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rickman asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

If Scotland does secede from the union ?

And their economy fails would we then have to support them much the same as we do other countries such as Pakistan and india ?


Yes agree with that Disgruntled but seriously when have we looked after our own or when is it going to happen as we have not done much for our own so far.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes - because the English government/establishment is a 'ridiculous benevolent' country (aid etc) toward 'foreign countries' Scotland (5.2 million people) will become.

    Alex Salmond is after the eurozone bailout monies (billions+) - thats his real intention so he can 'fund Scotland' matter the consequences of taking eurozone bailout monies ie:...the IMF/and the ECB taking full and total control of 'all' countries internal financial policies who accept those has been proved with Greece/Ireland/Portugal and soon to be Spain and Italy.

    Its a 'shortsighted' move - and will end in 'disaster' for the scottish people long term. They then wanting too 'vote again' to 'rejoin the union'....and all the benefits it has offered the scottish people - including the benefit system that 90% rely on in one way or the other....all paid for by the english taxpayers with a very small % contributed by the scottish people.

    If Scotland wants total independence....fair enough - even though its a betrayal for the english government/peoples who have funded/supported them during our lifetimes - and as long as they can 'afford' it - and the english taxpayer is not expected to 'bail them out' at anytime in the future'.!!

    We have been the UK since the beginning of our lifetimes in this country and 100's of year before - and its a crying shame that the UK is too be 'broken-up' for the benefit of a few mindless 'fanatical scottish politicians'....they leading the scottish peoples into oblivion.

    And 'next' will be Wales....also re the above.!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If Scotland is part of the EU as well as the rest of Britain, then we will probably be required to. As well as other EU countries. Although it's difficult to say what the future of Scotland's economy would be like if it gained independence.

    I actually think the issue of Scottish Independence has been inflated in terms of importance by the media. As not all that much will change if people vote Yes in 2014. After all, both Britain and Scotland would remain as EU states with open borders between each other, and as part of a global economy.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    As Scotland wants Join the EU - That means we will have give Scotland Aid under EU Rules

    Source(s): JG
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  • That should be instead of Pakistan or India, the Scots are our own!

    Lol when politicians (on all sides) stop playing the big 'I am' on the world stage, or when hell freezes over, any bets on which will be sooner?

  • spurr
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    could be also; St patricks bypass is for the completed of eire. The Ulster flag is a pink hand. So the completed component is previous it's going to be the disunited kingdom so it would want to could be renamed

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Pray it will not happen Alex Salmond is an idiot and i am scottish only 28% want independence but we could do without the Tory Party and its greedy policies they live in a dream world and have a had rich upbringings, they do not know how normal families live

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Can't they take Nth Ireland with them ?

    The descendents of Scots,are the ones the Irish don't like.

    They can swap nutters.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    OUR oil has supported the Westminster Government for about the last 30 years, so maybe when your economy fails we shall give you some aid.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Dont be silly Scotland might have to give England aid

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