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Does Mitt Romney have a good chance of winning the election?

Ever since his strong performance in the first debate he has gained some support. He is leading in most of the latest swing state polls. Will he maintain his lead in the polls or will Obama start leading in the polls again.

18 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Like a petulant child Obama had a chance to tell Romney to his face that his facts were not true but he could not instead he chose to come out the next day and call Romney a liar. This is beyond what even his supporters can stomach and many are now abandoning the amateur president. His dismal economic record has been his downfall and will be the reason he is no reelected. Romney has proposed tax cuts for everyone and closing the loopholes for the very wealthy, and fact check dot org says this is true. Fact check also states Romney created 100,000 jobs with new business in America and shipped zero jobs to China. Now the only thing Obama supporters can do is call Romney a liar. Well obama had his chance but knew what Romney said was true. Like children you're a liar no you're a liar no you are. Well, children it is time to grow up. Obama showed at the debate that he is actually not very intelligent and ill prepared for the job.

  • norden
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    convinced he does. truly! Polls nonetheless educate ObamaCare continues to be unpopular with a narrow majority of electorate. Polls also educate minorities are a lot less enthusiastic for Obama, which will bring about a lot less turnout. And if that undesirable man or woman needs a job, he'd extra effective vote for Romney, whose economic plan has been cautioned via over 500 Economists, consisting of five Nobel Prize Winners. They comprehend his plan will improve the commercial gadget and create jobs. look, i'm no longer affirming Romney's going to win really, yet he likely can win. there is fairly some discontentment available about the way issues are that Romney can tap into.

  • 9 years ago

    Poor chance. He is not leading in most of the polls. It is just that Obama's lead is not as great as before the debate. More debates to follow and Obama has learned from his mistakes.

  • Intrade Real Time Quote Obama 64 Romney 36.2

    Bovada Obama -325 Romney +250 (the lower the odds the higher the chance of a win)

    Ladbrokes Obama 2/7 Romney 5/2

    Betfair Obama 1.45 Romney 3.75

    So, no, Romney does NOT have a good chance of winning because oddsmakers base their odds on FACT.

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  • 9 years ago

    Only if he's aggressive and careful (a difficult balance, to be sure). Obama's likely doing a rope-a-dope with the debates. He was probably sand-bagging on the first one to make Romney overly confident for the second and third debates.

  • 9 years ago

    You may notice that the new mantra is Romney just lied.

    One at first might think this childish, but it appears to be the Obama campaign. it is actually powerful. Imagine your enemy just screaming liar to you all day no matter what you said. Romney can't win over the Obama people when they will not listen and the ignorant undecided do not know if this or that is true or not.

    The great arbitrator that should be stepping forward to point their finger at the truth, the media. is silent. Obama knows they will keep their silence too.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes, Romney will win and here is why:

    Why Mitt Romney Is Unlikeable - US Message Board - Political ... hours ago

    Mark Forums Read ... "Why Mitt Romney is Unlikeable! A lot is being said in the media about Mitt Romney not being "likeable or that he doesn't "relate well" to people.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I do think he performed well during the debate, but remember, there are still two more. I believe this was just a blip in the radar, a bump in the polls. There is also the fact that Mitt lied about his plans the entire time; that'll bite him in the end. Last time I checked President Obama had a slight lead in the more important swing states. Obama will learn from the recent debate; hopefully he'll come back stronger.

  • 9 years ago

    For all of Mitt's shine and enthusiasm he failed to answer any of the questions directly and what little 'answer' he did submit was grossly flawed. That being said, he is a professional salesman and a Wall Street character with strong ties to Big Bank, Big Oil, Big Ins and Big Church with all of those associated businesses and corporations under the direction of Karl Rove, the Koch Bros and Nathan Sproul to lie, cheat & steal vote/voters/election machine mfg/natl guard troops, etc not to mention the character assassins Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Hannity, Ann Coulter and people of their ilk for hire going full blast 24/7 for the weakest-minded folks who stay tuned-in to that hate/fear garbage. Not only all that crappy stuff but also there's the fact that they are well-organized with again a bent towards criminality in that their people hired to register folks to vote only registered Rs and threw out all others after attempting to pass laws in all states governed by a Rs to prevent millions from being able to vote next month. Can we possibly catch all of their criminal activities and correct it before Nov 6? They're betting that we cannot.

    For all of the above reasons, Romney has a good chance of winning this election, none of them good. The man himself ... OMG look at his career ... buying troubled cos, transfer the buy-out debt to that co, bankrupt the co, fire the employees, steal their pensions/retirement, relocate to China, give the 'jobs' to Chinese and Indians (real Indians from India), over and over and over again. The Ryan philosophy of 'every man for himself' together with Romney's bullying, aggressive, tigger-happy foreign policies is a recipe for disaster for all of US. Better stock up on food guys, get the emergency plan in place, this guy will accelerate the Apocolypse, not reverse as Pres Obama did.

  • 9 years ago

    Once people figure out how much of Romney's debate 'performance' was hogwash (a lot!)... I think they will realize that Romney is in the worst possible position to lead this country. But that's me... :)

    ~Obama/Biden 2012 - the truth is on our side. :)

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