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CJR asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 9 years ago

Should President Obama Biotch slap Romney tonight?

Everyone knows Romney is a liar and even though he claims to be a Christian (Mormon???), but does not believe in the Trinity, then again I submit the question...Should MR. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA backhand this flip-flopping, RACIST, Idiotic, tax evading embicile that white racist america has deemed their great white hope????

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is what I got out of your information:

    blah blah blah name calling with no evidence blah blah obama blah blah lies blah blah blah

    So what makes mormons not Christian? The apostles nor christ ever believed in a trinity. That concept wasn't made a "christian" doctrine until 3 centuries after Christ died. If you've read the Bible three times like I have, then you'd notice that there is no such thing as a trinity or the doctrine that God is a 3-in-one God. Here is the dictionary definition of "christian" courtesy of

    NOUN (1)

    1. a religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination;


    1. relating to or characteristic of Christianity;

    - Example: "Christian rites"

    2. following the teachings or manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus Christ;

    If you noticed, the trinity is not mentioned, nor is anything about the belief in a 3-in-1 God mentioned in that definition. So just because Romney doesn't believe in the trinity, it does not mean he's unchristian. Nice try, but when one uses facts it is obvious that what you claimed here is but only a ruse.

    And please provide evidence for your claims. I have no reason to believe Romney is any more of a liar than any other politician or that he is racist. It's sad that Obama-supporters always pull the race card. It gets pretty annoying. Automatically when someone disagrees with Obama they are racist. Was Herman Cain racist? He disagreed with Obama. Liberal logic would tell us Cain hates blacks apparently.

    But to answer your question: yes, Obama should because that would assuredly make him lose the election. I'm all for him getting violent.

  • 9 years ago

    Where do you get this stuff. Romney is squeaky clean. He is not racist, nor does he evade tax's. I think that you need to pay more of your tax's then legally required before asking someone else to do so. If Romney paid more then required, then I would think he was dumb.

    I personally would rather decide what to spend my money on then to let the government decide. Their track record is not too great.

    We now have 16 trillion dollars in debt and no one in the government, including the president, seems to care. Most people think that 16 trillion is just another number. To put it in perspective, there are 16 trillion seconds in 507,357 years. That is five hundred and seven thousand three hundred fifty seven years. We will never pay it back. A likely scenario is that the dollar will fail and when it does, it will be the poor who are hurt the most.

  • Joe
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    What has obamay done for the working person that is not union -----Nothing

    Is the unemployment below 8 percent----- NO

    Is the debit higher---YES about 6 trillion do you have any idea how much money that is

    Did he say that if he did not fix these two thing he would be a one term president ----YES HE DID

    BE a man of your word just Quit YOU FAILED

    I guess that would be asking to much for you to be a man of your word! I would accept nothing different then a Democrat.

    IT is ways some else fault. If they can not find some else to blame they LIE.

    My vote is not for SALE

    Fire obamay

    Vote for Mit

  • 5 years ago

    Even MSNBC gave Mitt credit for doing very well in the debate and "lifting the doom and gloom" from his campaign, because the MSNBC speaking head said. If MSNBC (on Rachel Maddows show now less) says Mitt Romney did well...You recognize he really really did well.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think they'll be too busy debating to do any such things to each other, but if they get really into it, it's possible. Keep in mind that they have to maintain a firm grip on the issues.

  • Stymie
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    He shouldn't do it while the cameras are rolling but when President Obama gets the chance he should b--ch slap the hell out of Romney.

  • 9 years ago

    Romney deserves to be smacked upside the head, but President Obama is more dignified than that... it's up to the American people to smack Romney, by making sure he looses this election in November.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I personally would never be that lucky to see anything that funny, but everyone has to admit that would be some funny ****..

  • 9 years ago

    Obama is going to kill this country..

    How is he Racist or idiotic? I dont even think you know what you are talking about...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Romney will be symbolically *****-slapped all right. Ouch that stings!

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