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Why does God make people like my sister?

I believe in God but right now I am devastated and confused. Last week my sister commited suicide by hanging because she was tired of the constant ridicule and bullying because of a rare disease that she had no control over. My sister had TMAU which is a rare genetic disorder which causes someone to smell like rotten fish, garbage, sweating socks,etc regardless of how good their hygiene is. My sister was bullied and humiliated all her life. At school the kids were very mean. They would laugh at her, call her a freak, talk behaind her back, spray fabreeze on her, and sometimes they even beat her up. Even the teachers would say inappropriate things about her. When she started working the coworkers would bully her even worse than she was at school and it got so bad she had to quit her job. Strangers were no better and some of them would say what they thought to her face. My family and I tried to make her feel better but the cruelty of the world was too much for her.

I am angry at the people who made fun of my sister over the years and I hope they rot in the deepest part of Hell. Why was my sister even created? God can see into the future and he knew how cruel people were going to be. What was the point?

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11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I'm very sorry to hear about your sister's death, too. Please accept my condolences. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13, a chapter where he talks about what love (or charity to others) is, that we only see and know part of things here. We do know, though, that there is a lot wrong with this world. It's a world with real evils in it. God loves us all and the way this world and life is isn't what He wants for us. That's why He gave Jesus to die for us. Nothing can bring your sister back now, but God will help you heal from the pain of this in time. As hard as it is to think about it right now, there are still many people out there for you also to care about. Caring about them and serving their needs can be a way of remembering your sister as well as living the life God has for you.

  • 9 years ago

    I can't explain why God created your sister and then let something happened to make things go very wrong. I also can't explain why God let her face a life of cruelty.

    However, I was listening to a song tonight about how God's ways are higher than our ways. Sometimes we don't understand at all and it seems so unfair. However, someday God will help you understand His purpose in all of this.

    I am sorry for your loss - crying.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    There is reason for everything. You loved your sister didn't you? She probably helped you in life, and you helped her. She impacted the lives of many, and God is grateful to her for her time on Earth. Her time was up as everyone's end will eventually come. She is in caring hands now. So be happy for the time you did have with her, not the time that you do not.

  • 9 years ago

    Cases like these are very interesting and I learn a lot. Especially about girls growing up. LIke today I saw on tv about this teenage girl that was autistic and she used a ouji board to tell it her father was giving her showers but she was imagining that or was it the ouji?

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    God is a troll. Sorry to hear about your sister's suicide.

  • God didn't. Unfortunately, your sister is the victim of your family's genetic history.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm so sorry for everything that happened to your sister and your family.

  • 9 years ago

    It's a shame she died. People can be really stupid when they misunderstand things.

    As for God, I don't believe.

  • 9 years ago

    He needs entertainment

  • 9 years ago

    There is no god.

    If there was, he would be a sadistic monster.

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