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The M.C.B and Saudi Arabia seem determined to force the idiotic Sharia law on us.?

It seems Muslims have no concept of faith and the freedom to hold beliefs other than Islam,the M.C.B are telling Muslim footballers not to wear shirts promoting Wonga,this is not a Muslim country and Shariah law is not recognised or legal then Saudi Arabia wants the Internet policed against criticism of Islam,so is allowing Muslims into the west and allowing them to build mosques a mistake and an encroachment on religious freedom,at present there is far too much crime under the banner of Islam and Sharia.What are the opinions of non Muslims.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To prevent such dilemmas for footballers clubs should be careful who they sign..

    It has happened in other walks of life.....warehouse men who would not move boxes of alcohol.

    Cooks refusing to sausages.

    All got religious issues after accepting the jobs...not before.

    It is a desire to force their views on the wider public.

    It is also a false superiority complex.....they are more moral than the next drinking or gambling etc. But child marriage, honour killings, forced marriage, rape in marriage, one else's business even if it occurs in non muslim countries.

    They have a cake and eat it. mentality

    Source(s): Employers should he very careful who they employ.....there will be claims of discrimination if they don't get a job or claims of discrimination if they do. Ignore positive discrimination and quotas......
  • 9 years ago

    They have the right not to wear the shirts we have the right to not offer them a contract unless they do .

    Football clubs get a fair amount of money to advertise on team strips and a footballers contract is dependent on wearing the strip simple logic you wear it or you don't play.

    Good luck to them getting the policing the internet its been tried before it may work in Islamic countries but we aren't Islamic here -----yet.

  • Wukong
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    As has been well reported and documented, those Muslim extremists (which does not include all Muslims) -

    Do not believe in freedom of speech, personal freedom, or freedom of religion. They do not believe in Democracy.

    They do believe in the total destruction of Western Civilisation, and that Islam should rule the world.

  • 9 years ago

    Football clubs derive a proportion of their revenue from advertising, so If Muslim players refuse to wear advertising on their shirts then presumably their wages will have to be cut, is that right?

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The cockroaches attempt to encroach everywhere,more fool the West,if we let them.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    hitler thought the democracies weak, what's more and he was right too, his regime was destroyed by an equally authoritarian state.

    so if the money men say jump through theist hoops guess what we are going to do?

  • 9 years ago

    The clubs have an option. Don't pick those who object to the strip.

    Make it a part of their contract.

  • 9 years ago

    If Britishers feel so strongly they have the option of boycotting football matches where such players are participating .

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Arrogance, superiority complex and brainwashing. They will never have Sharia Law here, we have our own laws which apply to ALL.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Every Man Have their own choice .You can force them to wear tshirt that don't want to

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