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Why do many liberals bash Fox News for being biased?

but have little to say about MSNBC?

Is it Fox News' slogan of "Fair and Balanced" or is a belief that MSNBC is unbiased?

29 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, 'Morning Joe' is a a more conservative show on MSNBC.

    The difference I find is that 1) The Ed Show, and Rachael Maddow are VERY well researched and accurate, and 2) They make no effort to hide their disdain for the stupidity and dishonesty by Conservatives that they expose on their shows.

    Fox pretends it is fair and balanced when actually it is 10% fact and 90 percent opinion and commentary, Conservative, of course.

  • 9 years ago

    I will agree with you that MSNBC is heavily biased towards Liberals/Democrats, but Fox news has taken it to a whole new level. Fox quite often makes up news. They offer up "feelings" on a topic instead of reporting the actual facts or supplying any real evidence to support their claims. I can't tell you how many times I've watched it and EVERY newscaster is using the same Republican talking points on EVERY show, all day long. Then the Republican politicians come on and and use the same said talking points. That goes past being biased and moves toward being fascist.

    I used to watch the network when Liberals and Moderates had a voice on the network, but lost interest when they weeded out those voices in favor of a new agenda (anyone heard from Combs recently?).

    I like honest Political discourse, though it seems harder to find these days. To be honest, there are plenty of Conservative news commentators that I like (for eg. Amy Holmes, S.E. Cupp, Reihan Salam, etc.), I don't always agree with them but I appreciate what they have to say. I appreciate varying viewpoints. It prevents us from being trapped in our own private bubbles.

    I do have to admit that I still watch Redeye sometimes.

    Source(s): Independent voter from a family of former Republicans.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Because it IS, and I don't watch MSNBC. That's the difference: it seems that every conservative watches Fox, but not all liberals watch MSNBC. I don't notice that MSNBC is influencing nearly as many people as Fox is.

    Fox can call itself "Fair and Balanced" all day long, but that doesn't make it so. In fact, if it were true, they wouldn't have to keep saying it; it would be obvious.

    It reminds me of the story told by Abraham Lincoln. He asked, "If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?" His answer: "It still has only four legs. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one."

    Edit: @Kermit, in what drunken trailer park did they take a survey that shows that Fox is the least biased?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    no longer a liberal, yet I agree that one and all media is biased one way or yet another. no count how demanding a reporter could attempt to place across the information in a fashion thoroughly free of non-public biases, no person is going to prevail a hundred% of the time. There are liberal commentators who're biased, Keith Olbermann working example. however the prejudice from remark shows alongside along with his did no longer seem to bleed into the real information coverage on MSNBC. i think of the distinction is that Fox is intentionally biased and has a political schedule which isn't in basic terms restricted to their opinion remark courses like Beck or O'Reilly, yet in addition far too usually looks in programming which costs itself as immediately information.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because it is biased. The difference between Fox and MSNBC is that MSNBC admits that they lean left while Fox claims to be impartial. In short, MSNBC is more honest. I don't expect you to agree with that, but the facts are still the facts.

  • Jacara
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I don't like either, but at least MSNBC didn't go to court to maintain their right to lie based on it being for "entertainment only".

    Or how FOX is banned from network TV in Canada because they have a law the makes it illegal for Networks to deliberately lie or mislead their watchers.

  • 9 years ago




  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Media is way titled more to the left than it is to the right. Fox News is the only major conservative media source out there. I am not saying Fox News is great for news, but everybody knows that without Fox News....the media won't have checks and balances.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    FOX is the Republican Party network

    CNN is the Democrat Party network

    MSNBC is the Green Party network

    It's been that way for a long time.

  • 9 years ago

    Both are obviously biased, but Fox News has the audacity to claim it's "Fair and Balanced", making it an easy target for liberals and others who disagree with the network to attack it.

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