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Lv 42,776 points

Ballz of Fury

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  • Why can't Republicans understand that they must get along with others?

    Your typical Tea Party republican judges everyone and if they don't fall in line with every single Republican talking point, then they are "the enemy". What they don't get is that the world is full of people with differing opinions and we must all learn to get along. Even members of their own party that don't believe everything right on down the line is ostracized and demonized. Get over it, Republicans. The world is a big place. You aren't going to force everybody into your narrow belief system.

    18 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Now that the country has given a big, fat "F U" to the Tea Party?

    Will the Republicans be a more viable party by trying to be more inclusive and moving to the center, or will they do what they always do which is become more extreme until the country gets its **** together?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is this the problem with America?

    An Arizona woman became infuriated when she found out her husband did not vote in the election, resulting in Obama winning the presidency. Never mind that even with his vote, she would only need another 2,999,999 to catch up! How much do you wanna bet she listens an avid conservative talk radio listener?

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • Did Sheldon Adelson get his money's worth in this election?

    The casino kingpin poured in millions of dollars into Super PACs to defeat Obama. And for all that cold hard cash, by some estimates all he got was a 1% bump from one Super PAC and a 13% spike from the other. If his casino manager came back with those kind of returns, Sheldon would've blown a gasket and would've handed him a pink slip.

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • Isn't all the post-election armchair quarterbacking by the Republicans hilarious to watch?

    It's funny to watch the Fox analysts and other conservatives try to wrap their heads around how they got hammered during the election. For years, they spurned Latino voters and took a "principled stand" against comprehensive immigration. When they got absolutely killed in that demographic, now they're on full spin cycle: "Oh maybe it's time we pass comprehensive immigration reform." All of the sudden, it sounds like a good idea. LOL. Then other pundits think they need to "brown" their candidates a little: "We should've got Marco Rubio as VP. We need more Latinos in high profile positions." And I just shake my head because they don't get it. Simply having a token Mexican in office or trying to pass reform after the fact is simply quick-fix band-aid solutions that don't work long-term. The pandering to hispanics is embarrassing, obvious, and insincere. What they need is a change of heart on this issue and many others where they "struggle to win the demographic."

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • Should someone tell Karl Rove that he can stop counting. The race is over?

    He's still waiting for all the votes in Ohio to come in. Never mind that even with Ohio, Romney would've lost badly or that Obama won the popular vote by more than 3 million votes. Even Fox News tried to tell Karl the bad news but he covered his ears, yelling "La la la la la la!"

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Does Karl Rove need an intervention after that total meltdown on Fox News?

    It's like that scene in "Downfall" when Hitler finally realizes the German army has been destroyed and the Allies are knocking on his front door. He completely lost all sense of reality and refused to acknowledge that Obama was the winner of Ohio - even when Fox News announced it themselves!

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Did you know if Romney won only the same number of Latinos as McCain did, he would be president?

    His move to the far right on immigration cost him the election. All he needed was the number of Latinos McCain won over in 2008 to win the presidency. And I got news for ya, simply picking a VP with a hispanic last name like Rubio wouldn't have worked either.

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do conservatives blame everything but their ideology for their losses?

    After the good old fashioned butt whipping they got, you'd think they look in the mirror and reassess their platform, but instead they point the finger at the media, logistical issues, or just not being persuasive enough. They think if they just tune their message a little bit or change the messenger, somehow that will fix everything and they'll do fine. Sorry conservatives, it's not details but the substance of your stands on issues that is causing you to lose. Why can't you own up to this fact?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I've been saying it for years: Republicans alienated Latinos?

    You should've listened to me cons. I was saying this forever. Romney lost the hispanic vote by 71%. If he had won the same number of hispanics as McCain, Romney would be president. If you think the Arizona law, the comments about self-deportation, electric fences, and taking a hardline against the Dreamers didn't have an effect, then you're just too hard headed to see reality.

    So keep it up and you'll have many, many more nights like Tuesday.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • With a month left to go in the presidential election, does anyone know specifics about Romney's plan?

    Can you name any specifics (not vague generalities) about Romney's plan: how and how much?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why don't people understand, you can't slash your way to a balanced budget?

    You can't cut back enough on government spending to balance the budget. It's impossible. The math doesn't work. You have to raise revenues at some point. And cutting back on government spending is the WORST thing you can do in a recession. GDP growth is already anemic. You're only making it worse.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do conservatives complain about State Dept security in Bengazi?

    In the past, Republicans cut the budget for the State Department so obviously they didn't have the funds to bolster security. And Republicans just want to keep slashing federal budgets (State Dept included) so security will be even less adequate. Republicans have a disconnect between their policies and their consequences.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Its hard to hit a moving target. Isn't Romney so slippery?

    I haven't seen a politician lie this boldly and brashly since Bill Clinton wagged his finger at the press and said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" But at least most politicians at least try to act conflicted or somewhat guilty about telling bold-faced lies. Romney will say one thing one minute and will turn around without skipping a beat and say, "What? I didn't say that! No, you misunderstood!"

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • "No Religious Affiliation" is the fastest growing demographic?

    Does that mean secularism is winning? Are people finally realizing that religion is a scam?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Honestly, which party benefits you more?

    Thanks to the affordable care act, some people now have insurance that couldn't get it before. People with pre-existing conditions (like pregnancy, WTF). There are 20 year olds that can now stay on their paren's insurance which can be a godsend when you consider they're going to school or can't find a full-time job with benefits. What if god forbid, they come down with a devastating illness or a car accident? Obamacare just might save their life.

    Yes, the debt has gone up. But as a percentage of GDP, it's not the highest its ever been. The other guys ran up the debt too, but they did it to pay for things like the Iraq War and tax cuts for wealthy people. When does either party do anything for you, personally? Think about it.

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Does Obama have something up his sleeve?

    Now, I'm not one to subscribe to conspiracy theories and I may be way out in left field on this, but Obama looked just a little bit too cool and unconcerned at the debate. The guy doesn't even appear bothered by his performance when asked about it and he is not a stupid man. The only time I've ever acted like that is when I know I have this thing sown up like it's in the bag. By not putting up much of fight, he's giving Romney a false sense of victory. Like, "Okay, keep talking fool. You have no idea what's about to happen." Could it be that he's got some video on Romney that is so devastating that it doesn't even matter if Romney humiliates him in the debate because once the country sees it, it's over? Could this be some kind of Zen jedi mind F just to mess with Romney? It is the season for surprises after all. What do you think?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Obama should've hammered Romney in the debate?

    He let Romney get away with so much. I wouldn't have given him an inch.

    Romney: "I've been in business 25 years and I have no idea what you're talking about."

    Response: "Well I've been president for the last 4 so I do know what I'm talking about. Maybe if you weren't so busy dismantling companies and laying people off, you could've paid attention to the big picture."

    Romney: "Excuse but I have 5 boys and I'm used to people telling me things that just aren't true."

    Response: "Well I have 2 daughters and they've been told never to tell one group of people something and then turn around make completely different promises to another group of people. "

    Romney: "Mr. President you promised to cut the deficit in half and you haven't even cut it 1%. In fact, it grew by 6 trillion dollars under your watch."

    Response: "Yes I did promise to cut the deficit but that was before the economy nearly collapsed. I don't care who is in this job, nobody could of cut the debt when millions of people that were previously paying taxes are now unemployed. Nor is it wise to cut back government spending when the economy is on life support. I had to make a choice to save the economy or rein in spending. I chose to help out struggling Americans first. If we hadn't passed the stimulus bill, according to Ben Bernanke, not me, we would've sank into another Great Depression. And he has studied the Great Depression all his life. So he knows what he is talking about. And the deficit is a problem but we still have time to fix it. Now is not the time. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit is not the highest its ever been (like it was during WW2)."

    "Look Mr. Romney has made a lot of glowing promises. He's promised to create millions of jobs, cut everyone's taxes by 20%, increase the defense budget, and reduce the deficit all at the same time. Now, if you believe he can do all that then I got some swampland I'd like to sell you. Even my daughters know it's simply not realistic to have their cake and eat it too. Trade-offs have to be made. This man said about 47% of the country, and I quote, 'I'm not worried about them. That's not my job.' Now when push comes to shove, which promises do you think he's going to forget about first?"

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How can you trust Romney?

    Sure he put on a great performance (just like any capable used car salesman) but that doesn't make it true. I'm sure his advisors told him to totally deny the 47% comment and act like he didn't really feel that way. But how can you trust him? He makes all these grandiose promises that sound almost too good to be true because they are. He'll say anything to get elected. Period.

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • I got news for you Republicans, you're still going to lose?

    Savor the flavor, cons. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. Real Clear Politics map: Obama 269 Romney 181. Romney is losing by 9 in Ohio (which he must win). He will lose Colorado, Nevada, and Florida thanks to his anti-immigrant stance. People still remember the 47% comment. He's got a long way to go to overcome his deficit and promising the world ain't the way to do it.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago