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  • 1999 lexus es300 is getting diagnostic code P1339.?

    Just had an oil change, also found that they forgot to plug in a hose for air cleaner.

    Just drove 1600 miles home for Holidays with no issues.

    had an oil change and now C.E.L. (check engine light).

    Checked the codes, its saying P1339.

    idle lopes and pre ignition occurring.

    Is this something they could have caused?

    Seems like a sudden Timing belt or gelled oil problem would be more their F-UP then this car, it is like brand new everywhere under hood.

    2 AnswersLexus7 years ago
  • anyone have links to the new domestic terrorist classification?

    Last week I heard a news blurb about classifying domestic terrorist. The story never repeated (buried by Syria thing?)

    I did not see it , I heard it while I was in other room. I waited and caught several segments and it never returned.

    Does anyone have info on this? It sounded like, basically anyone who quotes founding fathers, is anti current regime, gun ownership, blogs against government, ect...

    It seemed outrageous and also meant most everyone I know could be put in this definition if Law enforcement wants to have an excuse to F with them.

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • UK question. What happens if Prince Charles died before his mom, Elizabeth II?

    I know the current linage is Charles, William, and then William + Kate's baby (no matter sex). But, if Charles were out of picture, does Anne or Andrews line take over the Line?

    8 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Can YOU get evicted, from Public Housing, for lying about a felony arrest.?

    I have a friend, who has resided in the same apartment for twenty years. He was summoned to a neighborhood meeting and asked (in front of everyone) if he had any felony convictions [out loud in front of everyone] and after being embarrassed, said no.

    They then asked him to sign a consent letter for a background check.

    1. He lived there for almost 20 yrs.

    2. All paperwork and former managers were aware of his arrest (only several OUI's + did time for OUI)

    3. If it matters, he lives in Massachusetts.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Does anyone else have trouble with their new Phillips Blu ray wifi player?

    I have a 2 day old Phillips Blu ray player. When on Youtube or Netflixs, it gets humg up and the only way to un freeze it is unplug.

    Defect, my wifi deal? or typical?

    1 AnswerHome Theater8 years ago



    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • A question for proponents of small government and Romney supporters.?

    Gov.Romney is proposing to eliminate several Federal Departments including the E.P.A, Commerce, and many (so called) entitlements.

    What is the plan for the portion of the 2.65 million Federal employees whose jobs will be eliminated?


    How does adding to the unemployment rolls factor into the "job creation" claims?

    One government and economic fact is being overlooked in the quest to shrink cost and the size of government; With many current mega corporations having power and economies that are larger than most countries, our Government is one of the only counter veiling forces to the rise of corporate power. Another used to be the media, which is obviously, no longer, any force against corporate power.

    Another example to government employment rolls is that the small state of Rhode Island has 1/3 of their work force working in the government sector.


    2 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • If you had the chance to ask a question , in the Presidential debat, what would it be?

    ...My question to President Obama and Gov. Romney would be, "What are you plans to curb the trade imbalance, or limit imports in the next four years"? Or "Would you reduce the number of J1 visas, until unemploymant is below 5%? >>>J1 Visas allow foriegn workers to live and work in the United States for a set period of time (I think it is five year max)

    14 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What do you think will be each Parties October surprise?

    since 1972 >)Nixon's peace is at hand(<, the October surprise has been used in a last dash to the election.

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What do the Olympic coaches get if their team medals?

    Is there a certificate, pin, or award?


    2 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • who is/was the most annoying commentator in any olympic broadcast?

    For me it is easy, Scott Hamilton in the figure skating, he is so critical and annoying.

    3 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • Do you feel that there should be more tax on investment income?

    currently the tax on investments is around 15% depending on the type of security.

    3 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • If you could be an Olympian, which event would you be in?

    I would be lucky to be a curler. =)

    8 AnswersOlympics9 years ago
  • What are the conditions that would prevent you from voting in 2012 election.?

    Research shows that in very negative ad seasons, people tend to not vote.

    With this election spending a billion dollars between canidates and the PAC's, it is heading towards the most negative ad season in history.

    Will this prevent you from voting?

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Who was your favorite President (in your life time)? and why?

    I personally do not have one, but if I had to pick one in my life, I would say Carter.

    I know he was unpopular(and ranks low), but he really had Americans interest at heart, was not afraid of adult conversations with people, and really tried to CUrb environmental and consumer disasters then and in future.

    He brought the Department of Energy and Department of education into the cabinet positions,

    Saved Chrysler, dropped the ball on Iran hostage crisis , and like Obama was ineffective on the economy.

    Even though he failed on many levels, I enjoyed his candidness and refusal to compromise under political pressure.

    Carter does not get much credit for his Middle East attempts, but at least he was active in it and not appeasing.

    Any other President could have found many reasons for war, he avoided it.

    He deregulated the airlines and the beer industries, too.

    3 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Would you participate in a boycott of TV to protest PAC's overtaking of political advertisement?

    The latest info says that nearly 1 billion is going to be spent on this 2012 election.

    Would you boycott TV to send a message.

    personally, I would, but I really do not watch TV often.

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Which direction will gas and diesel prices go now that the business boom fourth of July holiday is over?

    This years falling prices have broke the trend of big oil price gouging the public, but now what?

    1 AnswerIndependence Day9 years ago
  • Are you considering voting for a third party candidate in 2012 Presidential election? Which?

    Ron Paul has not made a move outside the GOP (YET).

    Here is a list: [indicates the deligats already won]

    Libertarian Party Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico;[64] vice-presidential nominee: Jim Gray, retired state court judge, from California[65]

    Party Ballot Access:[66] Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming - (334 Electoral)

    Green Party Jill Stein, medical doctor from Massachusetts ;[67][68] vice-presidential nominee: TBD

    Party Ballot Access:[69] Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, DC, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia - (296 Electoral)

    Americans elect has deligates and may be a home for Ron Pauls Bid?

    Constitution Party Virgil Goode, former U.S. Congressman, from Virginia;[72] vice-presidential nominee:Jim Clymer from Pennsylvania[73]

    Party Ballot Access:[74] Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming - (155 Electoral)

    Reform Party USA Andre Barnett, entrepreneur, from New York[75]

    Darcy Richardson, historian, from Florida[76][77]

    Party Ballot Access:[78] Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi - (49 Electoral)

    America's Party Tom Hoefling, National chairman of America's Party, from Iowa; vice-presidential nominee: J.D. Ellis from Tennessee[79]

    Party Ballot Access:[80] Florida - (29 Electoral)

    Justice Party Rocky Anderson, former Mayor of Salt Lake City and founding member of the Justice Party, from Utah; vice-presidential nominee: TBA [81]

    Party Ballot Access:[82][83] Mississippi, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah - (24 Electoral)

    Socialist Party USA Stewart Alexander from California; vice-presidential nominee: Alejandro Mendoza from Texas.[84]

    Party Ballot Access:[85] Colorado - (9 Electoral)

    American Third Position Party Merlin Miller, Independent Filmmaker, of Tennessee; vice-presidential nominee: Virginia Abernethy of Tennessee[86]

    Party Ballot Access:[87] Colorado - (9 Electoral)

    Objectivist Party Tom Stevens, attorney and 2008 Objectivist Party presidential nominee, of New York; Vice-presidential nominee: Alden Link of New York[88][89]

    Party Ballot Access:[90] Colorado - (9 Electoral)

    I did glean this info from wikipedia, but just would like a responce on if Obama or Romney was where you are leaning,

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago