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Do you feel the United States was at a crossroads during the last election?

And if so did we take the right direction? Seems to me we're evolving as a nation and I wonder what the next four years will bring. Just interested in you opinions...


YA Glitch, guess we'll see won't we..

Update 2:

LOL, pretty pessimistic wouldn't you say??

Update 3:

Buck Rodgers twin homie: Wasn't looking for attitude I was more interested in valid opinions...

Update 4:

Forget the war buy more: Kind of seems like a group of minorities=the majority. Guess that's what I was really getting at about evolving. Wonder if minorities will continue to rally around the Democratic party in the future or as they get more "skin in the game" if they will become Republican ?

Update 5:

Fred W: Sure hope your wrong...

Update 6:

Fred; I guess we sometimes even though our intentions are good fail to remember the only way for a Government to get money is to take it from someone else. Eventually those that are getting it taken from them will go elsewhere, or join the ranks of takers. The fatal flaw in Socialism !!!

Update 7:

Brown 95: Guess we'll never know for sure ...

Update 8:

Silence Dogood: yes, but we're still a democracy and the majority has spoken, now the question is what does that mean for the "old majority", and are we evolving into a more center left country moving towards Socialism ?

Update 9:

No Killeye Version 2.0 : Really, do your truly believe there is any correlation between Nazi Germany and the United States Of America ? Or are you suggesting that's what were evolving to?

Update 10:

Mawduce: hope your assessment is correct. It just seems to me there is way to much division in our country. Class ware fare seems to prevail, and the extreme factions of both parties seem to rule the debate all things we need to get past to be successful. I truly hope our politicians are up to the task, and start doing what they get paid for. Taking care of the peoples business, and quit lining their own pockets at taxpayer expense !!!

Update 11:

rsc303; Seems you believe were on a path to socialism, sure hope you're wrong. For all it's faults I still feel Capitalism is a far superior system that allows it's citizens more freedom, and chance of success.

Update 12:

Robert T: Good morning to you as well. Now that's an interesting perspective. May I be so bold as to suggest a little professional help could be beneficial. The counseling really helped me with my issues.... LOL

Update 13:

Winona: Just a little melodramatic wouldn't you say. I can understand you concern especially if your not an Obama supporter but short of complete collapse of our economic system ( which could happen think fiscal cliff) we'll survive. Hang in there kid !!

Update 14:

Shane: yea that's kind of what I was alluding to. It seems were moving from a nation of self reliant people to a citizenry that depends more and more on the Government for it's lively hood. I personally believe that welfare should be viewed as a safety net, not a life style. Unfortunately it seems we have more and more people who disagree with that philosophy....

Update 15:

Libby: have to disagree with ya there kid. I think the United States still has a lot of relevance in the world, especially from a financial perspective. But I do agree that we have slipped significantly in the past ten years or so.

Wonder sometimes if we can ever hope to make a come back..

Update 16:

No Killeye version 2.0: Hummmm interesting perspective. I guess the area where we part way in terms of an analogy is I thought initially you were comparing the USA with Nazi Germany in the way we treat our citizens and minorities. While our skirts aren't terribly clean in that arena we have never supported, or sponsored genocide. Other than that I agree we have been moving steadily left for quite sometime...

Update 17:

Happy Texan: Didn't mean to ignore you.. No doubt the stats you point out do indicate we're slipping the wrong direction. I will say however that at least initially much of the blame must be placed at Bush's feet. I liked him a lot, but from a fiscal perspective he was a disaster.

From this point forward however I really feel it's all on Obama's shoulders and he really needs to get it right as I don't think he'll get a second chance...

18 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, absolutely. I am sure everybody is sick of hearing it by now but I honestly believe history will ultimately concur we just averted the mistakes the Germans made in the 1930s (or at least one of the more major ones). Compare the content, overall tone and attitude of the recent right wing movement to the nazis before they actually killed anybody and the two are indistinguishable.

