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Days of our lives: Who thinks Gabbi's baby is going to be born sick?

This is a soap opera we are talking about, and where the only people who know the truth about Will being the father are Nick, Gabbi, and Will I think the baby will be born sick or with some type of defect. Especially since Will has no intention of telling Sonny or his mom and Gabbi doesn't want to tell her brother Rafe. The truth will come out somehow and I think it will be this way and Will is going to have to donate blood or something to save the baby.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the parentage lie will be found out before Gabi gives birth. That would take away the need to have the baby be sick for everyone to find out.

    But if the lie isn't uncovered before then, yes, I think there is a very strong possibility that the baby will need donor something from Will.

  • 8 years ago

    um do you even watch the show?

    gabi DOES want to tell rafe.

    will DOES want to tell sami and sonny.

    nick is now trying to control them so they won't say anything.

    seriously were you not listening at all during their scenes???

    anyways no i actually don't think the baby will be born sick.

    what i'm hoping is that perhaps the go the adoption route and nicole finally gets to have a child. that would really stir things up between nicole, sami, rafe, and maybe even ej again.

    Source(s): i watch the show.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The two of them create drama and do not do a whole lot to keep themselves away from it. If Steve knew that anybody was once trying to kill him, why was once he roaming the docks and taking part in the silly harmonica? If Kayla was once on mattress rest, why was she at Bo and Hopes on my own, ingesting tea??? And in what health facility would they take the child away earlier than letting Kayla recognize whatever used to be mistaken? I imply, i do know soaps prefer to stretch the truth however PUH-rent - Kayla simply got pregnant about 2 months in the past in Days time. You all recognize the kid shall be nice and can come again this summer time as the teenager story line!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I hope the baby is born well. But that probably isn't what's going to happen. I think Chad is going to come up with something awful, with E.J.'s or Kristen's help, and that might make Gabi miscarry.

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  • 8 years ago

    No, I think the baby will be just fine. Nick and Gabi will be getting married soon, and I'm betting the truth will be let out at the wedding.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I agree. Nothing is ever smooth. I thought Sonny was so UNDERSTANDING? Not in this case it might seem. I can't blame Will for not telling Sami.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Well, that's the standard soap opera writing, that when they're pretending the baby is somebody else's make it sick so the true parent can save it or have blood tests run and they reveal the truth. The writers are so lame!

  • M W
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    This is a recycled story line, so they could do what they did before. The let Mia's baby Grace die, they let Nicole have one miscarriage and then this latest dead baby.

    They have a way of manipulating DNA tests, going all the way back to Phillip and Belle and their baby, which was really Shawn's baby. Sami mixed up DNA time and again. How about Austin being Will's daddy - another "mix up".

    I don't think it will be born sick, but whatever happens it's going to take months for them to get to the point of the story.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I think she'll end up having a miscarriage in the next few months or weeks. It's gonna be too much stress with 3 possible fathers on her back once she starts showing. Plus you know that Sami is going to be on her *** for letting will take claim for a kid that's not even his. The baby wont be sick if Gabi goes to term, It is going to be a stillbirth. This pregnancy wasnt planned and she doesnt want to acknowledge it, What the hell makes you think that she'll turn into proud mummy and Actually get prenatal care?

  • 8 years ago

    Well im still thinking that Chad will do something to make Gabi mis carry. If she does carry the baby i hope its not sick. It will all work out sooner or later. I still think Nick will marry Gabi.

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