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Anna. asked in PetsCats · 9 years ago


my cats left eye is really cloudy and bloody there is no discharge at all. A couple days ago she hurt her leg and it got really swollen and she cant walk on it at all she is not showing signs of pain but she looks really bad. there is no emergency vet around at all and all the vets are closed please help i am really worried she is 2 years old and a rescue cat. please help

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like your cat might have Hyphema.

    I'm sorry, I don't know how to help you if there's no emergency vets open.

    Just pray that she makes it through the night.

    Then call the vet office in the morning to make an urgent appointment.

  • 9 years ago

    Do you know exactly what happened to the leg, how she got hurt or is this something kitty just showed up with?

    If you know how she hurt the leg and the leg was isolated incident, then the cloudy eye could be infection. If you are not sure how kitty got hurt, she could have been hit by car or some type accident that caused pressure to the eye which is a totally different thing.

    If it was me, no way to get to vet, I would start kitty on antibiotics. Amoxicillin is usually first antibiotic they use and you can buy Amoxicillin at most pet stores that sell fish under the name "FishMox". It would be so much better if you could send an email to me to explain things better and I may possibly be of help until you can get to the vet as I run a feline rescue/sanctuary and have dealt with many a problem and emergency and could better assist you.

    I have provided the link to my rescue web site and you can email me through my web site.

    Kindest Regards

    Source(s): Cat Owner 50+ yrs also run a feline rescue/sanctuary called A Place Of Love, Inc web site is:
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    It sounds like your kitty has been hit by a car! The eye can come from a severe blow to the head and the leg would be self explanatory if she was indeed hit. Keep her calm and keep her comfortable. If she wants to go and hide, let her but keep soft food (she could have mouth injuries that are not evident to you) and fresh water very close to her. Cats don't always show their pain either. I've seen this before and as painful as it is for you, just keep her happy till you can get her to a vet!! Good luck!

    Source(s): experience
  • 9 years ago

    Might be sepsis (bacteria in the blood). Shaking, warm to touch, loss of appetite are all signs of sepsis. If you can see her skin look for cellulitis or lymphangitis, which is red streaking on the skin (just do a google image search).

    If its sepsis she needs to be seen tonight and put on IV antibiotics. You need to drive to the nearest 24 hr vet or call one and get them out of bed. Sepsis is a medical emergency.

    Source(s): Medical student (not vet student).
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  • 9 years ago

    Sorry I am no expert but the site below may provide some advise.

    Good luck

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