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Do divorced men remarry for love or companionship?

A man marries a woman he is deeply in love with and considers the love of his life.

They plan their wedding together, go off on their honeymoon together.

They are delighted to be pregnant for the first time, give birth, watch their child grow.

They raise more children together as a family.

They go on yearly vacations together.

They move up in their careers, buy houses together, and plan to live together forever.

Then the fighting begins.

Years and years of love, happiness, and memories.

They divorce.

He has just lost the love of his life, the mother of his children. In some cases, he loses his children due to the courts and unfairness to fathers.

Then a few years later he meets a woman who loves him with all her heart.

They date a year or two.

He likes the way she tenderly cares for him when he's sick (something his ex-w never did).

He loves her sense of humor and kind, compassionate personality (a trait his ex did not possess).

He enjoys her company.

One day he decides to propose (while watching tv). No mention of love, or forever, just the fact that he owes his ex-w child support for the next xx amount of years.

He tells the second wife that he loves her, but she has serious doubts.

He is good to her, she couldn't ask for a better friend (or roommate), but she feels that something is missing.

She doesn't want to leave, just suggestions on how to make the marriage a true LOVE relationship.

Thanks :)

13 Answers

  • Nicole
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds alot like he is looking for a rebound. If love has never been mentioned.

    "She" or "u" or whoever it is can't MAKE it a true love relationship if it's one sided. U may be better than his ex & he may tell u that u are but he's looking for someone to pick up where she left off. Especially if he was left w/nothing. He sexual needs need to be met, his sentimental needs need to be met, he may even do it out of spite or jealousy. If he was that deeply in love w/his ex to the point he gave his all then she took what he gave& ran, he needs someone to give that back to him. It doesn't exactly mean he HAS to love the new person but she has to be the one to fit his need for a replacement of the one he lost.

    Sadly I married a man like that. He had no kids before me, but was deeply connected to another girl he was w/for years, drove long distance when she moved away,thought that a ring would save there relationship. He tells me all the time I am more caring& loving than she ever was, I'm about to have his 2nd child, yet he and his family still talk of her& it hurts to feel I am 2nd in line& the best replacement he could find for her.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It is portrayed as bitter and angry by feminists who are finding it difficult to find someone to support them financially during their fight for equality. (Oh the irony) I divorced 20 years ago and will never remarry. There is nothing to be gained by marriage. I have a GF but she is well aware of my stance on marriage, or as I like to call it, taking hostages. I made sure I can father no more children and everything I own is in my name only. I help my GF out by working on her car and buying her trinkets and toys but I will never buy her THAT ring. She knows it and although she would prefer to be married, she understands why I am the way I am about it. I have found that I can keep house and work a full time job far easier and more cheaply than I every could when married. I have more money and more sex, even though I am past middle age. Marriage for men is, at best, a lose/lose situation. Once married, they stand a better than average chance of losing everything they may have worked a lifetime to obtain, including the love and companionship of their children as well as up to 25% of his salary for a couple of decades. The underlying idea is that when a woman is single, typically people will wonder what a man did to her to make her want to be single; when a man is single, they wonder what's wrong with them, or at least that has been my perception to people's reaction. I would suggest to any man contemplating marriage to find someone he dislikes and purchase her a house and send her 25% of his salary for the next 18 years to do with as she pleases. Then to imagine having a broken heart every day trying to understand what it is like to have children he cares for more than life but cannot even speak to, visit or help. Add to that, an argument at least every other week wherein nothing he says is even heard, much less regarded. Perhaps, if his imagination is strong enough, he'll understand what he can lose. By the way, I am bitter and angry but I've earned the right after living though the above.

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  • Alex
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    IF he is a dumb, yes.

    That is wonderful to think about, but realize something:

    A guy (because I am one, and saw my dad do it)

    was just BURNED by his wife. Lost the kids, so he also pays child support, and probably alimony. Expensive!

    Plus he probably didn't get a favorable property settlement.

    So what does he have left?

    Family? No, ex got the kids.

    Money? No, 40% of his paycheck before taxes goes to his wife

    Toys? No, courts made him sell those and give 50% of it to his wife

    Friends? No, most of them are still married, or live somewhere else

    So he can get remarried, and what does he get?

    A larger likelihood that this will happen again!

    A man is stupid to get married in the first place.

    If a man is dumb enough to get married again, then I hope he is fixed so he doesn't pass on his stupidity to future generations.

  • Hagen
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    divorced men remarry love companionship

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  • 9 years ago

    My husband was divorced for a couple of times. He pays about 2000 USD per month to his ex-wife. She has their paid house, including savings and everything. He made sure that she will not get anything from his pensions.These days, my husband makes good money. She is getting pissed. Lol. I think that he does love me, if not, nothing I can do about it. He does take good care of me. He does cook for me as well. What am I looking for? His dopamine works well with me.

    I don't know. His family told me how much he loves me. Well, they told me that their son is deeply in love...

    Yes, they do marry for both love and companionship.

  • 9 years ago

    I didn't read this, but if a man is going to go through the trouble of remarrying, he must in some way really like the woman a lot

  • Cat
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You can't make someone love you. However, you could spice things u a bit. Be spontaneous, suggest an exciting trip together, try a little kinky sex, whatever. It seems like passion is missing, not love. They aren't the same sort of like a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't necessarily a square.

  • 9 years ago

    How old are you ? Accept it for what it is your not a love sick school girl. He loves you but it's not loves young dream. It may not even last forever but if you don't give it a go you will never know .

  • 9 years ago

    Who knows.

    If he marries a second time we know he is an abject moron.

    No sense of logic applies for 'why'.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I was able to save my marriage thanks to my family and friends. I also read a lot about marital issues and tips on how to save your relationship. The ebook on this site helped me a lot

    Check it out it's worth it.

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