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  • So now what white America...a mexican killed Kelly thomas...?

    The cops were obviouly wrong and the jury idiotic (as was the Trayvon Martin jury). But white America...will you now speak out against your judicial system. F**k those cops!!!

    3 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • So if Zimmerman had been a black man, and Trayvon Martin a white girl...what would the charge have been?

    Please tell only the truth. They would have had a Black Zimmerman charged with every conceivable charge in the book. Including attempted rape. Zimmerman, went after Trayvon. Trayvon was in fear and beat the living daylight out of that weak racist idiot zimmerman.

    For information, riding a skateboard as a teenager, i bounced my head off the concrete. ONE TIME!!!!!!!!! I was dazed and had a concussion, but Zimmerman can claim that he had his head slammed into the ground 25 times, and only have some scratches. Come on man!!!

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Two thing we do know about that cold blooded killer George Zimmerman?

    1. That he let a kid that weighed 50 lbs less serve his punk A**.

    2. That zimmerman will never try to accost another black person.

    Oh, and for you racist....Zimmerman is a weak individual. Look at him. But then again, that is the way you racist are. ooooh, i need a gun to protect myself. Let me call the WAMbulance.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is Jodi Arias only problem that she refuted the REAL JESUS?

    She wanted to become a fake Christian in joining the Mormon Church. Mormons are FAKE Christians!!!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Any Biblical scripture to help with the following problem?

    ---My problem---

    My Ex-wife (been Divorced for 20 years). 1 child with her. I was out of the country in the Navy a few years back. During that time, she created a loan in my name, received the money and never had the slightest desire to tell me. She is a Police Officer. She is my kids mom. What am I to do. If I make a complaint as to the loan, then she could get in trouble and lose her job. She is after all still my kids mom. But, now I have this obligation to the tune of $32,000. Over time I guess I could pay it, but I really do not think it is right. I don't want to pay it, but I am not a person to just do something out of animosity. I went to Lexus to obtain a car today, and all of a sudden this is showing on my credit---they still sold me the car, but man o' man was the joy diminished.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Just trying to understand what others think? Any good ideas?

    My Ex-wife (been Divorced for 20 years). 1 child with her. I was out of the country in the Navy a few years back. During that time, she created a loan in my name, received the money and never had the slightest desire to tell me. She is a Police Officer. She is my kids mom. What am I to do. If I make a complaint as to the loan, then she could get in trouble and lose her job. She is after all still my kids mom. But, now I have this obligation to the tune of $32,000. Over time I guess I could pay it, but I really do not think it is right. I don't want to pay it, but I am not a person to just do something out of animosity. I went to Lexus to obtain a car today, and all of a sudden this is showing on my credit---they still sold me the car, but man o' man was the joy diminished.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Does anyone know if Ted Nugent has killed himself or is in jail yet?

    OBAMA 2012.......Ted, you spoke the words, they came out of your racist are you a man of your words? Cat scratch these nuts.

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Romney....all of a sudden you do not want to be associated with the Ryan Tax plan....?

    We know that Ryan cuts spending ONLY...Stop lying...YOU ARE LYING to the AMERICAN PEOPLe!!!!!!

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Should President Obama Biotch slap Romney tonight?

    Everyone knows Romney is a liar and even though he claims to be a Christian (Mormon???), but does not believe in the Trinity, then again I submit the question...Should MR. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA backhand this flip-flopping, RACIST, Idiotic, tax evading embicile that white racist america has deemed their great white hope????

    14 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Can I get in trouble?

    I was riding a bike when a car hit me. The car driver gets out and starts yelling at me. Then he gets back in his car, backs up, and then floor the car, driving right at me. He stopped about 1 foot from my legs, and in my reaction to this, I kicked his car. Witness saw him drive at me real fast.

    Can I get in trouble for my actions?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Isn't Sandra Fluke a "baby-doll"?

    What Rush "the racist" Limbaugh and Glenn "the other racist" Beck, said about her, just shows exactly what the Republican "racist" party is after.

    Here, here, to Miss Fluke, she stood her ground in the face of these bullies, and presented her message quite eloquently!!!!

    Yes, we are seeing the racist agenda of the Republican Party!!!!

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Where are all the other than white people?

    I see Romney on TV and all I see are white people supporting him...I see Santorum and all I see are white people supporting him...Same for Gingrich and Paul!!! But when I see MR. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA...not only do I see white, but I see Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, and Arab.

    I am sure some idiot will reply with some stupid RACIST, CLOSET RACIST propoganda, but all I have to say is that...I pray that this Black man who is concerned with the future of America, like no President before him, when he wins re-election, that you feel the dagger in your RACIST heart, because if you do not like him, it is only because of the color of his skin.

    OBAMA 2012...oh and I am waiting for the RACIST remarks....I cannot stand a racist person...say it to my face in public...I will just laugh at you and ask you if it hurts because the BLACK race is the BEST race, and that is why you have to have RACIST views. Pu** A** Sk** H*****, R**Ne***S, and you who want to stay in the closet...get some of this President!!!!!

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I took my dog for a ride today?

    ....and I let her sit in the front seat and look out the window and smile, and gave her treats as we I wrong Romney????

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • So Santorum has a problem with the President Theology?

    It must be racism, because he does not talk about Romney's flawed, yes flawed understanding of the Christian religion!!!! Jesus was/is divine and the Trinity must have faith in it!!!!

    Oh, because a white man has a flawed view, it is ok????????

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Honestly... Does the Republican Party = Fraud?

    Everywhere one looks it seems that they are "fixing" elections, or supporting an issue under one administration and then opposing it under another. Heck, they cannot even be truthful and acknowledge that the economy has come about, and when you look at it, you must also combine the negative regions that Bush-whacker led this country.

    So is the Republican Party fraudulent?

    16 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why is it..............................?

    Once again Republicans....You have a mystery around your voting. Lets go back to Bush-Gore...Then we can talk about Iowa 2012, then New Hampshire 2012, and now there is fraud in your party with Maine. Additionally, it seems that you want to suppress the vote. Now voting is intrinsically tied to the Jury system in my state (CALIFORNIA). You vote, you are summonsed for jury duty, yet they never ask for ID to sit on a jury. Yea, you republicans are really going to have your dinner served to you...but I will say you will not be able to rip-off Mr. President Barack Obama. How does it feel to get beat by a Black Man.

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Who's ready for some Baseball?

    Go YANKEES!!!

    3 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • A prediction...what do you think?

    The MVP of Super Bowl XLVI will be........

    Ocho Cinco.

    5 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago