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? asked in SportsFootball (American) · 9 years ago

NFL: Does Tony Romo get too much hate? (LONG)?

Love him or hate him, Tony Romo has become the one topic that NFL fans can’t help but talk about. Everyone seems to have his or her opinion on Romo. Some say that he’s overrated, that he can’t perform in the clutch, and isn’t an elite quarterback. Others will say that Tony Romo has surpassed expectations and has become the best Cowboys quarterback of all-time.

So the real question is… Is the criticism warranted?

Here’s my take:

No, Tony Romo has not won a Super Bowl. Yes, Tony Romo has won only one playoff game in his career. Is it his fault?

Simply put, no. The NFL has quickly become a win-now league. That means that success is measured in Super Bowls and not ability. In which case, Tony Romo is having a very unsuccessful career. In the real world success isn’t measured by jewelry, but by positive production in an individual’s career and the achievement of their goals. In the real world Tony Romo is a great quarterback.

I'm sure you all know that the Dallas Cowboys have had 2 other incredible QBs that were fan favorites (unlike Romo). Let's compare them, shall we?

- In 12 NFL seasons Troy Aikman completed 61.5 percent of his passes for 32,942 yards. He threw for 165 touchdowns and 141 interceptions. His career passer rating was 81.6.

- In 11 NFL seasons Roger Staubach completed 57 percent of his passes for 22,700 yards. He threw for 153 touchdowns and 109 interceptions. He retired with an 83.4 career passer rating.

- In 9 NFL seasons, Romo has completed 64.5 percent of his passes for 20,834 yards. He’s thrown for 149 touchdowns and only 72 interceptions.

Romo has the highest quarterback rating of any these quarterbacks. That tells us that he is very efficient. I know what you’re thinking though, “If he’s so efficient, why does he throw so many interceptions?” The answer is that he doesn’t. The media hypes up every time Romo throws a pick and then blames the loss on him. Out of Romo, Aikman, and Staubach only Romo has a TD/INT ratio of 2:1.Tony Romo holds Career Cowboys records for the following: Games with 3-plus touchdown passes (24), games with 300-plus yards passing (32) and lowest career interception percentage (2.78 percent). You can say what you want to say about Romo. You can listen to whomever you trust. What I’m doing here is giving you guys the facts. Speaking of facts, consider this one: Tony “the choke artist” Romo has 13 fourth quarter comebacks and 14 game-winning drives. Romo also holds a 104.4 passer rating in the fourth quarter, a 99.8 passer rating when in the fourth within seven points, and a 116.7 rating in overtime.

So what's your take? Do Cowboys fans and others criticize Romo too much every time the Cowboys lose or the ball gets turned over? What's your opinion on Romo?

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know when the Cowboys lose,it isn't Romo's fault most of the time it is a combination of a lot of things.Yesterday,Romo attempted 62 pass attempts.That's right 62 PASS ATEMPTS.Your bound to throw an interception if your going to throw that many times.He actually had a good game.400+ passing yards,3 passing touchdowns,2 point conversion,and he got the Cowboys back in the game.Yesterday the defense was horrible!Romo got the game within a touchdown,and their defense couldn't stop stupid Moss and RG3 from converting multiple times.When the game was 35-28,the Redskins had the ball with over 8 minutes left and they took a lot of time of the clock because the defense couldn't stop them on 3rd down.The o-line was horrible.I mean come on?How many false starts can you get?The Cowboys offensive-line is the most penalized in the NFL.Silly mistakes like false starts can make the Cowboys lose the game.Also what is up with them getting the 12 men penalty?This isn't Canadian football,it seems every week they get called for 12 men on the field.Recievers are also a huge problem.They drop so many passes and they get their routes confused way to many times!The only people I think that are competive and want to win on the Cowboys are:Romo,Ware,Witten,and Spencer.THAT'S IT!The rest of the team doesn't try hard enough and they don't compete hard enough.

    Source(s): Cowboys fan
  • 9 years ago

    If you admit not reading the question you shouldn't leave a response.

    I read the whole thing. Romo is the greatest cowboys QB of all time.

    His team is what sucks. And cowboys lack leadership. I think it would be in his best interest to become a more vocal leader (romo) because they lack a coach or player to do so.

    But back to topic romo is marred by the place kicker fumble and being in the most popular team. Once he wins a ring all of that would go away. He'd be bigger than manning in like ability.

    Romo > Eli fact. Yet because if his rings people have you assume otherwise. Eli is a turd QB but serviceable.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    As you stated, in the real world success is predicated upon positive production and attaining set goals: Each NFL team has, or should have, a goal each season of making the playoffs, winning in the playoffs, and winning the Super Bowl.

    So, by your own criteria, Romo is a dismal failure exacerbated by the fact that he is prone to boneheaded mistakes at the most inopportune times.

    I look at the Dallas team and I see a collection of self-involved underachievers -- they were 11th in offense and 7th in defense coming into this week, which belied their 5-5 record -- who are more interested in personal glory than meeting team goals.

    Romo, as the quarterback, is the focal point of this group and the fact that he puts up solid numbers everywhere but in the win column makes him the whipping boy for the team's failures.

    Does he deserve the criticism? No more than Demarcus Ware deserves all the blame for the defense's shortcomings, but the nature of the game is to blame the most visible players when the team fails. In a perfect world the blame would be placed squarely where it belongs: On the narrow shoulders of the team's egoistic, incompetent owner. But this isn't a perfect world, the Cowboys are far from a perfect team, and Romo pays the price for being in one of the highest-profile jobs in professional sports.

  • 9 years ago

    Not reading this, but yes he does. Only reason why he gets hate is because people hate the cowboys. However Romo makes stupid mistakes that only he would make and he's never got it done in the playoffs.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm not going to read this, but I don't think he does. Tony Romo is a choker, which is a major problem with them, but I think more responsibility lies with the coaching because they don't run the ball enough. But, even if they would run it enough, Romo would find a way to screw it up in the end.

  • 9 years ago

    we have lives and arent reading your book. but no i dont think so. he could care less if he gets hated on. he plays for the most hated team in MERICA

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