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Should the US or UN issue an International Death Fatwā on anyone issuing an International Death Fatwā?

Clearly the rulers of any given country are entitled to execute citizens or visitors within their borders.

But International Death Edicts clearly violate International Law.

Shouldn't they be responded to in kind?

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    But let us not call it a Fatwa - Someone might be offended

    Let's describe it as an invitation to meet " "(Supreme Being of your choice)

    Arranged by Predator Air

    "When you care, send the very best"

  • 9 years ago

    Fatwas are barbaric, and a black eye for Islam.

    The entire notion that Mohammedanism is above criticism is ridiculous for truly

    civilized people.

    Freedom of religion prevails in every modern state. Of course, places like Iran and

    Afghanistan are anything but modern states. In many ways they are still living

    in the Dark Ages.

    (The great majority of Muslims understand this, and have no use for fatwas.)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No, but if there was truly such a thing as moderate (non-violent) Muslims, there would be strong condemnations of them and a null and void declaration.

    They are on the international terrorists list which allows militaries to shoot first if it can be done with minimal collateral damage.

  • small
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Leaders of Islam are clearly on the path of total self-destruction. The deep underlying malaise is actually to do with their inability to adapt to the modern ways of the world..... religion, above all, needs to perfect the fine art of changing according to the times without losing identity..... Islam in particular is unfortunately not even accepting this reality, leave alone adapting to it for the sake of its own survival.

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  • 9 years ago

    Are you suggesting the assassination of The Supreme Ayatollah Ali Khomeini by the United Nations?

    The United Nations will NEVER take ANY action it is a international joke...

  • 9 years ago

    I would go along with that reasoning. I would be the first to contribute to a fund to hire mercenaries to carry out the sentence.

    If we did it via taxes, that would be forcing a muslim to help kill another muslim, which would lead to more riots and more fatwas..... Hey... now that I think of it that could work.

    Source(s): Islam for Dummies
  • 9 years ago

    well i have a petition onn sign to have united nations acknowledge magnets negate islam and christianity and much of history. .also i have petition for governments to acknowledge code of hammurabi not word of god used in bible by christians as word of god .and yes a petition can be used to use united nations declration of human rights .and a petition for govs to use line from internationalle song away with old traditions and superstions for reason thunders in revolt. and that part about internationale uniting the human race.then a petition to dissolve democrat and republican parties since citizens dissatisfied with those in u.s.a.

    Source(s): sign on .org .petition for change. internationale song.
  • Fatwas are religiously condoned murder, which makes a mockery of the "religion" . That 'religion' is more like criminal mob rule, not a spiritual religion.

    Source(s): . Gork
  • 9 years ago

    I like the way you think. And there is a certain delicious justice about it. I'll support the first politician who takes up the idea.

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