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Why do conservatives complain about State Dept security in Bengazi?

In the past, Republicans cut the budget for the State Department so obviously they didn't have the funds to bolster security. And Republicans just want to keep slashing federal budgets (State Dept included) so security will be even less adequate. Republicans have a disconnect between their policies and their consequences.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    Budget cuts?

    How do you cut something which does not exist?

    Obama and Harry Reid have refused to pass a budget for the past 3 years, in violation of the law.

    The fact is that Obama policy would not allow for protection of Stevens and his staff.....any more that you could tell a weird neighbor how much you trusted him, but send an armed guard with your child whenever he walked past that neighbor's house.

    Obama has long advocated an atmosphere of mutual trust with the Islamic extremists.

    This policy would necessitate an absence of security for American Diplomats in order for Obama to imply that trust.

    Any contingency of military protection assigned to Stevens and his staff would have served to raise questions concerning this policy of mutual trust.

    I believe that, somewhere, among the fine print of Obama Foreign Policy, lies the instructions for limited security which led to the death of Ambassador Stevens.

    Obama killed Ambassador Stephens and the Navy Seals with his naive policies.

    And, when we dig a bit deeper, we find even more reason for Obama to lie about the details.

    The Obama Administration actually went against the advice of Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, national security adviser, Thomas E. Donilon, and the counter terrorism chief, John O. Brennan.

    (Quote from NY Times article at the time of the Libyan invasion.)

    "In joining Ms. Rice and Ms. Power, Mrs. Clinton made an unusual break with Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, who, along with the national security adviser, Thomas E. Donilon, and the counter terrorism chief, John O. Brennan, had urged caution. Libya was not vital to American national security interests, the men argued, and Mr. Brennan worried that the Libyan rebels remained largely unknown to American officials, and could have ties to Al Qaeda."

    We must also note that the UN Resolution authorizing the invasion was penned by Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton. Rice and Clinton actually coerced the votes necessary for it's passage.

    "There was high drama right up to the surprising Security Council vote on Thursday night, when the ambassador for South Africa, viewed as critical to getting the nine votes needed to pass the resolution, failed to show up for the final vote, causing Ms. Rice to rush from the chamber in search of him."

    It is all documented here, March 18, 2011:

    Of course, I do not expect that you, nor any other liberal will read the link.

    Facts and truth tend to destroy your devotion to Obama.

  • 9 years ago

    Obama has been in charge for almost four years so don't try to hold his administration blameless.. Obama can find millions of tax payer dollars to help support PBS and Solindra so why couldn't he find the funding to protect our Ambassador? He entrusted the safety of an American citizen to Libyan body guards . Thats disgraceful especially since our Ambassador had asked for additional security because of death threats and recent Alcaida activity in the area.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It drives the right wing nutjobs crazy that they will be blamed forever for all of the deaths of 9/11, and for their failure to catch Osama bin Laden. So they have to retaliate any way they can, just to rescue some self esteem.

  • virgod
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    TJ, I told you once, I will tell you again: you, pathetic neolibnazi, are not worthy,

    2 points.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Your made up excuse doesn't work, there were people on the ground and they pulled them out right before the attack.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No. They were banking on this happening so Obama will be blamed. Didn't to see how fast Romney jumped out there?

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