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Question of religious freedom?

Let's say that I belong to a religious cult that does not believe in prescription drugs or any kind of drugs for medication. Now let us say that my religion runs a school and we have employees; teachers, aids, etc. I run the school. Although many of my employees DO believe in prescription drugs and want coverage in their health insurance. My employees religions freedom and believes are that they should use medication to insure health and welfare. However, I site that it is my religious freedom NOT to provide employees with prescription drugs. I can care less about the religious freedom of my employees.


Is it right for me and my school to deny prescription drug coverage to my employees even if their religious freedom state that they should have access to such drugs?

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obviously your religious freedom is being infringed upon if you can't make all of your employees obey the dictates of your religion. We're all required, after all, to live according to our employer's beliefs, to spend our paychecks as they dictate, and to use only what healthcare they deem appropriate. The money our employers give us is theirs, no matter how much work we do to earn it. We give up your right to religious freedom when we take a job. It's right there in the Constitution.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Following your logic, Christian Scientists have a basis for not providing health care at all, since all believers are supposed to be cured by God. That is the same logic that underlies the whole "government provided contraceptives" debate. It is really a shame that the religious right now has more in common with J. Goebbels than they do with J. Christ.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, it is right for your school to do so. It is a good question. Thankfully, in this country, we have freedom of religion (I am hoping this continues to be the case but fear it will not be should our current president be reelected). Those seeking employment are not forced to accept a position at your school. They have the freedom to work wherever they wish. They also have the freedom to pay for whatever they wish to by some other means. Your question is one intended to highlight a position the President has taken and show why it is right. However, it is antithetical to what our Founders intended. No one should be forced to do something that is fundamentally against their religious beliefs (see exception below). There is a sense of entitlement in this country that stems from ignorance of history and of the rights and obligations of private citizens.

    There are limits to religious freedom, however. The Christian Scientists are a sect that does not believe in medicine and several of the follower have been convicted of neglect or even manslaughter when they have ignored the medical conditions of their children. A mild infection ends up killing a child because it is ignored in the belief that God will heal the child. Christ healed and ministered to the earthly needs of the humans he encountered. We should make use of the medical knowledge that God has made known to us to minimize suffering (Christ helped those suffering around him). I do not see the above as anyone being forced to do something against their beliefs. Children are not old enough to make decisions for themselves and rely on parents for care. A parent is obliged to do what is best for a child, not subject them to suffering and death by ignoring medical conditions.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    "However, I site that it is my religious freedom NOT to provide employees with prescription drugs."

    Employees means a business.

    Businesses are required to comply with federal law. I'm sure there are *many* business owners who would just *love* to say, "It's against my religious convictions to pay my employees more than one dollar an hour." That doesn't exempt them from minimum wage regulations.

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  • E P
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Ethically, I would be sure that any applicant understood that acceptance of the position DOES NOT include RX drug coverage. It would then be the responsibility of the person who accepts the job to have made an informed choice.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Only if it is against Bible principles, do we reject what is needed. The Bible says to abstain from blood so no Christian should take a blood transfusion. Luke was a Dr and there would be no point of seeing a Dr if we are not going to take the medicine and get well. Talking to a dr will not help you. Leave the people alone.

  • 9 years ago

    It depends on the way the school is run. Does the school get all their funding from the church? Is it a public school that was simply started by your religion? If it is run completely by the church, then yes, that is okay, but if it's not legally owned by the church, then that's not okay.

  • 9 years ago

    It should be written down on paper for them to read and sign before hiring them

  • moot point

    first yes it is your right as no one forced them to be employed by you

    however had that not been the case there is a huge difference between medicine ment to save lives, and contraceptives ment to prevent life

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you are an employer, you conform to employment law.

    Simple as that.

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