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Who falls into the catagory of the 47% ?

I thought 47% included all people that do not pay income taxes.

Such as people on social security, disability, low ranking military, working poor, independent college students on financial aid, and of course the people on welfare, medicaid, food stamps ect.

I am a single mom and my income taxes are never more then the child tax credit, and child care credit. So I dont pay income taxes. I do however spend all my money i make and get back in tax returns in the American economy. I am the 47%

So I have heard comments this week bashing the 47% some as extreme as shipping us all to another country, some are trolls others are serious.

Am I right about the 47% and should I be offended that some of my family members made these comments on facebook?


My child's father died in Iraq before my child was born, he had bearly worked a year, so she does not receive social security, it is what it is. I have never been on welfare my family took me in.

6 Answers

  • lare
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    numerically 47% is the number that don't pay federal income tax, so that is most certainly what Romney was referring to.

    now to say that those people are moochers and takers was over the top. would you consider our soldiers in Afghanistan not contributing a fair share simply because they are excused on taxes? Those on Social Security and Medicare contributed by working their entire life to get those benefits, those are not mooched off anyone else or the government.

    the problem i have with Romney is this is the Republican plan for social justice. in the 1980's the number not paying federal income tax was only 15%. It was Reagan that reformed the income tax with the idea that the most efficient, practical and honorable way to help the working poor was to instead of handing out welfare was to just not tax them in the first place. He changed the number not paying to 28% towards this goal. Bush is the one that gave us working family credits that brought the number up to 45%. But these are infact working people, not welfare queens, the number paying FICA/SE tax is 83%. If Romney wants more people to pay federal income tax, he needs to substitute a living wage for of minimum wage. Romney vetoed the increase in minimum wage as governor of Massachusetts, fortunately he was over-ridden by 100% of the legislature, including fellow Republicans.

  • 9 years ago

    @ lare

    not everyone in Romney's 47% comment fall under moochers or people receiving free handouts. His comment towards that was granted, worded poorly and people took that comment and put a spin of it on their own like Obama did during the second debate, giving Romney no chance to clarify what he meant. Though there are some people that understand what Romney truly meant, like me (being a graduate last year, I took CIVICS and took politics) He said that 47% will follow Obama and vote for him no matter what. That 47% includes yes, all the people such as military personal, people on medicare, etc. But he was refering to the people that wont get a job and will collect food stamps and unemployment, just because they can. Why work and earn all that when you can get it handed to you for nothing? You can sit around and be a bum and collect what you need to get by. There are people that have/ do/ and will mooch off the system just because they're lazy. Does that mean the people that deserve or actually NEED to have food stamps or unemployment are moochers? No. Because unlike the people that COULD have a job, those people have no choice. The people like this woman need it for their kids just to get by because she's a single mom. Does that mean she's a moocher in the 47%? No. But she is in the 47% that is collecting goverment handouts.

    Source(s): Common sense. People abuse the system, it should be no surprise to anyone with a brain. Perhaps lare needs to go back to school.
  • Ann
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Enough with the charade of who the real problems are in society.

    People who demand the most with no contribution. If you are too young to drive or hold a job. You have no business getting pregnant. But, people do and then we are forced to absorb these costs. They affect every aspect of society. These are the people causing all the problems.

    I volunteer at school a lot. All the kids with issues have usually very young single moms. We spend tons of resources helping these kids because their parents just could not keep their clothes on. The disruptive kids in class. The bullies on the bus. Other kids get less of an education because tax dollars and teachers need to be directed to the kids whose parents were not planning on being parents.

    You work. Your husband was serving his country. Your child sees you contributing and will be a good citizen. You never need to even think you are part of the 47%. You deserve all you get and more.

    I don't care who I offend. The facts are the facts.

  • 9 years ago

    You are largely correct in your assessment of what comprises the 47%, and as to whether or not you should be offended? That is largely a personal decision, but judging by the things I have heard people say about the 47%, yes. The 47% while not contributing income tax, and that is not necessarily through any fault of their own, still contribute greatly to the economy by spending their money in the economy in vast numbers.

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  • 9 years ago

    Those who do not contribute to the account should have no say on how that money is spent. What is their motivation except to steal more money from those of us who are paying?

    You made your choices, and that's great. Live your life however you wish. Just don't demand that I pay for your choices. I don't ask you to pay for mine.

    You chose to have your child. Even if you didn't deliberately get pregnant, you chose to carry your child to term and raise it yourself instead of putting it up for adoption.

    You choose to be a single mom. You could find a man to marry and support you. I'm not saying it's what you WANT to do, but it's a choice.

    You've made your choices, and no one else should have to pay for them except you and the baby's father.

    So, you're offended? You have no right to never be offended. I'd rather be offended than have someone steal my hard earned money out of my pocket and take it from me and my family. And, please don't think it's all about what's best for your kid. You are stealing money from other families and their children.

    What gives you the moral right? Sure, the laws will take money from me and my children to give it to you, but that doesn't make it right. At one time slavery was legal. Did that mean it was morally right?



  • Thalia
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It includes almost everyone serving in the military.

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