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jdman13 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Of the pro-choice crowd, what percentage do you think are pro-abortion?

I keep hearing people say there is no pro-abortion people, only pro-choice.

There are a few examples that show me different though, such as;

First, the dnc platform used to say, "abortion should be safe, legal, and rare", evidently the new democrat crowd had an issue with the "rare" part, so they didn't include it in their platform.

Second, Tim Tebow became an instant contraversy the minute him and his mom made a superbowl commmercial about abortion. Her premise was that she was tolld she needed an abortion and chose to take the risk and couldn't have been happier with her decision. Nothing in this ' controversial' ad had ANYTHING to do with the legality of abortion, just that it should be a decision not taken lightly.

I believe that pro-choice people are less than fifty percent, while pro-abortion people are greater than fifty percent.

If you believe that ANY deterents to abortions are wrong, your probably a pro-abortion person.

Deterents being trying to offer alternatives such as adoption, trying to talk someone out of an abortion or passing a law that says you have to talk to the doctor alone to make sure parents or a boyfriend are not pressuring you into having an abortion.

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Roughly 100%

    Source(s): They all keep proving it.
  • 9 years ago

    The problem with the abortion argument is that the two sides are not talking about the same things.

    To pro-life sometime between a males ejaculation and several minutes later a new human life exists with all the rights and ethical protections of any other human life. The end.

    To pro-choice a pregnancy is a process and at some point between several weeks and several months (depending on who you ask) after a woman becomes pregnant there is a new life which should be protected. The difference is pro-choice is the argument about when this thing becomes a person and when a woman's rights must be weighed against her child's. Pro-life is the certainty that it was a person the moment a man ejaculated into a woman and must be protected from anyone who denies it's person-hood. The woman's rights are not an issue at all.

  • 9 years ago

    I am pro-choice; I believe that abortion is a legitimate reproductive healthcare choice. That abortion should be rare doesn't make sense; abortion only happens when you have an unintended/unwanted pregnancy or one with complications. It's like saying "chemotherapy should be safe, legal, and rare" . . . well yeah, we'd like chemotherapy to be rare, but that means making cancer rare- just like making abortions rare isn't a goal (after all, you can certainly make abortions more rare without reducing unintended pregnancies if you take away women's access to them). We want to make unintended pregnancy rare, because women tend to prefer not getting pregnant in the first place over needing an abortion. Calling for abortion to be rare not only misses the point, but also stigmatizes the procedure.

    Tim Tebow's ad was a controversy because it was from Focus on the Family, a notorious organization that the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled a "hate group" and which lobbies and seeks to influence policymaking and legislation. The choice to sell advertising time to such a group- even if you believe the message to be innocuous- was unprecedented at the time; a simple church ad welcoming LGBT members was rejected in the past, for example.

    "If you believe that ANY deterents [sic] to abortions are wrong, your probably a pro-abortion person."

    Lol, nope. I'm pro-choice, and that means not exerting any pressure on someone- not to talk them into an abortion, and not to talk them out of one. Individual clinics already do counseling one-on-one with the prospective patient; there's no need to pass legislation.

    There are certainly anti-choice peeps who label themselves "pro-choice" erroneously; I'd say they make up about 5-10% of pro-choicers.

    Hope that helps!

  • furney
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    professional selection. i do not precisely approve abortion as an ethical selection, yet i imagine that if a lady needs to get an abortion, she must have each properly to. i'd under no circumstances get one myself until eventually there became an difficulty that could properly be risky to me and/or the infant (such as ectopic being pregnant) or if I were ever raped (God forbid). I also imagine that no count what the regulation says, all of us is continually going to wish abortions. i'd a lot really have those human beings get their abortions performed in a sparkling enviroment by a healthcare professional who's conscious what the hell they're doing than in some back alley with a coat hanger.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This guy for Reason TV asked liberals the same question at the democratic convention the other week

  • 9 years ago

    Funny, Tebow and his mom CHOSE to be anti-abortion...and the libs hate their CHOICE

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    OK butthole, if adoption is such a great alternative let gay and lezbo couples adopt!

  • 9 years ago

    Probably about 30%.


  • 9 years ago

    Dead issue.

    Go beat another dead horse. OK?

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