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Should rapists who cause a pregnancy be forced to be fathers, since the victims may be forced to be mothers?

Should there be day care at prisons? Allowed participation in doctor, school, and place of worship choices? Time out of prison so there could be a family unit established?

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's an excellent question. I guess people who oppose abortion under any circumstances have not really thought this whole thing through. Pro-life people are in a bind with stuff like that, because if a zygote or fetus is already a human then it is a human in the case of rape, too. Therefore, you can't really make any exceptions, but you end up in a messed up situation like the one you are describing.

  • I realize you're being hyperbolic like the mindset of most misogynistic conservatives, I think you even managed to fool a few reasonable responders into thinking that you're a detached from reality conservative.

    I understand your juxtaposition here since absolute pregnancy monitoring police state societal corrosion appears to be exactly what the saturated labor market capitalists want America to become regardless of how detrimental this is to the future of a dwindling middle class.

    I propose that in order to make rapists less likely to become repeat offenders, create a mesh-like fly-trap that can absorb a rapists DNA that can be removed at a hospital where the DNA can be recorded and if the rapists strikes again, barring the death of the next victim, one might be able identify the perpetrator, but the fact that we've not become a totalitarian state where everyone's DNA is kept on file as a cross reference for potential future crimes, granted this sort of database would probably lend itself to abuse, like framing someone's political critics for murder, rape or whatever crime is convenient for the framing narrative.

    I have not fully fleshed out this idea, but it is a start where at the least known sex-offenders would have to volunteer their DNA as part of a probation or parole agreement contract, it's not perfect, but there's very little in a human dominated world of conflicting agendas, greed, manipulations and distractions that are capable of non-subjective, objective perfection.

    Source(s): Juxtaposition
  • Davids
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    There IS day care in prisons for the mothers who give birth in prison, not all of whom are pregnant because of rape. In fact, most are not pregnant because of rape. Should fathers be forced to be fathers...? No woman is forced beyond the point of giving birth to be a "mother" and that, is to the rapist's fault not the victims (mothers) fault.

    Still, she is not forced beyond the birth of the child to continue being that child's "mother."

    So, "no" no one should be forced to provide the rest of parenting, as there are a multitude of worthy alternative parents ready willing and able to do the rest of the job. Let them. And judge the perp of rape for causing so much harm to the bio mother's life. It SHOULD be part of his judgement.

  • 9 years ago

    This is a serious issue and actually there HAVE been situations where idiot judges have allowed persistent Rapists some rights in the past. I think and hope there should be even more laws to address this. Of course if there is no conviction from a rape- a bio father would have 100% rights to the child.

    No. I think they should be stripped of their rights and have to pay child support.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No! The rapists should stay in prison away from the mother and child.

    And the victims are not forced to be mothers since abortion is an option.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Putting all religion aside (because let's face it: religion is fiction), I think that rapists should not be allowed to have any contact with their child, assuming that the mother even chooses to have a child (she can rightfully choose an abortion).

  • 9 years ago

    If you heard any candidate say a raped mother cannot have an abortion,you must be part of that political party who twists the truth and spins lies therefore lying and believing it is like one eating ones own excrement.

  • Barry
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    No, they really should be castrated and locked away for life, If a woman chooses to raise such a child it should be kept from them until they are 18 or so, when they can understand what a POS their father is.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You want the children to know their mothers were raped and they were born out of being raped?

    The rapists should be locked up and kept their and have no contact with mother or her child if she chose to kept her/him.

    Where did you come up with a question like this?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    if she was raped, she can turn the sperm away... don't you know nothing about how sex works? god!

    i'd prefer to send all the dirty diapers to their cell however.

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