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Obama = Romney? What do you think? If I want change vote Gary Johnson?

what do you think? If I want change vote for Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party?

Done some looking into Gary Johnson and is sides with Ron Paul on a lot of stuff. Here is somre more info.

Gary could be the next president. I am voting libertarian this election because of how they treated Ron Paul and I am tired of the 2 party system. That and Gary is against the NDAA and has a lot of other interesting stances. He was inspired by ron paul. here is more.

There is a 3rd choice for president? Don't have to pick a lesser evil? Gary Johnson Libertarian?

We need change and I think Gary is it. Check him out. He will be electable in all 50 states.

8 reasons to vote for Garry and writer explains the above opinion about only voting for repubs and dems is garbage to boot.

campain video

Gary's View on the NDAA

And he wants to give power to the states. Whats that do? It let's america evolve. Other states see what states do right and they replicate it. Other states see other states doing things wrong and they don't replicate it. I like his view on the states need to make more certain decisions.

Gary's nomination speech

If you elect obama or Romney this is what ya got to look forward to possibly.

and Gary has a face book page. However the media are doing their best to hide this guy. He was republican but left the party and joined the libertarians. He was governor or Arizona and did a great Job and as the article writer notes at the top link we have had a lot of success with Governors as president.


Arrgh! I mean he was governer or New Mexico. meh I keep messing that up.

Update 2:

Gary will be on the ballots. The media might try and hide him but we can still vote for him in all 50 states. Ins't that great!

Update 3:

@Nuuvox thats right nuuvox but you still have a say. I want to hear your opinion. Am I wong? You still have a say. Unlike our media that won't let anyone have a say other than their chosen for the debates.

Update 4:

@Barry I dissagree I don't think it has to be only 1 of 2 will win the election. I believe in voting for more parties than just those chosen for us. Of course I will hear ya out but I admit I still disagree but if I hear a convincing argument then yeah I will consider what ya have to say.

Update 5:

@Barry what I mean is I think by voting for Gary I don't believe I am giving my vote to Obam or Mitt. I believe my vote count's for who i voted for.

Update 6:

@Nuuvox I am also asking qustions because thats the best way to hear contrary opinions on the matter and get an alternate points of view.

Update 7:

@King well thanks king but i'll be voting. I wan't my voice to be heard.

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go for it. Gary

  • Barry
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Know what you are saying and not sure what state you are in but you have to realize one of two are going to win the election. If you are in tight state and dislike Obama as much as I do your vote can be important. All of the people I thought would be best, dropped out so I am voting for the RR ticket, A third party could make it but it would take a very dynamic person that would have to start first and work harder than the other two, I would love to see it. But for now we have to get the empty chair out!!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I understand why. Obama has proven to be a failure. I am so angry at the uncivlize commercials Obama pumps out. It's horrible how he falsely accuse Romeny of killing people. Romney doesn't seem much better, but atleast he has some hope that he would change direction . We have been living 20 years in the same idiotic policy and ROmney did indicate he was planning to fire Bernanke. If we don't tell both party they suck they will never get the idea that they need to improve. I don't think this year, thrid party will do much.

  • 5 years ago

    Given a honest election there's a stable danger Gary might win this. If in uncomplicated terms 35% understand he exists and he polls at 6% then if a hundred% knew he existed he might pollat 18% and take votes correspondingly from the others. Then if allowed to chat, he might boost from there being waiting to tutor his vastly greater advantageous levels of integrity and values. The Republican arguments do no longer carry water. Their guy is a cult obsessed liar and occupation baby-kisser. The Republican marketing campaign grow to be rife with corruption, lies and cheating and we haven't any reason to have self assurance they might run the government any incorrect way.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Ha, 'change your vote' huh? Come on, we all know you already wanted to vote for Gary and you've written a crap load of stuff on here about him just trying to convince others lol.

  • 9 years ago

    any vote other than obama

  • 9 years ago

    Just stay home then .....

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