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David Blaine Wants to be Taken seriously. How does that work in reality?

As a former illusionist

Now an endurance Idiot

How does he even get insurance for is so called stunts?

When he put himself in a plastic cube in London, he was used for target practice by amateur Golfers.

When he hung himself upside down for a few days, It turned out he was only doing it for minutes at a time.

now he put himself in a Vandergraph Generator, Where were the hecklers with water balloons?

Interviews in the UK could only be described as surreal

Even people who were stoned thought they had a bad trip.

So What can this Clown do next

Standing for President could top his career.

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    that's a laugh

    Source(s): laugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laughlaugh laugh laugh
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