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I need help translating this English to Swiss German?

My best friend is from Switzerland but has lived in the US for most of his life. He's fluent in both languages, but I don't speak an ounce of Swiss German and I would like to write him a short letter in the language. I would just use Google Translate, but it often makes mistakes and gets the grammar all wrong, and I want it to be as natural and accurate as possible. Here's what I would like to say,

"I know we don't talk nearly as often as we used to, but I want you to know that I still regard you as my best friend and I miss you like crazy. I hope you are having just a great a time in Chicago as you hoped you would; I know I'm loving 'fake school' here in hippie town, and I'm making lovely klepto-magical-not-imaginary friends. Plus there are horses here. Actually, you would probably die if you walked into my dorm room from all my horse clothes lying around. Despite your claims that you have a restraining order, I'm looking forward to seeing you at Christmas. Love you, Asshole."

(don't ask...)

Can anyone help me please?

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Swiss German" is not a standardized language. Every town has its own dialect, and spelling is free-wheeling, there are absolutely no rules. Anarchy for all, all quite amazing!!

    But every single Swiss reads, writes and understands German (unless he/she hails from the French or Italian speaking areas). Here you go:

    "Ich weiss, dass wir nicht so oft miteinander reden, wie wir es sonst immer getan haben. Aber du sollst wissen, dass du für mich der beste Freund bist und ich vermisse dich schwer. Hoffentlich gefällt es dir in Chicago, wie du es dir erhofft hast. Hier in "Hippie-Town" tu ich so, als ob Schule wäre, und gewinne klepto-magische, nicht-imaginäre Freunde. Und es gibt Pferde hier. Wahrscheinlich würde dich der Schlag treffen, wenn du in mein Dorm-Zimmer kämst - alles voller Reitklamotten. Obwohl du behauptest, du hast ein richterliches Kontaktverbot, freu ich mich drauf, dich an Weihnachten zu sehen. Du bist einfach ein Schatz, Arschloch!

    Source(s): German
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Carpe Diem is a Latin be conscious taken from the poet Horace's reality "Carpe Diem, quam minimum credula postero", which as an finished truthfully ability "seize on an prevalent foundation, giving no theory for the subsequent day." Carpe Diem is often taken out from the very reality and placed through itself, extra proper to a not thoroughly ideal reality.

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