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Lv 4

Is Atheism a religion?

Just wondering why atheist ask questions in the religious and spirituality category if they don't believe in a God.

21 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    The word "theism" first appeared in the 1670s, meaning "belief in one god" (as opposed to polytheism, belief in multiple gods). Prior to that, the word deism was a word of French origin derived from the Latin "deus" for "god".

    The prefix a- is Greek meaning "without" (e.g., atraumaitc, asepsis, etc.).

    Atheists do not believe and hence are not a religion.

    * Just wondering why atheist ask questions in the religious and spirituality category if they don't believe in a God.

    They will tell you that they have the right to speech like everyone else, and that's true. If there was an Atheist section, I imagine that it would be a very dead place because I'm guessing that atheists would still flock to R&S. I also don't believe they would care to be at a section for atheists because they would get tired of hearing each other rant about stuff they all agree with (again, just a guess).

    They don't just flock to R&S at Y!A. Check these out....

    Huffington Post


    Why Are Atheists So Angry?


    Rabbi David Wolpe


    Why Do Atheists Like to Write on Christian Forum Topics?

  • 8 years ago

    No, atheism is not a religion.

    That having been stated; This is a public site so anyone can answer questions on any topic. (You don't have to be a cat to answer questions found in the category called "cats" for example.) Don't take my word for it read the Terms of Service and the Community Guidelines and see for yourself.

    As it happens Yahoo! puts questions about atheism in the religion and spirituality category; It's their site so they can do that.

    Personally I happen to agree with them, because in my opinion they correctly realize that atheism is a valid position on the religious question "does god exist?".

    Just because you don't agree does not mean you have any proprietary rights to the category or it's content, nor do you have any special privileges or permission to harass or bully other site users simply because they do not share your religious beliefs.

  • 8 years ago

    My thoughts EXACTLY!

    I mean, if i despised football and thought it was stupid.....and thought baseball was the way to go, i would never waste my precious time going on football forums, trashing it.

    Its totally fine and respectable if an atheists comes on here to ask legitimate questions. Or to answer what they believe ( maturely) WHEN THEY ARE ASKED.

    But i find it so disrespectful when they rudely throw in their two cents where it is clearly not wanted. Like when a Christian is asking for advice from other Christians, and 9 out of 10 of the answers are arrogant atheists saying," dont be stupid, God doesnt exist anyway...."

    They r hypocrites. Here they gripe how Christians try to shove religion down their throats, but they r ten times worse shoving THEIR beliefs down Christians throats.

    It makes sense to me why a christian would want to help an atheist. But it makes no sense why an atheist would feel the need to convenience christians to stop believing just because THEY think our beliefs r foolish. They think we r wasting away our lives. How? By living our life by high moral and value standards??

    If i turn out to be wrong about God, i would not see it as a waste.....and once im dead, i would be none the wiser anyway. But that wont be the case:)

  • 8 years ago

    Atheism is a lack of religion(s).

    We tend to ask and answer questions here as, like our theist counter parts, we are also interested in the nature of our world, theology, and sometimes are genuinely just curious people who want to learn more about a specific religion or lack of religion.

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  • india
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Nope. We don't gather on Sunday mornings to enforce each other's lack of belief. We don't sing songs about evolution and we don't have doctrine. There are atheist books, but I'm not ashamed to say I haven't read a single one of them.

    Atheism is a stance on religion. When I say I'm an atheist, it's not an opinion about coffee or hair.

  • 8 years ago

    If atheism is a religion then "OFF" is a TV channel. they post questions on "Religion and Spirituality" because they lack a belief in religion and want to express that.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No, cupcake, atheism is not a religion.

    It is, however, a position on topics of a religious or spiritual nature, so we're exactly where we should be.

    Thanks for asking this extremely original question.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Although, atheism is considered a religion, it is not a religion. We don't believe in any god or higher power

  • 8 years ago

    It's not a religon. But is it really that inconceivable to you that an atheist may have a question or be interested in the opinion of a religious person?

  • 8 years ago

    They are antichrists. They are here to do as much damage to the faith and believers as possible.

    Technically, atheism does not qualify for a religion since it denies the spiritual realm altogether. However, the courts may declare it religion someday; the religion of death and nothingness.

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