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How much of the Deficit republicans point to has Romney's team created?

The Federal "Deficit" that Romney keep pointing to is the shortfall between money spent and money received. Spending is only one side of the problem; if expenses and income balance there is NO deficit. Thus, anything which reduces the income side of the equation increases the deficit just as fast as spending, but with greater consequences.

Balancing the budget is more dependent on a growing economy than anything else. Our economy has been struggling for four years, unable to get into a steady growth pattern. There's a reason, and it's obvious.

American business has the capital and is ready to expand and hire, but has held back and continues to wait. The reason is uncertainty- not knowing what to expect out of government. That condition exists because Congress has been paralyzed by the republican policy of blocking everything since the last election, in order to damage the President's chances in the current election. Doing nothing is the worst possible choice, and the current Congress is the least productive congress in 67 years.

Business waits because they can't put money on the table until they know what the game rules are going to be. This is like a team of players ready to go for a win, but the coaches and referees (congress) are fighting between themselves and won't cooperate- so the game is on hold while they squabble. This childish attitude continues to block the economic recovery America desperately needs right now.

As a result, millions of jobs that could exist today, and trillions of dollars in payrolls, just don't exist. The taxes paid in by all those companies and jobs would be huge, dramatically raising the income side of the equation, reducing the deficit. Lacking those jobs, tax dollars go out for unemployment checks and food stamp expenses, increasing the deficit.

Every time progress is blocked by this Congressional obstruction, the American people lose, and politicians shame themselves. There is no way to know exactly where we might be today if Congress had been cooperative and productive, but it's a point we should all consider when we vote.

That is the question-

What percentage or amount of the Budget Deficit do you think is directly related to the campaign of obstruction and paralysis of congress? What has obstruction cost America?



One point here. I'm not guessing about business- I'm in the manufacturing business and have clients worldwide. I know a number of major company executives, and they all agree with the situation being as I stated it. One of the best times to jump in is after a crash, because much of the competition has been cleaned out. However you have to be able to see a clear advantage to do that, and we don't. The environment for expansion is just too high-risk right now.


I can see that there are three things you know nothing about- Socialism, Capitalism and Economics. In this country you are entitled to say what you think, even if you don't know how to think, so your answer is welcome. While it does not address this question at all, it does serve a purpose; it helps explain how we keep electing such incompetent politicians.

Update 2:


Let's start with the fact i was a life long republican, until the party lost it's moral compass and set out to rid itself of moderation. I'm now an independent, not a democrat. And I'm not against republicans or democrats- I'm for requiring honorable, honest, competent people in public office, period. Now to your post.

What a dissertation. It certainly appears to use most of the right-wing assertions and documentation, which is voluminous if not accurate.

I'm not going to bother with all of it, but surely- surely you can understand that what happens today in the economy was put in place long before, and most presidents deal with the curse or blessing that results from the policies of their predecessors. Obama was handed the biggest economic mess in 80 years, just as it was happening. This is like sliding into the pilots seat at the same time a crashing plane is hitting the trees- and you think he should be held accountable for the wreck.


Update 3:

So- do some fact checking at someplace that is not a Romney campaign front. Let's just look at one claim; that all the debt started with Obama. Do remember that Bush inherited an office that had a budget surplus, no wars and the one of the best job creation records ever. And don't get confused, that predecessor was a democrat, Bill Clinton. Bush inherited a smooth running success, and left a train wreck that is still happening.

Here's a site with a non-partisan documentation of the source of today's debt issues. If you can stop reciting GOP propaganda for a few minutes, take a look and learn something you don't know now.

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The economic cost is huge. Might well be most of the current deficit. What's worse is the moral cost, the depression of being unemployed, of seeing savings dwindle, homes lost- and a sense of national shame. Congress needs an old-time trip to the woodshed, particularly all those who place their own party or personal gains ahead of the country.

  • 9 years ago

    Republicans were in power when the economy went in the toilet. It is still shakey. Why would any smart company invest all their money after such a big crash? Just too risky and I think it has less to do with

    government right now as people want to give them all the blame.

    i don't care if it is a Republican or a Democrat in the White House. Plus most of the blocking going on would not directly affect any of these businesses at this point.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    None of it whatsoever.

    Last time "Romney's team" was in charge, they left YOUR team with a FALLING deficit that was less-then ONE YEAR from SURPLUS. Thus YOUR TEAM owns ALL of the deficit and ALL of the debt added since 2007.

    Income has NOT FALLEN since we had FALLING DEFICITS. Thus the "spending side" is PROVED to be the ENTIRE problem. You do realize that literally 100% of YOUR team DEMANDS FASTER SPENDING INCREASES, right?

    Our economy BEGAN struggling after YOUR team cancelled "Team Romney's" policies.

    American business has the capital and is ready to expand and hire, but has held back and continues to wait. The reason is THEY BELIEVE YOUR TEAM when you PROMISE the biggest TAX INCREASES ever experienced by human beings. Look at the RECORD. ALL of "Obama's" growth happened SINCE "the republican policy of blocking everything since the last election."

    Business waits because IT'S RETARDED to put money on the table until they know REPUBLICAN POLICY will be restored.

    As a result, millions of jobs that could exist today, and trillions of dollars in payrolls, just don't exist. The taxes paid in by all those companies and jobs would be huge, dramatically raising the income side of the equation, reducing the deficit. Lacking those jobs, tax dollars go out for unemployment checks and food stamp expenses, increasing the deficit.

    ONLY SINCE "progress" has been blocked by this REPUBLICAN "obstruction," has GROWTH returned - albeit slowly.

    So, it's factually and OBJECTIVELY obvious that absolutely ALL of the deficit is YOUR TEAM'S doing.

    But we needn't look at these details. Literally ALL of your team EXPRESSLY DEMANDS PERPETUAL DEBT INCREASE. For more than 100 years in a row, ONLY Republicans have EVER proposed debt reduction. ONLY Republicans have EVER cast a vote in favor of EVEN ONE proposal that does not REQUIRE PERPETUAL debt increase. Confused? Then look from the other side. LITERALLY ALL Democrat proposals EXPRESSLY REQUIRE DEBT INCREASE - FOREVER.

    One point here. I'm not guessing about business- I OWN a business. I know a number of major company OWNERS and they all agree THEY CANNOT DARE attempting to expand while Democrats run things.

    You have to be able to see a clear advantage to take that risk, and LITERALLY ALL elected Democrats PROMISE THEY WILL DENY that advantage.

    Republicans LOST power WELL BEFORE the economy went in the toilet. How do people exist who are too retarded to see that yet still able to type?

    Here's what Republicans left you:

    > Deficit of $0.16 trillion and FALLING at more than $0.2 trillion per year

    > 3,054,000 MORE people WORKING than there are now and RISING by 2,878,000 a year

    > 4.6% LESS unemployment and still FALLING

    > RISING wages

    You know, pretty-much everything all Democrats always promise yet ONLY Republicans have EVER delivered.

    Source(s): I can read - unlike, evidently, roughly 100% of Democrats.
  • GUS
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    You are assuming that all money earned belongs to the government and the government allows us to keep what they don't need. You are an idiot. This is just another way to say Socialism. Businesses invest when they think their investment will pay off, not to benefit the government and those that rely on government for their well being. Spin it however you want but the bottom line is that Socialism fails every time it is tried.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    wake up republicans caused this mess how you forget so fast

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