    EDIT: Yes, honestly. I would in fact argue this is not even a matter of my 'belief' but supported by imperical data. Many recurring themes and even virtually identical (equivalent in translation) terms and phrases occur in the vocabularies and all the major philosophical elements are literally identical such as most prominently: the theory of strength through artificial conflict, the assignement of blame to the 'weak', 'reprobate' and 'deficient' elements of society conditioned into dependence on liberal entitlements, out of control government spending that artificially supports 'degenerate' subhuman strains otherwise unfit for survival that then go on to contaminate the purity of the ubermench superman bloodline that would otherwise surely dominate civilization and deliver us unto the utopian garden of industrial paradise, the Nietzschean idea that democracy empowers the 'weak' to vote themselves the wealth and power of the 'strong', and the subsequent desire to purge liberalism. It's all right there on permanent record and requires no interpretation. So yeah, I'm not just talking in sensational terms for dramatic emphasis, it's all actually objective, rational and analytical... and I'm not just one lone nut case in this by the way, this is a growing field of study among legitimate scholars and experts on the subject.

    MORE: (just because you got me all stimulated with the prospect of maybe persuading someone else to take an interest in the subject), look at these quotes from respondents right here to your own question:

    Rsc3033: “By the time 2016 comes around, they (democrats / liberals) will have 60% of the population either working for the gov, or taking something from the gov. No one will vote for someone promising to take away a benefit or job…”

    >> democracy empowers the 'weak' to vote themselves the wealth and power of the 'strong'

    >> 'deficient' elements of society conditioned into dependence on liberal entitlements


    “… we as a nation chose the path of immorality, dishonesty, uncaring trash behavior to follow a criminal who is basically guilty of treason. I truly am beginning to think that death is preferable than seeing this country go down the tubes as it surely is going.

    >> assignment of blame to the 'weak', 'reprobate' and 'deficient' elements of society

    >> “death is preferable”? Can you name any prominent historical figures (think WWII) that expressed the same sentiment?


    “… the taxation of the rich will go to fund the entitlement programs that are the most expensive, leaving the Middle Class to make up the difference on the rest of the entitlement programs. Eventually the people on the higher Middle Class bracket will become the new middle Middle Class, the middle Middle Class [and so on and so forth]…”

    yet more of the same:

    >> democracy empowers the 'weak' to vote themselves the wealth and power of the 'strong'

    >> out of control government spending that artificially supports 'degenerate' subhuman strains otherwise unfit for survival that then go on to contaminate the purity of the ubermench

    ... and you know if you browse Y!A, the internet and actual humans on the street for another hour, you can find another hundred of examples just like these 3 at will, right?

    These people are not just randomly making this stuff up by coincidence. A loose confederation of billionaires actually meets regularly to consolidate, discuss, plot and plan the dissemination and promotion of these ideals and attitudes, and these respondents to your question are expressing the values and principles of this movement they learned through interest and exposure to it. This is exactly the way it worked in Germany. I’m not saying these people are monsters consciously advocating war and mass murder, I’m saying the Germans that elected Nazis didn’t know they were advocating war and mass murder either. That’s the way it works. War and mass murder are not naturally appealing to an electorate so they message has to arrive in the form of vague sentiment, suggestive euphemism and symbolic esoteric jargon. Hope this compels you to look deeper, we need all the awareness we can get.

  • 9 years ago

    Good morning Capt.

    The weather has definitely changed , 11/6/12 bright sunny and in the low in the 60's and a high of the mid 70's. 11/7/122 Cloudy low in the mid 50's and high in the mid 60's with rain, thunder storms and hail. So winter has come a little early this year. The winter stores are low but we'll survive with our northern girls keeping us warm at night with a knock an open door for cold. No knock? Another season done. I hope she doesn't get hungry because she Bites. Maybe, I should go south for the winter.

    Capt. do we have any boats available on the west coast? I'll check Latitude 38 crew listings.

  • 9 years ago

    Good question Cptainamer. Definitely at a crossroad and we made a poor decision that will be hard to recover from. We are most certainly an evolving country and I really don't know if I like what were evolving to. It seems were becoming a nation of takers instead of givers, I wonder sometimes what our founding fathers would think if they could come back and see where were at , and where were going as a country.

