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Christians and Muslims: I'm thinking about converting to Islam or Christianity I'm not sure...?

Just give me an answer on why your religion (Christianity/Islam) is the true and why the other one isn't. Thank You, once I've read all the answers I'll convert to that religion sometime this week or next week.


Okay, so after reading all of the answers, I'm an atheist now.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because what Greater way for God To Show His Divine Love & Mercy for us all than to Come down from Heaven & Die for all our sins?

    As for Islam: what exactly was the message Muhammad revealed that the last & greatest of all God's prophets? That there is Only One God? That had already been revealed for over a thousand years, starting with Abraham, & then Moses, when God Chose him to lead the Children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt.

    If you are seriously thinking of converting to Christianity, then I suggest contacting your local Catholic Church, & inquire about the RCIA(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)Programme. It starts in September(which means its just about to begin, so you should contact the Catholic Church quickly), & runs until Easter.

  • 9 years ago

    Speaking as a devout Christian, I don't think you need to convert to a religion.

    Judging by the wording of your question, it doesn't seem like you are in some spiritual crisis. If you are seeking some kind of greatest guidance in your life, I would suggest talking to a therapist. This is a highly sensitive and important decision that shouldn't be determined by an anonymous internet vote. After talking it over with a therapist, go speak to an Imam and a Pastor. Get a feel for what kind of people attend that place. Both religions are incredibly diverse, and it is important to find a worship community that you feel comfortable with.

    If you aren't seeking higher guidance, I would suggest not bothering with religion. Both Christianity and Islam demand a significant time commitment and sacrifice. Islam is especially strict with the Ramadan fasting period and various dietary restrictions. I don't know much about it but I know that it is generally more strict than most Christian churches.

    That being said, religion has a tremendous potential to enrich your life and make you a more sensitive, compassionate person. The right worship community can become like a second family, and good guidance from a Pastor or Imam can keep your life on the right track. But none of these things are necessary to lead a good life, and they can all be found elsewhere.

    You really shouldn't make this decision based on our feedback.

    Source(s): Life as a Methodist Christian.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I'm atheist, but I don't want to be one of those people who try to convert others, so I recommend Christianity. Why? It's better, and the founder of Islam had sex with a nine-year old girl, Islam is basically a cheap knockoff of Christianity, and Islam enforces killing non-Muslims.

  • 9 years ago

    Islam. Simple:

    Christianity is confusing and won't make you happy with what you believe in (no offence) because Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God. At the same time, they believe that God is three: Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Father. But... if Jesus is part of God, then how on earth is he the son at the same time. Besides that, Christians believe that Jesus died on a cross. If Jesus is part of God, then the Jews that killed him are stronger than the Christian God?! Also, Jesus is not God because he himself says in the Christian Holy Book (Which changes every time): "Don't call me Good, only God is Good". So why do Christians still believe that Jesus is God. This is only a bit of Christianity confusions, there are much more when you get the know the religion.

    However, Islam. The religion of peace, teaches us that there is only one God named Allah. This God is the most forgiving and He has no sons, daughters, or partners. Allah is one of his kind. Furthermore, if you're thinking that Allah won't forgive you for not becoming a Muslim, then no. Because if you convert to Islam then all your sins are forgiven. You start all over again.

    Choose Islam, it's the religion of peace. We believe in the right, we follow the Holy Book called Quran which has never changed since it was revealed. Don't spend lots of time thinking about it... convert now! You might die at any time, and you don't want to face Allah and tell him that you were planning to... Convert now, say: Ashadu ana la ilah ila Allah, wa ashadu ana Muhammed rasool Allah. (Meaning: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammed (PBUH) is his messenger).

    May Allah lead you to the right path, dear brother. :)

    Source(s): Me. :)
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  • 9 years ago

    That's not the way it works. I don't have to make a case for following Jesus and living His way of life and love. You need to be personally convicted that Jesus is God and is the way, the truth and the life. That's a spiritual thing generated by God Himself.

  • 9 years ago

    Just youtube muslim dies and sees jesus, muslim converts to christianity after near death, muslim honor killings, muslim evil crimes, muslim baby killers. And you will see the truth all christianity ask to claim jesus death on the cross for your sins. Also youtube died and saw jesus your eyes will open :) !jesus is love & forgiveness muslims are sick people who murder other religions just google and youtube it :)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    as christians our faith is based on a person not a religion. jesus christ, god in the flesh, living a sinless life, doing miracles noone has ever done or will do, dying sacrificially to pay the price for our sins and rising from the dead in three days ever lives to save those who trust in his love and mercy and blood of forgiveness. rom 10.9 to 13. can compare to jesus christ?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The bible is corrupted. Nowadays, Christians drink alcohol, commit fornication, eat swine, etc. They go against the word of God and they worship a creation.

    BUT, you have to choose what your heart wants. You cannot just decide based on answers here.

  • 9 years ago

    You cannot decide for yourself which to decide? You need someone else to make that decision for you? You are a sheep. Either religion will do.

  • 9 years ago

    Islam because its right.

    And because we respect and love all the prophets not just Muhammad.

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