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Lv 7
Maquis asked in Computers & InternetSecurity · 9 years ago

How Can I Surf Safely?

Ok, here's the deal. There's a website that I'd like to visit but I have a suspicion that it might contain malware. I'm savvy enough not to enter any personal info onto a site and I'd never download anything from them, however I know that nowadays sites can hijack a computer without the user even knowing just by visiting the site. What do I need to do to protect myself?

If it helps, I'm using Firefox (the latest version, I think) and I have Java disabled in the browser for now.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    use a sandbox web browser - sandbox Firefox:

    Get the idea ?

    I'm using Firefox (the latest version, I think)

    Read & run:

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you have a good computer, meaning a decent processor, and a decent amount of ram, then install, and use Sandboxie. It surrounds, and keeps your browser in a sandbox environment while you surf the web, and no malware can get through. When you are done using your new sandboxie browser, you just empty Sandboxie, and if any malware did try to come in through your browser, it get deleted, and will not harm your computer in any way. Watch these videos:

    This is a two part test, sorry if it's mind numbing to watch.

    I have found Sandboxie can slow down a weaker computer, but it is the best protection method.

  • satish
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    you can download chromium os and run it as a vm uisng vmplayer .

    In that whatever blink links you click( on a malicious website will not affect your windows machine ).

    if you do not have any idea what i am talking about ,forget this.

    try this

    if this website you are watching is not based on java script ui(which i doubt). disable java-script only for this website. lots of malicious code is triggered by java-script.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The easy and secure method is a pen-drive Linux or a VMware or some virtual PC software.

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