    Unfortunately I think they would be very disappointed.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    This is the direction they chosen to take....Eventually what will happen, the taxation of the rich will go to fund the entitlement programs that are the most expensive, leaving the Middle Class to make up the difference on the rest of the entitlement programs.. Eventually the people on the higher Middle Class bracket will become the new middle Middle Class, the middle Middle Class will become the new lower Middle Class and the lower Middle Class will add to the lower income class because they won't be able to afford to live in the better areas any more. It is a cycle which is well documented if people care to look it up. Socialism creates more poverty not prosperity, it is a fact. People who want the truth, do some home work.... Write a paper on the pros and cons of Socialist Economics like I did in college....That was a real eye opener...For all of you who are thinking with the heart, your intentions are well founded but the results of the policies are counter productive.

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  • 9 years ago

    We've past the "crossroads," I believe.

    "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" is NOW just a "LABEL" with no meaning.

    We are in-reality under the control of a


    Much like the "Chinese Cultural Revolution;"

    The "CLEANSING of those like YOU & ME," will begin....

    EDIT --

    fwiw -- What I have studied, indicates that a 'VITAL CROSSROADS" was reached in mid-1987 with the REJECTION OF ROBERT BORK for SCOTUS.

    Circuit Judge Robert Bork --

    ONLY 2nd to SCOTUS Justice Holmes (1902 to 1932),

    as far the -

    1. The Number of Cases Heard & Ruled-on, as per U.S. Capita

    2. The FEWEST CASES IN HISTORY to be overturned, as per U.S. Capita

    Yet the Democratic Senate, in and ASTONISHINGLY "BREAK" with Tradition of "Approving" a President's "choice," based on Experience occurred.

    This was the "FIRST MOVE" of what The Liberals thought would lead to "TOTAL POWER" !!

    Then they got BUTTFUCKED by "The Republican Revolution" of 1994.

    However, to their credit -- NOW -- IT IS CONFIRMED.

    The "U.S.A." is an "old Label," NOT A "Real" existing Country.

    An "old idea," This once Constitutional Republic was....

    Welcome to the "New Banana Republic of North America" :)


  • 9 years ago

    This election was not about one policy against the other, it was about what kind of country the US will mature into. We had a choice. We be selfish and compete with each other to the bitter end, or we can all agree that we are in this together and the success of all is directly related to the success of the US as a nation.

    Yes, we were at a crossroads and we passed the test. Now the real work of finding common ground begins. This election did not put an end to a process, it began one.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, it was a crossroads.

    "And if so did we take the right direction? Seems to me we're evolving as a nation and I wonder what the next four years will bring"

    -Sadly, I think no. 50% of this nation voted for a cult personality who presented nothing but ad hominem attacks and divisive language. Other idiots think 85 billion in tax revenue is some how going to fix our debt?! The next four years could be worse than the Bush recession.

    Source(s): "yes, but we're still a democracy and the majority has spoken, now the question is what does that mean for the "old majority", and are we evolving into a more center left country moving towards Socialism ?" -Not at all, this you don't have a clear majority. 50% if the country says no. The country needs to move more center. All this election tells me is that social conservatives are on the way out. A direct democracy is majority rule, we don't live a direct democracy and half of this country does not want socialism. Luckily congress will be able to prevent this president from ruining our republic.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, America has changed. Now most Americans ask what the government can do for them, not what they can do for their country. America is becoming Greece, and their will be riots in the streets before Obama's term ends. I think this young generation of Americans is the most selfish and irresponsible in our history, and they gave their votes to America's top celebrity, Obama. Idiots!

  • 9 years ago

    Yes, and Capitalism has lost. There will not be another chance. By the time 2016 comes around, they will have 60% of the population either working for the gov, or taking something from the gov.

    No one will vote for someone promising to take away a benefit or job, it will NEVER happen.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes and we as a nation (not me) chose the path of immorality, dishonesty, uncaring trash behavior to follow a criminal who is basically guilty of treason. I am totally disgusted, hurt and would prefer, as Patrick Henry once said, my liberty or death.

    I truly am beginning to think that death is preferable than seeing this country go down the tubes as it surely is going.

    Sad world we live in.

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