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why isn't FOX News telling the whole story on Sandy?

Exactly how many people are dead/are going to die? When will the cleanup be finished, what will the $$$ cost be, and when will all services be back to normal?

They're a professional news organization, they're located right there, and therefore they must be shirking their duty!!

It's been days, and no hard answers.

They have satellites, helicopters, reporters and writers, don't they?

Or is it sheer incompetence to get the story out?

Is it too big for them to handle?

Where are the reports? When do we get the info? What are they concealing?

Or is it, perhaps their staff, or maybe the upper management, who are responsible?

Why doesn't Fox address these questions?

They must know that people are wondering.

Why are they running from these questions?

America has a right to know!

6 Answers

  • Lowly
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fox concedes the Hurricane was not

    anyones fault.

  • Lily
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Question 1: Too vague

    Question 2: They actually reported on the show "The Five" 19 people died in Stanton Island, so I am not sure what numbers you are expecting them to report.

    Question 3: Yes, they have helicopters and writers and reporters, etc.

    Question 4: Define sheer incopetence

    Question 5: No

    Question 6: On practically ever show they air

    Question 7: 24/7

    Question 8: Not much

    Question 9: Maybe you should intern there since you have all these questions you need answers to

    Question 10: If you think people are running from your questions who don't even know you that would be a red flag to mental illness.

  • Jacy
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Get some perspective. This is the aftermath of a catastrophic event and everything you have mentioned is an ongoing process. How can ANY news source predict how many are going to die, how long the clean-up will take or when will ALL services will be restored?

    The best 'they' can do is report what they learn on a daily basis and we can listen to the reports of numerous news sources and learn from those most current. No one is 'concealing' anything. The situation changes not only daily, but hour by hour.

  • Zelda
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    As all journalists/tv channels, they have the right to choose their material. Don't watch them if they are not reporting on what you hear. . .their ratings will go down if not many watch.

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  • 9 years ago

    Why isn't CNN saying anything about Benghazi?

  • 9 years ago


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