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Does Obama have something up his sleeve?

Now, I'm not one to subscribe to conspiracy theories and I may be way out in left field on this, but Obama looked just a little bit too cool and unconcerned at the debate. The guy doesn't even appear bothered by his performance when asked about it and he is not a stupid man. The only time I've ever acted like that is when I know I have this thing sown up like it's in the bag. By not putting up much of fight, he's giving Romney a false sense of victory. Like, "Okay, keep talking fool. You have no idea what's about to happen." Could it be that he's got some video on Romney that is so devastating that it doesn't even matter if Romney humiliates him in the debate because once the country sees it, it's over? Could this be some kind of Zen jedi mind F just to mess with Romney? It is the season for surprises after all. What do you think?

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Of course he's bothered. And I bet he'll be different in the other debates.

    It's impossible to know exactly what happened. My guess is that he was thrown by Romney suddenly believing in things he's been screaming against all year.

    Why he didn't go after him on all his lies, I don't know.

  • 9 years ago

    I do believe that Obama is trying to work around Romney in order to secure this election, as opposed to dealing in earnest with the many challenges Mitt is presenting to him. The man is unscrupulous, and he obviously has some reason for believing he can hide from the issues, and still win.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Who the f-ck cares? The point of a two-party democracy is a matter of “dividing and conquering” the public. The media work to support and uphold each party. So you have some media that are liberal and support Democrats and others that hold up the Republicans. By nature, most media are liberal and therefore Democrat. But all media, or at least 98% of print and television media, are owned by 6 multinational corporations. It's not that Fox is that good at catering to conservatives or that the New York Times is good at catering to liberals. It's that there are only two choices to select from to begin with. Mark my words, after Obama is reelected (because Romney was chosen to essentially fail by his party and Democrats deserve 8 years to institute their fascist policies after 8 years of fascist Republican policies), he will ruin the US economically, worse than Bush did. And this is intentional. We will have a good 2013, but from 2014-2018, the US will suffer more than it did the previous 6 years. Some media will change their liberal stance and a new age of conservatism, albeit a brief one, will take hold of the US and its sheep. It will be a revival for the Republican party. But both parties are bringing socialism to the US nonetheless, it’s just that socialism needs introduced by Democrats because it fits within their role in the great theater of American politics.

    For every social and economic issue that the public can be divided over, there will always be 2 major, opposing arguments. So one guy says to the other that he'll take the conservative approach on social issues, while the other takes the liberal approach. They switch when it comes to economic issues with Republicans taking the liberal approach and Democrats taking the conservative approach. Seems contradictory, right? Well, it is. But that's what both parties agreed to do in the early 1880s when they split into two (they used to be the same party, believe it or not), and agreed to switch economic roles again later between 1910s-1940s after the Fed was created and private banking and corporate interests took hold of the US government as a whole. Both parties saw to it, with the help and support of corporations (i.e. Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Stanford, Carnegie, Mellon families, amongst others), banks (Warburg and Rothschild families, J.P. Morgan) and media (i.e. Hearst family), that the two parties dominate the spectrum of public opinion on any socioeconomic issue that could potentially divide the public. Mencken used to write about American fascism generations ago.

    Most people are simply not Democrat or Republican. Most are somewhere in the middle, but by squeezing out the third option with the help of banks, media, corporations, and anybody else in-between like lobbies, everybody's "forced" to choose between the two parties. Human psychology is used enormously to ensure that the 2 parties have their foothold in American government, so the "I want to make my vote count " mentality is highly figured into the mix, and thus expected by the two parties. Republicans AND Democrats KNOW that you can tell that they're pathological liars that suffer from the selfish need to have enormous wealth and power (Obama has an estimated actual net worth of over $55 million after 3 years in office; he had a net worth of $5 million as a Senator for 2 years) and cater to their friends and those around them (CEOs, trustees and board members, bankers), but they simply DON’T CARE, because they understand that human insecurity will figure into the equation and the average individual will vote to make it "count" by voting either Republican or Democrat. They expect you to cave in. Period. Otherwise, they wouldn’t lie to you and not care whether you believe their theatrics or not. They’ll do what is in favor of those that fund and support their careers. And so goes the cycle every 4 years for every Congressional, Senatorial, Gubernatorial, and Presidential election. To them, that’s all that matters - that you cave in, even as you’re walking up to the booth to vote. It has more to do with the insecurities of the human species and the "herd mentality,” all the while government, media and corporations seek to exacerbate and capitalize on these insecurities.

    Have the courage to vote third party and never quit doing so til you’re dead, or kiss fascism on the lips in 30-50 years. Races are being homogenized. Males are being emasculated. Government, corporations, media that lies and spins to keep people from rebelling. Drones which will be used for domestic purposes. And banks to fund it all. All the pieces exist now. We will have a new caste system no longer based on race, religion or creed, but one based on financial status. All that’s needed is a population of passive, ignorant, insecure sheep willing to obey. And we now have that too.

    Source(s): All major threats of a revolt against government are being dismantled. Fascism is coming, and it will succeed. People are already engineered to not stand up and to not have the courage to vote third party. This country is getting fascism one way or the other with both parties in full control of the future, thanks to spineless "adult" Americans that keep putting themselves second, and putting their egos first by trying to make their pathetic, singular vote "count." You have no one to blame but yourselves. Period. So quit whining and complaining about the people you elected. Whether a Republican or Democrat is in office, the overall big picture never changes. We’re still getting socialism for 30-50 years, before ultimately getting fascism globally with a new caste system. I’m sure your kids and grandkids will thank you for insecurely needing your vote to “count.”
  • 9 years ago

    I've been thinking the same thing. Something is going to come out that will blow up in Rmoney's face. Maybe someone is releasing Mitt's tax returns.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes an arm

  • 9 years ago

    He ain't afraid of no zionist like romney.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    His arm no doubt

  • No. He looked tired and unprepared.

    Have fun with your delusion.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    his very own flesh and bones

  • 9 years ago

    he's human, he makes mistakes

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