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Jehovahs Witnesses: If you question what the Watchtower teaches, are you an apostate?

Jehovah's Witnesses claim they have unity among them. Is that only because nobody questions what the Watchtower prints? If one were to question the Watchtower, would they be candidates for apostasy if they did not agree 100% with the Watchtower?

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Sonny,

    As an EX-JW, I'll make this answer very simple and easy to understand. If you question the GB it is because you have "independent thinking" There have been many WT studies dealing with independent thinking. Many WT study guides use Satan as an example of what independent thinking will do to a person. Sounds to me like the GB and the WTBTS have already labeled independent thinkers as Satanic in nature. Satan was an apostate, so that doesn't leave anyone with a thinking mind any wiggle room as a Jehovah's Witnesses. Think about that and you know they are a cult. I was one for many years so I know.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    In order to be branded by the Witnesses as "an apostate" two conditions have to be met:

    (1) You were a baptised Witness, and part of "true religion" but then, (2) You left "the truth" and had the nerve, the effrontery, the temerity to SPEAK OUT against the teachings of the Governing Body (who represent the Faithful and Discrete Slave).

    To challenge the Governing Body and disagree with them is (in their view) the same thing as challenging Jehovah God and disagreeing with Him. Does that mean the Governing Body represents Jehovah? You know, like the Pope is God's representative on earth? Just a thought.

    Up until you get baptised, you're safe. But once you take the plunge (literally) and dedicate your life to their organisation, you belong to them. You may ask questions, but you must not disagree with the Governing Body. If you step out of line, you will be punished, and the ultimate deterrent is to be thrown out and shunned by all your family and your so-called friends.

    The reason they have unity is because they are all following the "party line" - whatever the Governing Body sees fit to print and recommend is the same thing (in their view) as what Jehovah sees fit to print and recommend. In all fairness, most of them agree with the Governing Body and follow their dictates willingly. But for any person who wants to leave, they know they will pay a heavy price - especially if they speak out.

    According to the Bible, an apostate is a person who once gave themselves to Christ (not an organisation) then rejected God, Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Bible. In other words, they renounced their faith and the gospel. Jehovah's Witnesses reckon any person who rejects them must therefore be an apostate because that's what the Governing Body says.

    Oh, when will they start to read the Bible for themselves and turn to Christ Jesus?

  • 9 years ago

    No. An apostate is an individual that rebels against,abandons Jehovah, or has completely abandoned moral standards in the bible. ( Hebrews 3:12) ( 2 Peter 2:15-22)

    If you have ever read the Watchtower and Awake Magazines, there is a section in the called "Questions from our Readers" where Jehovah's Witnesses and non-Jehovah's Witnesses have sent questions in to Bethel, the head quarters, about information printed in the Watchtower.

    It's only natural for people to question things they may not agree with or understand. The bible writer Habakkuk questioned why God allowed suffering, but he was not considered a apostate. (Habakkuk 1:1-3) Why? Because it he did not rebel or desert Jehovah and his organization. In time his questions were answered.

    Likewise, among Jehovah's people there may be somethings people do not understand about the bible. However, they have faith that the light will get brighter for them on the road to understanding as Jehovah gradually reveals the answers from the bible. (Proverbs 4:18)

    I hope this helps you with your question.

    Source(s): Bible
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You cannot accuse them of apostasy if all what they said is based in the bible without adding anything on it that elevate them or their position do they? How about you do you have a good definition on apostasy or you are an apostate for real hating the witnesses just because you've got excluded and you cannot anymore smear the organization. You want the witnesses to keep you being the resister to keep your dirt in the organization so you can follow the teaches of your god Satan, and so the whole world will pinpoint the organization by having an immoral indecent like you.

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  • 6 years ago

    Not just an apostate but you will be disfelllowship. You see, the discreet slaves are really their jw jesus and understand that jw will have about 7-8 jesus in the rank, when the truth is there is only ONE Jesus. Jw made sure our bible Jesus do NOT compete with DS.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Questioning the-Tower is the equivalent to questioning Jehovah in their eyes

    Doesn't add up when they started off calling themselves Gods Voice (prophet) on earth

    then corrected that status to say they were not "Inspired" Prophet

    What is an uninspired prophet anyway

    The bible says that that would be a false prophet

    They have unity among them because anyone that doesn't fall into perfect step is kicked out.

    In answer to your question if you are a witness in standing and you question the Governing Body too much you will be marked as apostate and disfellowshipped

  • Brian
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    No. Before we become Christians we are told question what we are being taught in order to make it our own. If you do make sure of all things before you become a Christian then you are not doing yourself any favors.

    As explained countless times, an apostate is one who was a former Christian and now teaches another gospel. Apostates on many occasions will false accuse their former brethren of vile acts. They will do anything to stumble the Christian or keep others from becoming Christians.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What do you think 1 Cor. 1:10 means? It says Christians should have agreement.

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