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Andi C
Lv 7
Andi C asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

Church of England vote "No" to women bishops....?

is this paternalistic boys club moving backwards?


Since they already have female clergy I find it odd that there should be no possibility of advancement. I wasn't making or looking for comparisons with other religions as they are not relevant to this specific question.

18 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I see you have the "lets make it about Islam" club out to play.

    It's the church's decision. If they want to remain stuck and continue floundering, then so be it. It is increasingly clear that people want more than just medieval bible thumpers. Some folks want religion in their life, but have no desire to engage with an outmoded church.

    They can do what they want with their boys club, but they can forget being taken seriously by quite a lot of people.

    Edit. Dotty. The plot is somewhere out there. Keep looking. Here's a challenge: Find an example where I ever say that subjugation of women in Islam is right. This question was about the CofE.

    E2. " name and nature eh?". I fail to see what else you can be getting at. Talk about sob stories... Constant droning of 'Joek'.

    E3. Not interested in your fantasy of skype.

    E4. Not so close as you are to it. I just let it get on and be. You're constantly angry and raving. Can't go a day without your fight with 'demons'. Any resistance to your raving is seen as evidence of some horrific plot. You're an abuser.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The numbers are superb. A 2/3rds majority in all of the three properties is needed. the living house of bishops - 40 4 to 3 in favour with 2 abstentions the living house of clergy - 148 to 40 5 in favour And the laity messed it up - 132 to seventy 4. a stable majority in favour, yet no longer 2/3rds. Democracy would be a bloody soreness.

  • 9 years ago

    The clergy regardless if they are Christian - Jews - Catholic are messengers of their faith. There is no reason 'the message' cannot be propagated by both sexes (even gay people). For many the result is disappointing and surprising which does make it look as though it is an 'all boys club'

    Did the head of the English church have a say or did she keep quiet - did SHE make the decision?

    it would certainly have been a step forward had they allowed women to hold the position.

    There IS a difference if men want to think of themselves as replacement for Christ, something I will not accept and any such idea should be clearly rebuked. I do not call myself a religious person but a believer.

  • 9 years ago

    I have no religious beliefs at all but still hold a rather old fashioned purtitanical view about this. I believe that if you are in a religion you should follow its rules. All of them Yes, christianity is based on archaic ideas but I don't think it's reasonable to want to tweak the basic tenets of your chosen religion to suite personal ambitions. If you try to change it then you surely don't believe it 100%. Why fight for the right to be a Bishop in a religion you aren't truly following?

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    the bible may be somehow against women playing a role and having positions of power but what does common sense say, this is what i cant understand why are some against women bishops because they would have decision making powers, it`s like you saying can you do this and me saying no because i am unsure if it was your wife who made the request how ridiculous.

    the church made concessions by saying if you want a male bishop you can have one but they would not have this

  • Ern T
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    One of the surprising elements of this is the number of women C of E members who oppose this change, not just the men. Didn't Ann Widecombe leave the Anglican church to become a Catholic on a similar issue? More a case of resistence to change, people often don't like it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    it just shows how irrelevant and out of touch they are.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No. Have any of the other main religions got female preachers? No they haven't and nor should the C of E. These women should be grateful that they have been allowed to preach in the first place as they would have been given short shrift by the Jewish,Catholic, Hindu, Sikh and muslim religions.

    There will be a load of breast beating over this and cries of sexual discrimination by the PC liberal leftie lot. Tough loves, get over it

    There were no female disciples either hanging round Christ.

  • 9 years ago

    i am very surprised at this result, i smell a fix, as one third of all priests now are women, i would prefer awoman preist, as they ar elss likely to molest my children. i think all preists and bishops should be women.thier arguments are nonsense, just because the bible doesnt mention them, well it doenst mention cars either, shall all celergy men wlka every where like jesus.

    also how come its ok to have amother superior nun and to send them off to dangeorus countries to spread the word.

    it stinks.

    im so glad im an atheist

  • 9 years ago

    The mere fact that they put it to a vote is ample evidence that their edicts have nothing to do with any kind of religious foundation.

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