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Lv 5
Barry asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 9 years ago

Obama linked to Benghazi?

Reports are coming out that he was linked to Benghazi, watched it in real time, did nothing.proven that he lied for two weeks. do you think this will stick or just be sweep under the rug but the lame stream media??

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    the media will protect him

    but cbs is starting to report it

    libya embassy was attacked two weeks b4 murder

    40 foot hole blown in side wall, why didn't obama know, and if he did why didn't he send troops?

    State department knows it is terror night of attack and obama calls his security advisor.

    Why didn't he call meetings with security team? Was he thinking about getting enough sleep for Vegas?

    Next day he gives rose garden speech where he said act(s) of terror

    and flys to vegas.

    He goes on 60 minute and calls it "bump in the road."

    cbs calls it al qaeda attack

    clinton goes on tv in pakistan blame video

    At funeral they blame video

    US ambassador Susan Rice goes on 5 shows says it was not premeditated. Caused by video.

    The next day state dept says we don't know enough to say what it is.

    If they don't know enough why are they blaming video?

    Obama goes on letterman show obama blames video

    and insult to "Prophet Muhammed."

    The next day state dept says it was act of terror.

    Obama goes on univision and says we don't know we are investigating.

    Clinton calls it terror attack.

    Obama on the VIEW says we are doing investigation.

    Obama goes to UN and in front of the world blames video 6 times.

    at debate claims he called it a terror act (actually says acts)

    After debate obama tells questioner we waited to say what happened is because he wants to be deliberate.

    So why did he blame video and if he said he is waiting how can he say he called it act of terror?

    This whole thing is caused by the Obama Mid-East policy falling apart.

    He sent American military to Libya without congressional approval and bombed Libya and armed Al Qaeda and then Al Qaeda used those arms against embassy.

    Now Muslim brotherhood is running Egypt and Al qaeda is in Libya.

    Yes Obama has done great (for al qaeda and muslim brotherhood.)

  • 9 years ago

    Here's an audio clip of the father of Tyrone Woods. Note the 2 min section containing his comments on how insincere OblameO and Hillary were, and how Hillary lied to a grieving man by telling him a video caused the problem and they would arrest Milkula who practiced freedom of speech.

    Check out 4m30 to about 6m30sec in this link from the father of murdered son Tyrone Woods of the 14m file. You'll find Hillary lying about the video to a man who has just received his son's body. Somehow the arrest of Mikula for freedom of speech, is supposed to mollify a grieving father.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I have been hearing about it and WATCHING the news about it since September 11 and YOU are just now hearing about it??? HEY something is bad wrong with that!!!

    YES...he is linked to it, and the proof is all over the news in the form of their own WORDS, documents and lack of ACTION.

    Sad isn't it, that we cannot even TRUST the news people who carry such a high responsibility for letting people KNOW when there is trouble that REALLY MIGHT AFFECT THEIR LIVES!!!

    EVERYONE should be YELLING and writing letters to editors!!!



  • 9 years ago

    Linked as in he was involved in it? Where did you see this report?

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obama did lie about it. He might have an impeachment trial for if he wins the election.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes he lied big time. Is this what you want from your president. Lies and more lies

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    wow, another troll has arrived

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