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Christians: Why do you believe in the Bible?

When it was written by stone-age MEN. Even the parts that say: "Hey, the Bible is inspired by God", were written by HUMANS.

Logic. SHA-WING!


@NCWJ: My dad knows Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin. Does that make him qualified to add another chapter to the Bible?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I began to believe because over forty years ago I had a life changing encounter with the God of the Bible, and He instantly delivered me from depression and caused me to become a born again Christian, even though at the time I had never heard of such a thing.

    When I began to read the Bible,. I discovered what had happened to me was written about in that book along, and I realized the God who changed my life was the God of the Bible.

    Since then I have learned to take for what it claims to be - the word of the eternal Creator God; and I have never been disappointed in putting my trust in that word. Through it I have salvation, healing, health, strength, wisdom, courage, peace, hope, understanding, freedom from fear, freedom from anxiety, and a confident assurance of eternal life.

    How do you suppose "stone age men" predicted the future so many times, so accurately?

  • 9 years ago

    In the first few centuries of the Christian Church, heresies crept into the church. So they decided to put together Holy Scripture. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the leaders of the young Church prayerfully compiled those writings which they discerned to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. They had many criteria for determining which books of the numerous documents they had would go into our canon.Out of thousands of Christian writings that had been written up to that point, they narrowed it down to the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Tanakh (what we call the Old Testament), and 27 documents supposedly written by Apostles or their companions.

    I accept the canon we have today because I stand on the shoulders of giants when it comes to theology. I do not take everything in this canon to be historical or scientific fact (I am an evolutionary creationist, after all), but I do believe everything to be found in the Bible was intentionally placed there under the influence of the Holy Spirit. As a Christian, it is my duty to figure out what the Holy Spirit says to us through these Holy Writings.

    Source(s): History
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    To be 'Christian' is to be 'Christ like'...up to feasible. Christ believed, and taught, that the scriptures are motivated by way of God. If you do not suppose that, you're no longer Christian. You are not able to understand something approximately Jesus except you suppose the Bible is correct, and the one method it may be correct is whether it is motivated by way of God. God dictated to individuals who competently transcribed what God stated. At least one replica of scripture is correct and motivated. King James had over six hundred of the worlds' most sensible professionals in Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, Greek, History, and so forth, at the committee he used to research quite a lot of manuscripts, fragments, and so forth, of his day, and arise with the english variation of the Bible now referred to as the King James Version. It is probably the most correct. Others have been written so as to add, or subtract, from Gods' phrase, and so difference the which means of doctrines. Or they have been written to make matters less complicated to recognize...which best allow mistakes creep in. No different variation had as many professionals operating on it. If the KJV is filled with mistakes, then you may also as good say it's all a hoax, and stop believing any of it. Christ is discovered by way of The Book. If you disbelieve the Book-The Bible-you disbelieve Christ. Haul off, and make a resolution. Do you have got religion adequate to suppose-chiefly in The Bible-or have Atheists, Agnostics, and so forth, bullied you into feeling dull for believing in The Bible? Time to decide on.

  • 9 years ago

    To me,its written/re-interpreted by the Hebrews..The stories were actually based on the Ancient Times,or the Times of Lemuria,Sumer,& Atlantis of course..

    There have been other Gods besides the Xtian God in that time..Some of the gods were into Control on our Ancient Ancestors.

    As for your Question...Well,the Bible is part of the Xtian beliefs,just like the Quran is part of

    Islamic beliefs..So obviously.

    Source(s): Spiritualist. Been reading about the Ancient Sumerian History & how the Bible originated.
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Stone age men who knew greek, hebrew, latin and aramaic


    And it was Bronze and Iron Age

    get some viagra

    Source(s): I wasn't answering your question...I was pointing out the stupidity of it, I guess that went over your head too
  • 9 years ago

    Your Dad is strictly not an authority to be given the task to write the BibleI I am a Linguist too, and I keep my mouth shut. We of course believe in the Holy Bible. It has given us the happiness and joy that we have always . I suggest you read it too, to gain some knowledge about your purpose in life. You are a young kid , I know and I urge you to learn from the good book rather than you pals in school.. They know nothing themselves. LOL

    Source(s): Myself
  • 9 years ago

    Stone age would be like cave men.

    There was iron, gold, silver, bronze and civilzations with advanced engineering and agricultural tools at the time the bible writers penned it.

  • 9 years ago

    Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart. 13 And there is not a creation that is not manifest to his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.

  • 9 years ago

    1. Its the most accurate book ever

    2. They are authors of the bible, just like a writer writes & then demands authorship

    3. Archeological, Science, & Just creation support the bible

    4. God exists & Jesus did die on the cross

    5. We live by faith not by sight

  • 9 years ago

    Yes I do. All of it.

    And Bible wasnt written in stone age...

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