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Lv 7
11UN asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

When the 'Mayan prophecy' spectacularly flops (and it surely will)...?

A group of colleagues were discussing the 'Mayan prophecy' today, and one even commented that he may call in sick on the 21st December "just in case", much to the bemusement of our director.

When this theory spectacularly flops next month, can we finally put Doomsday predictions to rest? Man has been forecasting his own demise since time immemorial, and lo-and-behold we're still here.


@ Beneth, Jimmy C - Yes, thank you, I realise there is no such prophecy, hence the use of quotation marks.

@ KooKoo Molookoo - Really? I'm sure we would have advanced by then to be able to blast or deflect said pesky rocks out of harm's way.

23 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some people are just too stupid for words.

  • 9 years ago

    Hi 11UN

    Friends have just returned from a holiday in Mexico. They say the local Mayan people are bemused at our interpretation of their calendar. They say it means another 500 years cycle is about to begin.

    Just over 500 years ago the Americas were discovered by Europe. It was 500 years ago the Queen Isabella of Spain - quite a girl - realised the potential of the new lands and funded lots of travels of discovery.

    A few years ago a woman discovered the alternative power of fusion. We haven't discovered yet what to do with the toxic wasre it produces. Just think - if a Muslim woman in a third world country discovered a safe way to dispose of the toxic waste then the whole world order will be transformed.

    Best wishes

    PS I'm writing my Christmas cards and will post them, confident in the belief they will be opened by my family and friends.

  • 9 years ago

    There is no Mayan prophecy. They stopped making calendars, that is all. My calendar from Smiths ends on the 31st of December, but I do not see it as a doomsday prophecy from the printer. I can buy a new calendar next year. If the Mayans had been around today, they would be busy carving out calendars for the next thousand years.

  • 9 years ago

    The reason the Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012 is because they ran out of paper.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    there is no 'Mayan Prophecy' 21/12/12 just marks the end of a 5,125 year cycle in the Mayan calender, after which the calender loops.

    the world ending is mostly just a handy as a way to sell a rubbish film.

    the only thing which is ending is school, for CHRISTMAS.

  • 9 years ago

    Anybody can prophecy the end of the world so why would the Mayans be right?

    We already have had enough whackjobs thanks lol

    Rev Jim Jones self styled prophet who poisoned his followers and either shot himself or had someone do it for him

    Vernon Wayne Howell aka the self styled prophet David Koresh

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Historians wonder what became of the Mayans and the answer is so simple, They committed mass suicide after some idiot started a conspiracy theory about the end of the world and gave them a date..

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No,there will be another one start up again within a short time.What is astonishing is the number of people who take it as Gosprel truth. These are the same type of people who fall for the next scam because someone had told them. Naive easy led people.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    okay.. might be true who knows until the 21st.. it's a mathematical probability all life on earth could end next month, the only thing you can say is the evidence suggests it's extremely unlikely.

    physicists have been looking around the universe for a state of nothingness, they say no such state exists, it does it's all round us, it's called the future.

  • 9 years ago

    They can always say, oops we meant 2022, not 2012. Forgot to carry the 1.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I don't finish paying off my DFS corner cafè au lait velveteen sofa combination till 2043, so I'm on every tumblr doom-merchant's side. If it all goes t!ts up 21/12/2012 ...I WIN.

    Source(s): Wolfie Smith
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