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So God prefers challenges, tests, and strife over Peace, Harmony, and Tranquility?

This is the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelations...? He didn't have to test man in the Garden. The world was Peaceful and He did not have to banish Satan to Earth. This has caused nothing but madness ever since.

14 Answers

  • Cyd
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Humankind because of the fall from grace is the reason for challenges, tests, and strife. Out of this mess God creates peace, harmony and tranquility. You seem to have missed all the stories about what a loving God we have and how numerous times He changed His mind and saved people rather than punished them.

  • 9 years ago

    Only to people who have a lot of challenges, tests and strife in their life. If you ask a rich person with no personal problems then they will say that God is rewarding them.

    Whatever works at the time.

  • 9 years ago

    The people who created this mythological story of Adam and Eve, God and Satan did it to confuse and control humanity by keep us second guessing why this almighty "God" person can't seem to get his sh!t together and make us all live in peace and harmony from the very beginning. The problem is there was no beginning. We've been here for millions of years fighting each other and other species for territory and survival.

    Source(s): Nature's Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Not at all. God promises believers peace, harmony and tranquility in heaven. God cannot be with sin.

    Mankind is responsible for the world as it is.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Well this shows me you don't know the Bible from Genesis to Revelation - sorry no 's' on the end. Also it shows that you don't believe in the the Holy Bible, or about the One True God. Thus you don't know the reason for the Garden, nor why Satan was thrown out or cast down. And it truly shows that you are part of the problem not the cure. - For only in Christ is the answer.

  • 9 years ago

    Why not take the time to consider that from the moment he handed down Adam & Eve's punishment his love was on display even for their unborn children and grandchldren etc. etc. etc. Why not look at the fact that at that moment he set into motion the means by which he would RESTORE peace, harmony and tranquility to the earth? You might be happier for it.

    You're a "glass half empty" kind of guy, aren't you? O-o

  • no he prefers free will, with that comes challenges, tests, and strife

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    you have the story but not in order.

    there was no world as far as adam and eve was concerned. Until eve and adam ate the fruit...there was only the garden........the world was without man.

    satan was driven from the garden just as adam and ever.......because God wanted all men to be tested to see how they will live without Him..( God) by their side.

    if they could walk away from satan...and live a good life they would be rewareed with eternal life.

    satan knows the reward and so he is intent on confusing man to keep him from finding truth. by your jumbled information as a question...he succeded with you

    all men that have lived and who will live were once spirit children of a loving heavenly father,.God held a council and told us that he would create a world for us, and through the words of the prophets whom he would call.......there would be a relgiion that would exist from start to finish..for man to follow. thus mankind had a chance to find their way back to God.

    If man followed satan they would find spiritual death

    many have chosen that path.

    madness is from satan...........those who follow him.

    but those who want better for themselves and not allow this life to be for nothing...they will find their God and hold to the iron rod...and walk through life doing good.

    its all up to us.............what we reep from this life.

    the garden of eden was just the place whereby adam and eve could SEE and communicate with satan.......children could not be born in the garden...for they were as little children...they had no ability to have children.

    BUT once they ate of the fruit...gthey were changed. Satan became invisable......and we became subject to sin.If we knew who was talking to us...we wouldnt listen

    now..its all up to us.....................


  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    they have discovered from Al Gore - get fat, advance a beard, positioned on flannel and stay in the melancholy of your loss till even your significant other leaves you and your baby gets into your pot stash.

  • 9 years ago

    It is easy to be faithful in peace. The test is faithfulness in trials.

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