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Is polygamy answer to stop female child abortion.?

If multiple wives are allowed in countries where girl child are considered burden then it will create demand for girls and dowry system will also cease slowly.

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This makes no sense.

    In China, its predicted that by the middle of this decade, one out of every 10 young men will not be able to find a woman to marry, due to the shortage of girl babies born in China over the last several decades of their "one child per family" law. Allowing some men to have two or more wives would simply mean that MORE men would spend their lives without even ONE female partner. That's a guarantee of future social unrest!

    And the reason girls are considered a "burden" is because in traditional Chinese culture, sons are expected to care for their parents in old age. Daughters, OTOH, marry and go to live with their husband's family where they are expected to care for their in-laws and not their own parents. So if you're only allowed one child, you would want that child to be a son, so you have someone to take care of you when you're old. How on earth would allowing polygamy change this? Chinese parents are STILL going to prefer sons to daughters.

  • Mrs
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    There are not enough women to marry as it is and dowry is illegal in most countries, even in some where it is still practiced. They need to respect women and let them get an education so they can support themselves. A self sufficient woman will not marry with a dowry. Marrying several and be poor because you can not support them and all the kids you have is not a solution.

  • 9 years ago

    no you bloody idiot. If men stop considering their wives to be their and their parent's servant, then female foeticide will stop.

    My parents have 3 daughters, and my sisters have helped my mom dad financially to buy a house, buying car, paying for my college fees, paying for my cousin's college fees, lending money to relatives.

    My parents have already told us that they are not going to pay for us wedding. We have to save it from our pay, as all of us work

    And, my state doesn't have dowry system like other states. My mom dad are not going to give money to anyone. Why, do you want to demand dowry from a girl to marry your ugly face?

    Our population is more than 1 billion already? Do we need more children? In fact, we should have a 1 child policy like China.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


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