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Fellow Seniors, on that 9/11 event do you recall or know - ?

that there were three buildings that went down - the two towers were struck by aircraft - the third building collapsed like it was demoed - would like to know your thoughts on the subject?

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What I think is that someone doesn't want us to remember that, the same way they don't want us to know that the plane that crashed same day left a hole, no seats, no debris, nothing. Every other crash I've seen has debris spread over miles.

    Interesting, but I'll shut up now because there are people who just believe what "they" want us to hear. I would love to know the REAL story because I don't "buy" it.

  • 9 years ago

    I was on my way to the grocery store, stopped for a red light when I heard the news of something being hit, I went to the store anyway because I didn't think it was real. When I came back I turned the tv on and sure enough it was doing the replay of one builidng being hit, people running and then later the pentagon being hit, then later about a plane coming down in PA. I was glued, really glued to the tv for several days, day and night and hardly had any sleep at all, I didn't want to miss anything. I saw people jumping. I saw the plane inside the pentagon. I saw people coming down the stairs. But it was a long time after all this played out that I heard about any other building having collapsed and i figured if one did collapse (I've never seen a picture of a third building) that it was either from the heat (too close to the other two) or because one building fell against the other. I did hear that something was wrong with the steel in those buildings in that they couldn't withstand that hot of a fire so they melted and bent making the buildings come down. I copied a lot of pictures from the internet. I even sent away for a cd that had pictures of the event on it (but like everything else my replacement computers can't play them). Coast-to-coast (a nighttime radio show) has reviewed and discussed 9/11 extensively and with several speakers. Probably if you join up you can review the podcasts on their website. I think it's

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    9 years ago


    Popular mechanics commissioned a study by a team of top engineers to research the issue and published an extensive paper explaining all the events of 9/11, which concluded that ALL the damage was the result of the terrorist planes.

    This was published several years ago..

  • S
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes there was that other smaller building by the two towers it was a financial building from what I heard and remember. I heard it collapsed from the fall out and explosion. There are people tonight that swear on their bottom dollar that gunman at Colorado theater did not work alone. Could still be out there ready to strike again.

    I don't imagine there is anything more to that other building other than it was too small and close to the other two. The plane that went down in the field they figured was most likely headed to the capitol or White house. We will never know exactly where.

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  • 9 years ago

    The plane in Pennsylvania headed for the White House did not crash of its own accord. I know the Twin Towers went down and saw it on television just as they said the U.S. was under attack. I was horrified. I do not remember a third building going down, but thought it was one of the Twin Towers which collapsed from the inside because of the way it was built. The Pentagon was hit by something, but it was never disclosed what it was, and it said that "building 7" was hit also. People who saw that plane in Pennsylvania said there were booms as if it was hit by a missile.

    Source(s): Me.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I just learned that the magic trick where they cut the person in half - and the feet still move - that they are fake feet operated by remote control. I never thought of that.

    Now, what are you asking me? Ok. Yes, I think John Wilkes booth acted alone but he had many sympathizers and some help.

    In other words, how could I or anyone here know this - and if someone knew the 100% truth - how could they be believed w/so many voices shouting answers - -

    you wanna join me for a picnic at the beach? Fresh mussels, papaya salad.. etc.

  • Power
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I worked in a school & there were 9 kids in my class & I think we were told half of the kids in that school had relatives that worked in D.C. So I was called out of the room & into the hall. I was told we are not telling the students yet but here is what happened.

    One of the teachers was hysterical because her son went to GWU & she thought he might have been harmed. So I remember comforting her. We got the kids who could call parents to call so they could be reassured. I worked with only one child & I remember we sat waiting for the bus to come pick her up & it took hours cause the bus drivers were not prepared to come pick the kids up so early.

    Being so close to D.C. was weird cause traffic was different. I felt horrible but about 2 days later when I met with my spiritual group I had a very different view of it all. God is in charge. I think Marrianne Williamson wrote about her view of what happened. She has the same view as the people at my spiritual center & that was a great relief for me to see this in a very different way that the mass consciousness of the country.

    Instead of going to war we could have taken a spiritual approach but that is not what we did & we have paid for it now.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    saw the whole thing on Television whilst I was on holiday n Spain,but I lived in London during the Blitz which lasted from September 1940 until April 1941 and saw many buildings fall,not I admit as powerful as the Towers, I was in New York in 1993 when there was a bomb in the car park.

  • 9 years ago

    Actually, WTC 7 collapsed like it had received severe structural damage from a larger building collapsing into it and that it had been burning for several hours. It did not collapse like a controlled demolition, nor were any explosives found in the debris.

  • 9 years ago

    We lost a 26 year old nephew on 9/ll and his father has all kinds of theories as to what happened. I sat next to him and he talked for hours about that day. I would say what I think,but I have no proof. Thousands of families will never be the same and one thing that keeps crossing my mind is-what would we do if we found out the truth?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    A bit off of your question but, after 69 years on this planet, there are only two events that happened in my life that I remember like yesterday. The JFK assassination and 9/11 to me were events of such import that I can remember when they happened, where I was and who I was with.

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