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Will Republicans Ever Figure This Out?

(a) Women own their own bodies and don’t want to lose the option of choice. The majority of women in this country, including many of your own Republican women, voted for Obama to keep this right. Duh! (b) Quit trying to appease the far right fraction within your own party. If you want to win back the presidency and control of the Senate you’re going to have to nominate more moderate candidates. Duh! Romney lost a great deal of the independent votes (including mine) by swinging too far right to appease the fringe in your own party. (c) Try sincere honesty without the obvious lying you’ve become infamous for. The Rove style propaganda machine simply won’t work in this internet connected world we live in. 65% 0f the younger voters rejected the same old smear tactics that worked so well for Bush. So those days are long gone. Try admiring people like George Romney instead of supporting people like Mitt Romney. Duh! If you had kept it real, kept it morally honest, you would have easily won this election.


Loreal, I’m a Christian and am embarrassed by the many, many lies and half-truths Mitt Romney told during the campaign to try to win votes. If you can’t earn your money honesty without cheating your employees or shipping jobs overseas or paying your fair share of taxes you may be many things but what you are not is a ‘good’ Christian. Mitt Romney quickly lost whatever respect I once had for him by playing the win at any cost game.

Update 2:

First, i want to thank all of you for replying here and, I night add, three of you deserve to share the 'best' answer. But we all know YA isn't set up democratically that way so even though only one of you gets the 'best' answer you three still share it in spirit.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A 'timely' and well-phrased question - thanks for asking it.

    I'm an Independent and a non-Christian; so any candidates religious persuasion is neither here nor there, as far as I'm concerned: I could care less.

    But when a candidate so obviously switches their position on this or that - in the expectation of 'benefit' for the moment - looses all credibility with me; and any who fail to acknowledge that Mr. Romney could be so characterized, is simply IN DENIAL.

    "Will the Republicans Ever Figure This Out?": not if those in the party who are now in positions of power remain so; most unlikely I would say.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The republicans didn't lose the election because of abortion if you notice.

    They lost the election because there is a division in the Christian church.

    When Obama is considered to be more of a Christian the Romney then you know people do not understand the concept of Christianity.

    Obama has done nothing to promote the religion or fellowship of Christ but you have a good majority of Christians that say Romney doesn't either because of his association with the mormons.

    Besides the real reason the republicans lost the election is that voter fraud called illegals were allowed to vote and they support the liberal cause of seeking handouts from the federal government. That is why we are now 14 trillion in debt and Obamacare hasn't even started yet.

    You have no idea of what Obama is going to do now that he has congress and the Supreme court in his pocket.

    Obama cannot blame Bush now but he continues to do so while ignorant people just nod their mindless heads in agreement.

    Look at the corruption inside the white House now and see who is selling this country their chains of slavery to China.

    You wish to appease abortion (which is murder in the eyes of GOD) then I say you better start teaching abstenence in schools instead of getting the government to pay for condoms. Unless you think those kids are using them for water balloons your sadly mistaken by having the government sponsor the NEA and teaching sex ed classesd to 3rd graders. It only promotes the idea that any sex is just going to happen (even gay sex) and it is OK. It's not and this is why the U.S. is now 7th in developed nations. It fell 4 spots in the 4 years of Obama.

    Anything including a Mormon is better then seeing the continue decline of this nation to a man who claims christianity only to gain votes and approval

  • Loreal
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    People and campaigns that believe in murdering unborn innocent children are on the side of evil. Obama's campaign was about lies and attacks, not about integrity or good character, morals and honesty were not part of his campaign. Romney is quite the opposite of what Obama said about him except in debate when he called him a "good man". Republicans will now insist on a way more conservative platform for next election according to many surveys.

    Romney is a very good person his whole life with a good track record which is proven, he has a rare wholesomness from his Chrisitanity not seem in most politicians.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Oh no you probably did not! we are right here!! And after the great OBAMA and all his Obamites get finished screwing the yankee people we are coming lower back. we may could fix what he and his Democratic managed congress screwed up. it truly is for What? Republicans have not forgot the most of "Ask no longer what your u . s . can do for you, yet what you are able to do on your u . s .. And Sotomayor? somewhat? She received't very last.

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  • Mack
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The voters have spoken again. Romney did swing to the right and lost the election.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They don't want to figure it out.

    If they did their choice of candidates would have been vastly different.

    Many Blessings!

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