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Mercy IS justice.

    Punishment has nothing to do with justice.

    This is the difference between what God means by the word "justice"

    and what humans mean by that word.


    Forgiveness, healing, redemption, self sacrifice, love.

    These are all examples of God's justice.

    When humanity understands that, and redefines its version of justice accordingly, we will finally have made a real step toward that thing that we all crave so much. . . peace.

  • 9 years ago

    He is merciful-because of the crucifixtion we are forgiven, because Jesus took our place

    He is just in that if you do not repent for your sins you will be punished for them

    I'm a young Christian but that's what I believe to be true.

    Also he does not cause the natrual disasters, but He does allow them to happen if they serve His purpose because all things work together for good.

    However, if you don't believe in God, that probably doesn't mean anything to you.

    EDIT- To all of you people that thumbs down every Christian answer- we're not thumbs-downing every athiest one. Be open-minded for once. And if the asker is going to do that, why ask the question?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    God is warrior on one hand, with his angels, he fights for our salvation

    Jesus on the other hand is the prince of peace, and he died to prove his obedience to God and to prove his mercy and love for mankind.

    no greater love has any man than jesus for he died for us all to bring about his marvelous work of salvation to them that obey, and to give us eternal life and immortality.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    God is all Just, this means that everyone has to go to Hell.

    Or some man needs to pay your penalty. This is why Jesus had to become a man and die for us.

    God is also all mercyful in that send His son to die for you to pay the penalty for your sins.

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