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Beaty asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

Playful dog shows symptoms of.....What is wrong with my dog?


Some background on the canine situation first: I live in a beach town that has ticks of all colors and sizes: tiny red ones to big white and gray ones. There are a lot of stray dogs and a lot of them get diseases like scabbies, malnutrition, ricketsia, etc.

I have 2 dogs who had their share of fleas and ticks at one point but were taken care of and are now healthy clean well fed dogs. They are behid a locked gate so there is no contact with other dogs EXCEPT when someone leaves the gate open and they dart out onto the street, usually we run and get them back within minutes.

My 2.5 year old female (rescued stray-to-be that could be a doberman pinscher mix) is very very active and playful, she eats well but always has the skinny look which is normal for her.

A few days ago we noticed that she would hide under the car and not come out at all! not even to eat, we would put her food and water bowls down with her. She loves walks but would refuse to come out, eventually she stopped eating and wagging her tail.

2 days ago we literally dragged her out from underneath the car and as soon as we got her out the gate she seemed normal, a bit of wagging and wanting to play ALTHOUGH she looked sore, she would turn her head and have a hard time turning it back, she walked slowly but happily, stopping whenever she saw another dog as if she was scared. We figured she must've gotten in a fight and she is just sore and scared.

She started eating after we bathed her food in tuna or egg and drink a little. Last night she went on a short run with us BUT NOW she will not eat or drink, her feet at swollen at the bottom, she vomited and had a little bit of mucus there, she keeps licking her lips as if she had just finished drinking water or eating peanut butter (which she doesnt). Somebody said it may be parvo... what do you think? Also, my other dog will NOT come close to her although he gets happy when he sees her moving about. Please help me.

So one more time, symptoms are:

Self Isolation

no appettite

no water

vomit with mucus

not as active as usual

swollen feet

licking lips constantly

acts sore

scared of other dogs

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    When there is a change in behavior & the dog shows signs of not being well, you need to 'rush' the dog to a Vet.

    All that you have mentioned needs to be addressed by a Vet. No Vets on this site.

    Lots of animals in the animal kingdom go off by themselves to die.

    Get her to a VET ASAP

  • 9 years ago

    You live at a beach? Have your dogs (both of them) tested for Leishmania. It's not in standard bloodtests so you'll need to ask (anyway, it's not in Belgium) if it is Leishmania (which I hope it isn't) I advise you to let the dog go, sad as it is. Don't put your dog to the treathment, I still regret that I put my dog through that hell in his final days :( At the stadium he was in, the treathment was worse than chemo (I heard of this after I let him go). Mind that my dog was in the final stadium, we had his blood tested 6 times because I knew sth was wrong but it wasn't included in the testing, only a specialised lab found it when I went there because my vet didn't find it. If it is Leishmania, you might still be able to save your dog but you'll need to be fast.

    To all dogowners: if you go anywhere near a beach in a warm country, ask your vet for products to repell the sandflies. I knew dogs could bark, howl, whimper but I didn't know they could scream in pain and I wish I had never found out. I hope you'll never find out either so please take this warning serieus. It happend 6 years ago and I'm still in tears just writing this.


    Swollen feet? God I really hope it's not what I said but it does sound like it. Do NOT put her through the therapy, please just don't.

    Source(s): worst day of my life
  • 9 years ago

    Her symptoms would indicate to any owner that a trip to the vet is in order. Please make the appointment. No one here is a vet not would anybody be irresponsible enough to try to diagnose a dog over the internet.

  • 9 years ago

    ALL of those symptoms means something's wrong and she needs to go to the vet, but what's worrisome is not eating or drinking. That means she needs to go RIGHT NOW.

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  • Jeanne
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Had a dog w/many of these symptoms once, she had Hepatitis...and almost died. Dark urine and hiding were the only things we saw.

  • R
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Take her to the vet ASAP!

  • 9 years ago

    Please take her to a vet and please don't make her walk/run when she doesn't want to

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