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Why out of all the different religions out there that have and or do exist do you choose Christ?

I feel like the only reason people choose a religion is because they grow up around it. But what is the point of that? How can you be so certain that yours is right but theirs is wrong or slightly off or whatever.

Also dont you find it strange that ancient cultures always used Gods and mythical **** to explain the world. They believed in those myths just as much as you believe Noah made an Ark that fit 2 of every Animal on the planet to weather a storm that flooded the entire earth ( even the highest mountains) for 40 days. What makes that more real than say Hinduism or Scientology?

10 Answers

  • bourke
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Half the christians i know weren't born into it.

    This is the tip of the iceberg.The bible has certain characteristics to conclude it could only be written by God. No other religious book does this.

    Visit:, (you will need acrobat reader for this), read The Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell a former agnostic- and Examine the Evidence by Muncaster a former athiest/The Case for Christ and The Real Jesus by Lee Strobel a former athiest. (science website)

    Historical Accuracy(bible is the most accurate history book)

    The bible is loaded with historical statements concerning events hundreds of years ago and has not

    been proven incorrect in any.

    (Bible compared to other ancient documents):

    New Testament starts - at 25 years between original and first surviving copies

    Homer - starts at 500 years

    Demosthenes - at 1400 years

    Plato - at 1200 years

    Number of Manuscript Copies-New Testament - 5,686/Homer - 643/Demosthenes - 200/

    Plato - 7/Caesar -10

  • 9 years ago

    I actually left my family's faith that I grew up in. It was a sect of Christianity. It did not take the stories or Noah and Adam and Eve and such literally though. Some Christians do, but not all. Muslims and Jews also have the story of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jesus. Just to give a few. Those are not purely Christian.:) My school taught evolution right alongside their religion.

    So I didn't "choose Christ". I accepted the idea until I was in middle school. Then slowly decided it was not for me.

    Don't particularly like to compare the religions against each other and say "Well this one is more right than this one". I don't feel I (or anyone else) have the authority to do that. I don't believe anyone is completely right--not even me and my own personal beliefs. We're humans. To each their own.

    Peace :3

    Source(s): former catholic
  • Jim V
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I am one who was not "born into it." And it was the actions of "religious people" who turned me off to the idea of religion for a long time. But, at 34 I began to investigate the idea of religion - as an engineer would.

    This is not exactly the forum to have an in depth discussion, but in a nutshell I concluded that God is a much more logical concept than not. And that the description both God and the human condition is best illustrated in the Judeo/Christian scriptures. And that Jesus lived as a man ~2,000 years ago, was who he claimed to be, and was resurrected. Feel free to write if you want to fill in the gaps.

    On Noah: In studying the Hebrew account of the flood, one need not insist that the entire earth was covered or that 2 of every creature was packed into the ark. Geological evidence does not support a global flood, but genetic evidence does indicate a "bottleneck" in which all humans are descended from a small group ("Mitochondrial Eve" and "Y Chromosomal Adam"). This does concord with Noah, his sons and their wives in a time frame of about 60,000 to 100,000 years ago.

  • 9 years ago

    I always thought "There HAS to be more to life than this!" It seemed so futile to exist for eighty or so years and then die. I had nothing to live for, no purpose in my life. Get up, eat, go to work, come home. Futility. Nothing kept me happy for long. Nothing filled that void. Then-

    When I was 24 yrs. old, I realized that I had ruined my life. I heard on T. V. how to become a christian. I considered what I had heard and I thought "I know it is true. I know that Jesus is the Son of God". So I knelt down beside my bed and prayed "God, I know that Jesus is your Son, and If you can straighten out m life I will serve You with the rest of it" The room was filled with energy that felt like electricity that did not hurt, that spun in a clockwise direction, and entered me like a giant q-tip and cleansed from all the sin that I had.been burdened down with. It lasted about five seconds, then quit. It scared me, so I got in bed afraid that I might be dying. The next morning I felt light as a feather, and I held on to objects so I would not float away. I have been a christian since then. I have never regretted it for a nano-second. This happened in1969, Memorial Day weekend.

    1. Renounce Satan and all his works.

    2. Confess your sins to God the Father.

    3. Receive Jesus as your Savior.

    4. Serve God with all of your life.

    5. Live with God and Jesus forever

    Attend a Bible believing and teaching church.

    Read your Bible.

    Pray to God in Jesus' name.

    Christians can do anything they want-we are free-we just don't want to do those things anymore.

    God gives us the desires of our hearts, that is He gives us godly desires.

    What used to interest us now disgusts us. Once born again we accidentally sin, but it makes us miserable, there is no more 'pleasure' in sinning.

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  • 9 years ago

    Jesus proves Himself to me.

    Doesn't matter what other chilies believed unless they are judaism cus that used to be the only way now its not. Only way is christianity cuz only Jesus deals with our son.

    As for noah's flood your understanding of it is a lil off. 1st only male female of every kind of animal. A kind is a group of animals that can mate and have kids together. Dogs wolves 1 kind horse zebra 1 kind. So noah would for example only bring a male female wolf not every wolf and every type of dog. 2nd there were no mountains before the flood. The bible says rain came from the sky and beneath the crust. The sheer force needed to crack the crust so all the water could come out forced the to open wider. This caused some places to bulge up (mountains) and bulge down (trench). There were no rain oceans preflood. Flood didn't happen for 400 years after God told noah. Noah (since less animals theres plenty of space for thousands of ppl) was sent ot to preach the coming destruction and save ppl. They refused to repent and screwed themselves. God was needful even in OT. Noah is a reflection of now. There is a way to safety Jesus but ppl refuse to repent and turn back to him. They don't believe Hes coming cuz they think hue never has (the rain) well just like the rain hue will come. God didn't sacrifice Himself so that ppl could be lost but alllll saved cuz He adores ppl but He is just and will deliver justice to all.

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I actually looked into some different religions, I have a passing knowledge of many of them. But when I began to study the bible, it just rang true. You know Jesus said once that those who want to hear the truth will hear the truth, and that is what He always spoke. It is because God drew me to Him, and gave me the ability to hear His words, that I know what I know about the bible and Jesus.

  • EVERY Religion Has A Messiah (Anointed One) Figure...

    Hindus Have Krishna...

    Buddhists Have Buddha...

    Idiots/Pagans Have EA Zeus (jesus)...

    The Delivered Have YAHUSHA...

    The Free Have The Spirit...

  • Debler
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Because of Adam and Eve original sin entered into the world,and now all mankind will die in there sins,God knowing that all men sin created a way to save mankind from eternal death through his only son Jesus Christ suffered and paid the price for our sins to be forgiving,when we except Jesus Christ as our savior,and repent our sins to him,he cleanses us of our sins.

  • 9 years ago


  • 9 years ago

    all gods have names Noah's god created all Other gods (really fallen angels or god Wanta Be's) so all the other gods from mythical are false (hindo,Buddha Mohammad,Apollo,ZEUS ,atlas ETC,)

    only one creator JEHOVAH all others are rebel angel that want worship and glory or men possesed by demon spirits

    Source(s): hope this clears it up for you and your followers xxoo and all love and respect
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