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Seniors, When was the last time you.........?

Broke something as the result of a temper tantrum??

LOL About a month ago I got pissed off at something and threw a fork into the sink and it broke a glass.

32 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I Frisbee launched a stoneware plate of food to my husband sitting in the computer room.

    What a mess!

  • Pat
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't get that excited, but I have a cousin that's famous for some of his tantrums.

    A couple years ago, he was ''cut off'' in the local bar.

    I was there, and the bartender was right - he shouldn't have anymore to drink.

    I offered to drive him home, but he said he would walk as it was only a couple blocks.

    About an hour later, he burst through the back door holding a chain saw.

    He pulled the rope and diesel exhaust filled the room.

    The bartender scrambled over the bar just as Harold started to cut it in half.

    Another time, he was at home by himself drinking beer. Lots of beer.

    Apparently the neighbor's dog was barking. And barking, and barking.

    Harold phoned the police. And they didn't come.

    Again he phoned the police. Still they didn't come.They said they were busy.

    He phoned a few more times, still no response.

    Then he phoned and said, ''I just shot my mother-in-law''.

    The RCMP from 3 detachments arrived in record time.

    The entire block was evacuated and the SWAT team was in place when Harold wandered outside to pee.

    He was arrested without incident, but was heard to be saying ''I knew you weren't busy!''

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I don't get wound up anymore Wick, it's not worth it.

    The last time I did was 20-odd years ago when I lived in Suffolk. I can't remember why I was so enraged but it must have been something serious.

    I grabbed and loaded my O/U 12 bore skeet gun, stormed out into the garden and blasted the greenhouse with both barrels.

    It was certainly spectacular.

    I always hated that bloody greenhouse anyway and it saved me cleaning all the glass.

  • daisy
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Many, many years ago. In fact, I broke the gear shift on my beloved Chevy convertible. Coming out of work, it had snowed.....a lot. I was stuck and rocking my car back and forth to get a grip out of it, I became very impatient and I slammed the gear shift back to reverse and ...crack! Oh, oh....what have I done?

    That sure cost me some bucks and at 20 years old, I didn't have many bucks to start with. That taught me a valuable lesson in temper I just verbally

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Well, we must be twins I too hurled a steak knife into the sink and split a plastic tumbler. Don't ask me how that came about. How does one split a plastic tumbler ?, but it happened. We just resorting back to our second childhood. Of course I have threatened to toss this bugger I'm on out the window. At least once a day. Well, temper, temper.

  • Snid
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    At least it didn't break the sink.

    I broke a couple of shelves on the inside of my pantry door (actually it's a broom closet) when the Detroit Red Wings lost in the NHL hockey play offs in 1994.

  • Holly
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    That very thing curbed my appetite for revenge. I was angry that the truck in front of me was going only 45 MPH on a 2-way highway, and I had to follow him for 5 miles, so when I finally found a space to pass him I broke the speed limit by 24 MPH and the car I was meeting was the deputy sheriff.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't do that sort of thing.

    But I do frequently drop glasses in the sink when I am washing up, they just slip out of my hands and break on the bottom of my polyceramic sink. At least the pieces don't scatter far in the sink.

    Source(s): PN
  • jonds
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Never that I can remember, I don't throw temper tantrums. If I had thrown a fit as a child my mother would have come upside my head.

  • Lily
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It was yonks ago Wick but I can recall getting fed up with a leaky washing machine and banging the door to it in a fit of annoyance causing the darn thing to crack.

    Shortly afterwards I bought a whole new machine as buying and fitting parts to that old thing came out nearly as dear as the new one.

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